This fucking scene man

This fucking scene man

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funny japanese man


Why was MC Ride in Japan?

Savage heathen japs

whats going on in this scene

That was literally the only good scene in the middle of that pile of shit called Silence

This movie fucking upset me. Why did they hate Christians so much? They killed so many tax paying Christians needlessly. They were worried about western subversion? I kind of get it but the priests were suffering in wretched poverty for years, there must have been a better way to overthrow the government than that.

Spoilers but...

That last scene where spidey looks into that image of christ and he hears (or imagines) the voice of Christ talking to him, telling him that it is ok, that he (Jesus) was born here to suffer, was so powerful and almost had me in tears.


>having this much of a shit taste

ADHD kids like you surely have tons of marvel movies to watch instead user.

Heres your pseudo ''you''

Executing barbaric KUREESTANS

Why is this film so racist towards the Japanese?

the influence of foreign organizations was also a concern, but the fear that christianity would continue to act as a galvanizing cause for existing domestic discontent (as it already had in the shimabara rebellion) was probably the largest motivator


>this scene
Literally K I N O.

they feared...what they didnt understand...

Lmao that scene was so fucking bad it was laughable

There were actually some people in my theater that laughed at that shit. The others were asleep by that point. I was deluding myself that it was a decent film, but man was it bad.


Your bad taste is showing. Nice try tho.

Is this a new meme?

So well done, watching this movie alone in an empty theatre was amazing. Truly masterful work from Marty

the scene where spidey watches his fellow father get drowned was worse

No free (You)s
This ain't a fucken gift parade

The Shogunate were afraid of a new uprising by Christians, after the Shimabara rebellion.

This killed me
Spidey watching Kylo drown was heart wrenching

>not knowing how to quote a post

It's not hard to draw the line between this and Muslims in Europe

Ya that's right
(You) fag

loved the first half of the film but that ending was pure shite

it would have been better to have him martyr'd, then show liam getting old and going to hell

because Christian burned their temples and shrines.

If you are familiar with the Bible you'll enjoy this film.


It was definitely about 45 mins too long

>those plebs in the theater that didn't stay and left it 30 mins before it ended because not enough action to distract them

The only scene that I kind of hated was when he first meets Liam on that Buddhist temple and they start talking. I hate the ''camera over the shoulder'' then reverse when filming two characters are talking.

Anything that made japanese people lie to their Shogun is seen as a threat.

How many Muslims are executed on American soil?

Don't forget to tip your fedora, mr. Atheist.

Because Christians were trying to subvert their native religion and culture, same as abrahamic religions have done everywhere they went.

Based japs slapped their shit.

Some Trump voter shot a Sikh guy in Seattle just yesterday and he wasn't even Muslim.

I see. Did the shooter represent a government agency?

Nice retort, faggot, but there's no redeeming quality for your shitty movie, and definitely one of Scorsese's worst.

Funny how many silence apologists give the old "you didn't understand it", "it was 2 deep 4 u", "not enough explosions?" reddit tier replies, when deep down they know it was a boring movie that tries too hard to get a point across, with laughably bad acting, too.

Because Japs are shit.

>forgetting that a Christian nation nearly wiped Japan off the map and put an end to an empire

agree with user

the movie had sufficient persecution scenes, but didnt do enough to heighten the suspense, make the characters empathizable, and the 180 of the protagonist seemed out of character (people historically have responded to persecution with a strengthened morale as opposed to being yellow bellies (google morale bombing))

The movie could have been 30 minutes shorter and more true to the characters

The persecution of kirishtians started 30 years before the Shimabara Rebellion.

European colonial powers had invaded and overthrown many Asian powers at the time including ones that were near Japan like the Philippines and they had always used missionaries as an opening move (e.g. convert large parts of the population to your side, train them as soldiers to help overthrow the existing powers). The Japanese had great reason to suspect that the European powers were plotting the same for them, particularly Spain and Portugal, and in fact the Japanese had intelligence from the British and Dutch saying that Spain and Portugal were planning on doing just that. Spain were also planning on building military fortresses on Japanese soil by the way and it also looked suspicious as shit since kirishitans would take western names, dress in western clothes, and live in a western way. In any case many of the daimyo who had "converted" had only done so because it meant they could buy gunpowder so it was easy to change their mind when it no longer benefitted them, and so christianity was banned in Japan.

People tend to boohoo about the poor innocent kirishitans being oppressed but forget that those same kirishitans opposed many elements that were a normal part of Japanese culture, like homosexual relationships which were common and accepted in Japanese society.

>insinuates that ADHD kids have shit taste
>posts a tranny dressed up as the worst girl in the history of all animus
user pls


Nice meme.

