Are dates as boring in real life as they are in the movies?

Are dates as boring in real life as they are in the movies?

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because you go to BU

yes but sometimes you get a blowjob

Only if the people are wrong for each other

They're awful and incredibly cringeworthy 99% of the time. You don't realize when you're on a date yourself, but if you ever work a job that exposes you to regular people on dates (waiter at a nice restaurant, for example), you'll hear some of the worst banter imaginable.

First dates are, yeah. Maybe later dates can get more interesting, but first dates are SHIT.

First, you want to act as interesting as possible, as in, not acting like the real you, so it's exhausting. Can't say you just enjoy going to your job/school and playing games or watching TV when your day is done. Nope, you have to be a mountain climber writing their next great novel or some shit like that.

Second, you have to pretend to find the *other* person interesting, which is just as exhausting. She's into some kind of music you can't stand, or won't shut up about some TV show you hate, or a hobby or job that sounds about as interesting as watching paint dry? Too bad! Fascinating! Please tell me more! Would you like another glass of wine?

Third, and contradicting the first two points, you can't go somewhere *too* expensive (too many expensive first dates and you'll be broke), and it can't be anywhere too elaborate (no three-hour plays or anything like that); you need to keep it short so that if you and/or her aren't enjoying each others' company, you can wrap up the evening sooner than later.

So yeah, dates are extraordinarily boring.

Fuck dating.

They're a fucking pain man, it's like a two-way job interview and neither side knows if their qualified, or even want to be qualified.


people like talking about things, even if it means arguing about things
disagreeing with someone on the first date isn't bad if you handle it like an adult and don't argue to the point of frustration
simplye offering any kind of mental stimulation is good

date likes a TV show you don'? ask why they like it and then tell them why you don't like it but be fair about it and try to see their point of view as well. Having a discussion about media that you both share an interest in is a good starting point even if you don't agree on the onset because it leaves room for the relationship to grow and room to find common ground.

Only if you aren't sure you're getting laid

I've never been on a date either OP. Gonna be 24 soon.

Good reference desu

Yes, and sometimes they involve crying and yelling

R9k virgins trying to give dating advice LMAO

this lmao

even more

dates with people you are not attractd to are terrible

Too bad we live in these times where we have to awkwardly go through this shit instead of just being able to buy your cute 13 year old neighbor as a wife

That's why we need the muslims.

>That's why we need the muslims.

>Are dates as boring in real life as they are in the movies?

If you have no social skills and the girl is just there for a meal.

It can be really fun if the girl isn't bored or looking at her phone. So only when they are attrackted to you. Ig can be a but cringey but it is fun overall

haha yeah dates are really boring right guys?

Only if you don't like the girl. Gets awkward and boring fast.

Dating a girl who fits you is never boring.

Staring at a screen shitposting 12 hours a day is cringey as fuck. Yet it is fun.

For a man, yes. Generally all you want to do is fuck the chick. If she is interesting then you will have fun and probably actually date for awhile, but for the most part when single you are just looking to make it through the date part and charm her enough to bed her then leave if she isn't worth further investment.

I never minded dates or hangouts because I am a conversationalist (provided the other person isn't just plain boring and doesn't want to talk about anything interesting, or isn't too shy to keep a convo). And I always made it clear I was into a chick and wanted to fuck so there was no wasted time.

Is going on a walk around a lake a good first date bros? Seeing a movie would be awful and being forced to talk to each other in a restaurant surrounded by people and noise is literally impossible for me.

It would be more realistic that the girl doesn't like you, not the other way around

Dates are only boring if you are boring. My last date ended with me getting a blowjob in a Walmart bathroom. Go live an interesting life and dates will go well.

>just bee yourself

It is nice. She may get bored

I'm boring as fuck so my girlfriends always leavee once they figure out all I do is work and stay home and play video games

Yes, but worth it for the free meal and funny story to tell your friends afterwards.

i dont know i havent been on a date ever

>Go live an interesting life
That's literally the opposite of what he's saying

an interesting life won't change my face, user...

An argument (hopefully more a discussion) is actually good. It's easier to go back and forth rather than just going "cool cool now x about myself" and she parrots the same.
That's like 90% of young men. Something else is the problem here.

I've had a few "successful" first dates in the last year where the girl was clearly into me, and I still fucking hated them. I gave up on it for the last 6 months, but now I'm lonely. I'm a fucking moron who belongs on this godforsaken board.

fake it 'til you make it

also drink lots of water and wash your pillow slip weekly

Every first date I've been on was awful. I've never had a second date. I just didn't call again and I sure as hell didn't expect any of them to call me. Fuck, maybe if I had one good date I wouldn't have given up.

But what do I care? My theater doesn't even have a no singles policy so it's not like it makes a difference if I die alone desu

>going on a date to Walmart
damn bro you intradesting!

can't really fake being good looking

then be interesting or funny if you can't do that.

