Is it destined to be? Am I the new fuhrer?

Is it destined to be? Am I the new fuhrer?

Are you narcissistic?

Did you have a lot of adverse childhood experiences?

What is your political position right now?

What is your IQ?

Sometimes I think I will be the next Hitler, then I have to remind myself that it is just a schizoid personality disorder type of thing and that I really don't want to kill anyone.


see a psychiatrist

Lets assume that OP is not underage now and that picture was taken when he was 17. I want him to answer my questions.

I would not recommend that, but instead I would recommend talk therapy.

I read about Hitler's life. His thoughts on women, his relationship with his friends and I'm kind of disturbed by how similar he is to me. I don't think I have the charisma to get anywhere though.

Sometimes I feel like I'd be the next Hitler. I feel absolutely no empathy for welfare leeches and niggers. My dream is to rise to power in some country and ship all of the shitskins out. Would be hard in America but I'd imagine not so much in another country.

Doesn't even have to be a country, just a city, maybe.

yes, kill yourself

How was your childhood user?

Preoccupation with power, not good.

He had the same doubts as well. Be the change you want to see in the world, user.

I used to think I'd have no problem killing all muslims

then my brother started dating one and she's really nice, now I can't imagine killing her. Once you get to know groups things kind of change.

Congrats you look like a 9 year old at 17

Well, you can't even make a simple graphic that doesn't have red text over black background, so I'm going to have to go with no.

give me the synopsis senpai

I'd say go for it.

Not being able to perfect a simple graphic makes him sound even more like Hitler pham

I've always maintained all the kiddos on Sup Forums who scream daily about "niggers" probably just don't know any black people.

I was bullied. I was sheltered by my rich parents so had no social skills, until I made friends in secondary school (British high school)

This group of friends was lead by a greek cunt who always put me down whenever I gained self pride. It fucked me up and I became incredibly defensive of people who were nice to me, lost self confidence and felt the need to prove myself in absolutely everything. I'd start chatting to girls and lose interest when I realized how dull women are. I became a loner mostly but still can be sociable.

Did you make meat helmets in the summer?

strange. I always envision people who love darkies to never have interacted with them.

underage detected

violation of rules - no personal information you stupid fucking snot-nosed shit


Hitler saw women as dull and preferred to keep them in his fantasies, he never confessed his love to the girl he stalked. He was very close with his friends but was very aggressive and always felt pushed to compete.

I have been told I have sociopathic tendencies,

I am currently in the Army NG,

I refuse to entertain questions regarding my IQ.

Right, so this guy was in charge and whenever he saw you showing intelligence and charisma, for fear of being replaced he put you down.

Like if you are the intelligent kid, you will be bullied because it makes the other kids feel better. Fucking feelfags.

Women are non-confrontational and can come off as dull. Also the people you chatted with are likely to have had average IQ's which would furthermore make them seem dull.

Regarding women, I spent a year in a Catholic seminary (where that photo was taken), and I value chastity, sexual discipline, and celibacy.

I was 17 at the time of the photo, I am perfectly legal now.

It's important to realize that sociopaths only make up like 4% of the population. But whether or not they make it to a place of power, because there is not 4% of the population in power, is determined by their ability to succeed. And IQ is directly correlated with success. So, do you want to know if you are able to be a dictator, which would require genius, or if you will be a policeman.

I don't feel like I can be the next adolf but I want to be.

i'm not talking about any of the killings, Id want to make life as good as i possibly could for every single English person, but i'm just a retard with a bristolian accent that makes me sound even more retarded.

bad feelings