Yeah, I thought about this a lot during and after the movie. Specifically about how there might be some people who empathize a good deal with the Christians being persecuted just to forget that there are definitely parallels here.

The kike god must die.

And that has what to do with the discussion at hand?

I bet you thought that was real slick dumbass

Not that. I'm saying that sometimes you have to fight the culture war. The Christians ultimately had the goal of "conquering" Japan.

>there are definitely parallels here.
No there aren't.

Some redditors have had their minds so rotten by Sup Forums that they've actually taken (You)s as some kind of social currency, and one that they think people actually give a shit about (much like upvotes and karma on their native website). It's totally retarded, besides being obnoxious, since it makes reading threads harder.

The first time ive actually agreed on someone stating something as kino. this scene is just powerful. im not even religious and i thought it was incredible.

Just look what happened to China during the Taiping Rebellion. An estimated 30 to 100 million chinks died because of muh Christianity. Japan did nothing wrong. Christcucks need to understand that before Christianity became a shell of what it used to be, it was a militaristic religion bent on world domination, like Islam. The Pope had his own religious army which imposed his will on sovereign nations. Japan didnt want a civil war situation where the island split into half because Christians/Budhists cant tolerate being ruled by a regime that didnt share their beliefs.Im sure if they didnt quash the spread of Christianity in Japan, there would have been a Taiping Rebellion in Japan which would have destroyed Japan, and Japan wouldn't be the world power it is today. It was a necessary evil.

We need to kill the Irish again.

Fake History

>facts i don't like are fake

>worst girl

Most of the missionaries in Japan came from Portugal and Spain (countries which were in union at the time).

The Dutch and the English, who were envious of Portugal's status as Japan's favored trading partner (and were also Protestant, as opposed to the Catholic missionaries), spread rumors in an effort to convince the Japanese that the missionaries were laying the groundwork for eventual invasion and colonization of Japan. Of course, the Buddhist monks did a lot to spread these rumors as well. The suppression efforts started under Toyotomi Hideyoshi (Oda Nobunaga had generally favored Christianity, as had the Imperial court, which, as a stronghold of Shinto, had its own rivalry with the Buddhist monks), but it was Tokugawa Ieyasu who finally kicked out the Portuguese (and their missionaries) and gave their monopoly to the Dutch (the English pulled out because of domestic turmoil).

There were also internal political factors at play. Some of the daimyƍ had favored Christianity, and the Tokugawa used the suppression of Christianity to weaken them.

Subsequently, some of the remaining Japanese Christians became involved in the Shimabara Rebellion against the Tokugawa. This was the final straw for the Shogunate, who crushed the rebellion (with the help of the Dutch navy), and put in place severe measures to stamp out Christianity throughout the country. Christians were deported en masse to Macao and the Philippines, and the death penalty against Christians (which had been used sporadically up to this point), became routinely enforced.

The movie is set in the immediate aftermath of Shimabara.

>Anglo "intelligence"
> not blatant propagand lies
Shoo shoo eternal Anglo.

Whatever your views on religion or anime, it was simply a shit movie.

I thought the same thing too but then the way Neeson reaches up and it cut to the sun I thought redeemed it.

>homosexual relationships which were common and accepted in Japanese society.#
Homosexuality was probably no more common in Japan at the time than it was in Europe, and certainly not any more "accepted."

Which is to say that it was reasonably common, but frowned on (by the Buddhists every bit as much as by the Christians), and technically illegal, but with spotty enforcement. In both places, it was generally tolerated (as were most vices), because it was felt that suppressing it completely would create more scandal than it was worth.

People were not living openly gay lifestyles anywhere in the civilized world in the 17th century. At most, there were some cases where it was an open secret, but that was just as true in Europe at the time. It was impossible for Joe Average to live this way, but if you were noble or wealthy and had friends in the right places to protect you, you could get away with it.

I think the success of the movie hinges on whether you felt sympathy for the christians within the first 30 minutes. If you did then Scorsese had you for the rest of the film. If you didn't then it was just awful.

Completely wrong.

>See Silence
>Look up actor
>Jesus Christ!
>Director/villian of Tetseu series!

Yeah from there on it was good.

I guess I was expecting more from the confrontation between these two.

Naww bro.
Buddhist monks were known to prostitue themselves off for money
male prostitues in Japan earned more than female.
Japanese samurai had boy pages who they would fuck and train in combat until they were of age.

Japan was ultra gay.

Not enough black dick or terrible musical numbers for you?

Some buddhist scholars and samurai even wrote that homosexual relations should be preferred over heterosexual ones.

You do realize that similar material exists from Europe at the same data, right?