>can't really fake being good looking

I'm good looking but can't be funny or interesting

Usually first dates are pretty fun. You get to meet a new person, learn a little about their personality, likes and dislikes, as well as see them at their prettiest (most girls will work harder than they ever will again in order to look good for the first date).

If you're lucky, she'll enjoy your company and you'll enjoy hers and it will net you a lifelong companion.

Of course the odds of that happening are pretty low when there are 7+ billion people on Earth. When there are a few billion people left to chose from, most people are pretty picky about what they consider "right for them" and you probably won't meet all the requirements.

Though don't get discouraged, humans are ment to be together, meaning that there's someone out there looking for you right now.

I've seeing these guys a lot lately. Who the fuck are they? Please give me a quick rundown

Generally they expect the man to set up the second date.

d-does the other person usually ask about past relationships on a date? is that something that you're supposed to talk about?

It's something that's socially acceptable to bring up if phrased right and if the date is going really well. This is usually not a question that comes up if things aren't going smoothly as your partner probably doesn't plan on seeing you again anyway, so why bother with it?

If someone asks you this on a date, she's probably really into you.

I don't think that's a great first date topic unless it comes up naturally.

On the first date? No, they shouldn't be probing you about that. If you're worried about them judging you for a lack of experience, then if they ask when appropriate (e.g. a few dates in), just say something like "I've done casual dating before but never been in a long-term relationship. I was focusing on school/work/etc. I'm at that point in my life now where I'm looking for that special somebody". Rework that to sound more natural in conversation and basically just get those key points across. You'll be fine.

The problem is video games. Losers need to stop playing that shit.

Oh. So basically just lie?

This is only slightly related but is "no singles" actually a thing some places in the world? Like are you actually not allowed to attend certain theaters if you don't do so with someone else?

Most people are objectively boring. If he has his life together and plays video games there's nothing wrong with that. His girlfriends probably left because of how he made them feel (or not feel), not because he played video games.

A first date with someone you click with is one of the most exciting experiences you can have in your life. You meet someone who is interested in you, you have a conversation that's a totally blank slate where you can learn about this person and tell tales about yourself that everyone else is sick of hearing, and you have the chance to end up feeling up someone you just met a few hours ago. You'll be on cloud nine for a couple of days.

Bad first dates are one of the most soul-sucking things you'll ever have to experience, and can feel worse than your worst job interview.

80% of dates fall in between and are unremarkable.

t. guy who has been on tons of forgettable OkCupid/ dates

that's impossible, looks is all that matters

God, this. I find I am generally way too agreeable and will just agree with anything someone says within reason. I found this usually leaves you with nothing to say other than platitudes and nodding in agreement. Then when you are done with platitudes there is just awkward silence because the whole interaction was fake and you realize you have nothing else, fake or real, to say.

the bogs weren't that bad to begin with

just DONT be yourself

>That's like 90% of young men. Something else is the problem here.
Idk, I had a girlfriend that really didn't like when she realized my routine was not going out too much and kind of staying home a lot. I mean, she didn't break up with me or anything over it, but she would always complain I didn't want to do anything. You do have to keep things interesting.

Women usually don't respond well to this in my experience. It's a natural phenomenon to want someone who agrees with you, and agreeing a little more than you actually do might be good for a first date scenario, but pushing back a little bit on some points may actually score more points in her book if you actually have something clever to say.

I once went on a date with this girl who had one foot firmly planted in the "communism could totally work xD" camp. I won't repeat what I said but when I poked a little hole in her otherwise silly theory I noticed that she actually gained respect for me.

Sure, some women are simple and don't want anything more in a man than a nodding doll, but those usually aren't worth keeping anyway unless their own nodding is exceptionally good (nudge nudge, wink wink).

The woman you want though is the woman who respects your opinion and is willing to take criticism if you phrase your point well.

You're just presenting an alternative truth. It's a first date (or second), you barely know this person, you don't owe anything to them. Obviously if you tell a crap ton of lies and you keep dating that's going to complicate things later, but if someone's being too intrusive then that's their problem not yours.
I was more thinking of a weekday afternoon where if you want to spend the time playing games or watching Netflix, that's like 90% of people in addition to the boring chores of life we have to do. Obviously if you spend all 48 weekend hours gaming that might be an issue. All your girlfriend needs is a few special hours a weekend so she can mentally check off that box of "We did something!" so she can guilt-free lounge out.

Some women are genuinely more extroverted and outgoing though and might want to be out of the house most of the time, if you were that much of a mismatch it's probably for the better that you aren't together anymore.

Redpill me on "Whiplash". I hate Hollywood movies that try to be something more than mindless trash-tier entertainment.

Not him, but I do belive you have to keep things interesting. This is an initiative you should always take yourself, because if you do, YOU can usually dictate how things are going to be interesting.

