Cast the movie

Cast the movie

Just make it shit like the game, it shouldn't be too hard.

Literally Autism: The Videogame: The Movie

Amy Schummer as Caesar

Go back to your fucking board tourist

Literally I Don't Like Things Other People Like: The Posts

Idris Elba as everyone.

Todd Howard as Mr house

I just wouldn't fucking make it.

that one guy from friends can be Benny I guess, seem similar enough

Gilbert Godfrey as the Courier

Dr. House as Mr House
Idris Elba as the Courier
Mel Gibson as Easy Pete
Bane as Ulysses
Paul Dano as Benny
Mike Pence as Caesar

numale garbage that only Sup Forumsirgins enjoy

Big iron

Sorry plebs, but new vegas is gamekino

Jessica Cheststains as Cass

Sam Elliot as Doc Mitchell

>Mojave scene
>"In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red" starts playing

>It's a Mr. New Vegas episode

>Credits roll
>johnny guitar starts playing

edward james olmos as the burned man.

Wayne Newton as the radio host

We already have the perfect House
Who could be the Think Tank?

Shaquille O'Neal as Caesar
Steve Buscemi as Legate

Chastain as Cass