Also, your average peasant wasn't the target demographic (they weren't literate, and generally couldn't afford purely decorative art). It was the nobles and the wealthy who were buying this stuff.

The same stuff happened in early modern Europe, too, though (especially the Catholic parts). Principle and practice don't always agree. Just like the fact that Buddhism disproves of drunkenness doesn't change the fact that the drunken monk is a common stock character in drama.

The Japanese, though cultural parasites, only allow foreign influence on their own terms.

Though they gladly steal the Chinese alphabet and societal structures as well as American animation, it took two atomic bombs to force them to adopt cultural values against their will.

Despite this, in mere decades they will pretend as if it were their idea, and will attribute any gained prosperity to the supposed ingenuity of the Japanese people.

What a despicable people.

And what nationality are you?

Why? Looking to plagiarize one of our cultural works for your next cartoon?

I'm on to you.

What are you chicken? Or is it because your country is shit?

It was really an amazing brutal and sad film. I liked how prideful and self-righteous Father Rodrigues was. He's a special kind of flawed protagonist that Scorsese is a master at humanizing. I also was surprised by how comedic Kuchijiro's character was even though he was quite tragic as well.

I'd just drink sea water until I hopefully passed out.

What do you think Kuchijiro was supposed to symbolize (if anything).

Hes with the father from start to end. Sure that part where he plays the role of Judas by betraying him was pretty clear but, as a whole, who was Kuchijiro? He's from beginning to end, always needing the mercy of the Father and God, always wanting to get rid of his sins but, time and time again, hes ditches his faith, he abandons him and those who are faithful and later comes back asking to confess again.

Who do you think is this man?

Kuchijiro is the type of Catholic who will be accepted into paradise before anybody else because he clearly needed his faith more than anyone. Renouncing his faith the first time destroyed him and he kept trying to reclaim it by latching himself onto Rodrigues. I think he was also addicted to the good feeling that the temporary salvation gave him. This addiction ultimately cost him his life at the end. But it also put him out of his misery.

Cuckijiro represents the cuckold nature of christians who would give up their friends, family, and happiness to make wealthy church leaders more powerful.

Perception of Christians at the time. Look at every other country which let christians in
>12-19 million starved by the colonial government for political reasons
>millions killed to suppress the local populace and install puppet governments for financial gain
>Christianity started a rebellion that led to 20-30 million dead
>subsequently foreign powers would control the imperial government and be granted favorable concessions
>Herero massacre killed hundreds of thousands of Africans

Did not end well.

if heaven is so great, then why don't all christians want to die? and why would they mourn anyone?

this comes up in the movie frequently.

I thought that scene was pretty powerful as well. Something about that image and finally hearing God speak (real or not) stirred a lot of emotions.

Catholics btfo by based japs

and what was the answer?

There was none.

Everything about this post is wrong but it's 3am and all I can muster is calling you a faggot.

brilliant. I'm glad scorsese cleared that up.

it was a bad movie. very little flair or good cinematography. dull script. half the movie happens in a fucking cave or shed.

>very little flair or good cinematography.
That's not only wrong but it's not a determining factor of the quality of the movie you malignant cunt.

this was the true best film of 2016.

scorsese's non-crime films are underrated.

>Herero massacre killed hundreds of thousands of Africans
>hundreds of thousands

Stop lying. Estimated numbers vary between 24k to 100k MAX.

>hereros massacre german troops unprovoked
>get beaten in subsequent battle
>flee to desert and die

Thats basically what happened.

He's wrong about the origins of the Taiping rebellion but right about how Christians used to operate.

From your own link,
>Under German colonial rule, natives were routinely used as slave labourers, and their lands were frequently confiscated and given to colonists, who were encouraged to settle on land taken from the natives

How did these guys die? It didn't look like they drowned, was it the force of the waves hitting them?

>but right about how Christians used to operate.
Anybody who even took an intro class to Western Civilization would know he's horribly wrong. Christianity never even had a canon until the Council of Nicaea in the 4th century, was spread on a message of love and salvation to peasants and barbarians, and there was no Pope army "imposing his will" ever.

They were there for days, regular crucifixion would kill you anyway, let along being submerged in freezing, storming water

Better than his last five movies.Still only a 6/10.

Yes because the Catholic Church never ever would enlist the French or Spanish King to fight their wars for them or have the Holy Roman Empire fight their wars?

Lol what the fuck were the Papal States you dumb fuck?

The Catholic Church forcibly converted a load of the people into the church in Europe and across the world or executed them

>forgetting that a Christian nation nearly wiped Japan off the map and put an end to an empire

What did he mean by this

>The Catholic Church forcibly converted a load of the people into the church in Europe and across the world or executed them

You have to break some eggs to make an omelette, it was for the greater good.