Yeah, pretty much like you're supposed to handle the rest of the first date.

Yeah I think as long as you don't just say something like "Communism is stupid", you give her something to work with. Basically it's fine to make it clear you disagree, but give her a chance to convince you. Something like "I've always wondered, how would communism keep people motivated to work? Since they get less rewards for their personal effort, won't everyone be more unproductive?"

That gives her a springboard to talk about it more, and if she brought it up then hopefully she's thought about it before so she can go into detail easily. This allows her to further talk about her ideas which most people love and makes her feel like she's convincing somebody, even a little bit, which will make her feel good.

It's good. Just watch it, faggot.

>not just acting yourself 24/7 and attracting people genuinely interested in you
>doing the cliche restraunt date

Side-note: Don't talk about communism on a first date you fucking weirdos.

We didn't say to bring it up, just how to respond. Also, you can talk about almost anything on the first date as long as both she and you aren't social tards.

A lot of people ITT are saying that they put on personas and make themselves more interesting on the first date but I'm realizing I may be a little too old to relate to that.

Honestly it depends on what you want I guess. If you just want to get laid, the smoothest move may be to come out firing on all cylinders. Bur if you want a best friend, a lover and companionship I genuinely advise being yourself as much as possible.

Usually girls don't live or die on whether or not you sculpt marble in your spare time, and claiming that you do will only lead to disappointment when they find out your don't.

The best dates (and most meaningful relationships) I've ever had started with me essentially admitting to being a lazy unsocial nerd.

There's a difference between putting on a persona and putting your best foot forward. You don't go to a job interview with basketball shorts and cheeto dust on you even if that might be you on the weekend. You can be a lazy unsocial nerd, but it's more important that you be personable and able to hold a conversation. The first date is basically just a test of social skills - "can I stand this person for more than 30 minutes?"

Of course it's clever to put your best foot forward, but what your date has to realize is that your best foot is not what she's going to be seeing most of the time.

Again I feel it falls back a little on what you want. If you want a long-term relationship then there's a good chance she's going to experience your average feet more than your good ones (the foot metaphor is falling apart a little here so I'm gonna' drop it).

If you open with what she's probably gonna' be in for most of the time anyway, she can make an informed decision and thus save you both 6 months of will-they-won't-they turmoil.

I already know beforehand the average girl probably spends a lot of time watching Netflix or something, it's not what needs to be dwelled on. A date is partly for entertainment, not just a robotic way to locate a life mate. It needs to be fun to an extent. That's putting your best foot forward. Badmouthing yourself isn't fun and awkward, given your success though you probably do it in a way most of Sup Forums can't hope to match

I kind of agree with this guy. Start off "average". If she can dig you when you're average, she'll be more easily impressed when you show off "good" and even more so if you pull off "amazing". If you start off with "good" you're not going to impress much with "amazing" and the fall to "average" will feel like a letdown.

>current year is for smashing le patriarchy and traditional gender roles
>except for the part where men do all the legwork

Women still get approached regularly, men don't. It's just free market theory.

>implying *they* dont hate sandniggers more than us


They're like the Illuminati times two!

They are if you're smart and never agree to "just lunch" or "just a movie". Always, ALWAYS take her someplace where you can both DO something.

/k/ here
taking a girl on a date to a shooting range is literally the best thing to do

They're not boring, especially first dates. You're constantly nervous and trying not to fuck up. Which causes you to fuck up.

I don't get it, you absolute retards always manage to make me laugh or at least smile. Why can't you just do that with a girl?

How about a NASCAR race?

fuck off you memeing cock sucker

Most girls aren't entertained by autism.



I try to be as ridiculous as possible without overdoing it and if they like me then I know they really like me

Don't try to follow imaginary steps during a date, you don't need a flowchart for this. Just act natural, be yourself.
Having wrote that, I have never been on a date so I may be wrong which is doubtful of course.

>Can't say you just enjoy going to your job/school and playing games or watching TV when your day is done

That's what happens when you only consume, manchild. Still, TV discussion is quite common

This desu. If you're not having fun with the other person then it's a shit date.

How long did it take for the guy to cum?

You're supposed to do something scary or thrilling for a first date. Sharing an experience where you're both releasing adrenaline and all those fun brain chemicals is conducive to bonding.

Cheapest way to do this is watch a spoopy movie, but also things like bungee jumping if you want to be tryhard

>never been on a date

How? Even the most uncharismatic weeb I've ever met once landed a date.

It's understandable if you don't get laid, or don't get a kiss and the date ends horribly but how could you never have even had one? Have you just never met a girl you wanted to spend more time with?

>tfw you're older than when your parents were when you were born and still have never been on a date

>spoopy movie
say that to a girl and she'll think you're a fucking queer

What do you do for a fun date during the winter? The weather leaves you with mostly just eating and watching things and walking around museums and stuff

>Sup Forums is now /adv/