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Africa truly begins at the pyrennes


The only thing the laugh at here is that you apparently browse CNN. stop browsing american news sites in general. and britains too for good measure.

isn't this a bit hypocritical of the yanks?

Reddit, you have to go back

what part of the law don't you niggers understand?


>This denial

Today the world realized Spain is a fucking joke and a banana country

The ONE THING Spain shouldn't have done, they went and did.
Absolute madmen.


Spain fucked this up in the worst possible way.

wait why

lol argentina 2.0

In what way? It's a quote from a Catalan spokesman.

I used to think Latin America sucked because it wasn't inhabited by actual Spaniards. Now, I realize the opposite is true: Latin America sucks due to its partial Iberian extraction.

" It is necessary to underscore the attitude of the Jewish press in those perilous times for the Romanian people. Every time the Romanian nation was menaced in its existence, this press supported the theses that best suited our enemies. As in fact, following the events, it can easily be seen that the same theses were doggedly opposed any time they were favouring a movement of Romanian revival. For them, our worries were days of joy, while our joys for them were days of mourning."

>brutalizing the local population to convince them to not secede



The discussion around this issue taught me that Spain is pretty corrupt (the Iberian source in favour and against the independence in various articles that I read, put emphasis on that aspect) and does think like a third world country. Instead of conceiving and implementing solutions to the problems they face, they try to talk their way out without doing anything constructive to resolve the issues and pretend that those issues suddenly disappeared, leaving the problems untouched. Or just throw the police in.

Spain was a fascist shithole just 30 years ago, these things don't just disappear overnight where law enforcement is concerned

this. C*talan negroes deserve no better

I've been telling this to everyone for years. Latin America just mirrors spain in a worse way.

>Africa truly begins at the pyrennes

yes north of it, france and germany are fucked

>let the faggots have their vote
>nothing will happen since it's illegal
>send tons of police to stop the vote at any cost injuring civilians in the process

Are spaniards mentally disabled?

>Are spaniards mentally disabled?

>how to fuck up the richest place of your country and anger the tocals 101

Spain has one of the lowest murder rates in the world.Maybe if your banana countries had a real police force you could walk in the street without getting stabbed

I mean really, what's Spain's next move? Do they just keep fucking up every vote? Do they really expect the independence movement to strengthen on this shit?

Have weapons and 1 ticket to Barcelona. We need 1 user and we're ready, we are 7 guys with military experience from Afghanistan and Iraq and 2 Anons already joined, going to fight for a free Catalonia against Spanish fascist police. Need 10 total so that all rifles are used, have 2 tonnes of ammo, transport is already arranged.

>The eternal selfhater
Man, just kys.

Our current Prime Minister literally is. And the guys who voted for it are even worse.


I can't belive some of you can defend what happened today for real. It's just so savage.

Why should they stop the voting? It's hilarious, madrid should've let them vote and ignore the result, if the situation went shit(like that catalan president declaring independence) PM could shut down Catalan government&Parliament and declare a state of emergency

Spaniards are truly idiots

>polls show only 40% support independence
>national gov could rally supporters to vote 'no' while calling the referendum "unofficial" as opposed to "illegal"
>decide to fuck shit up instead
>turn the whole region against you

La Leyenda Negra is real after all.

Spain is fascist, Catalonia must be liberated by force, not begging, so much is now obvious. Will you stand and fight or die like a dog?

What? There was nothing wrong about some policemen doing their job and stopping a coup in disguise

I have served in military in 2 years. Am I okay?
Just send me 1000$ to buy a plane ticket to Barcelona.
Bitcoin address : 127HSRxmr2ewasYZYMpJCTjBCACALfJGtB

>why should they stop the voting
*why should they stopped the voting

Lo que no es defendible es toda la ralea de alienados que han salido a defender esta patraña. Que pandilla de sinvergüenzas, sinceramente, han recibido lo que merecían.

Hoy me he llevado una tremenda decepción con Cataluña, no así con la policía y guardia civil que han estado de 10.

This. It's such a painfully dumb idea to send in adrenaline riot police from across the country to try to stop a 'referendum' that is even legal anyway.

Now everyone has to defend these dumb Catalans over a retarded separatist movement

is PM Rajoy even getting public support from non-Catalans at this point? Will he make it to 2018? Are there any sensible political parties?

Me provocas una mezcla de asco y lástima. No tienes humanidad. Estás simple y llanamente enfermo.

Tickets will be purchased independently and for each fighter, contact [email protected], you will also receive payment on arrival to Barcelona, 10,000€.

>try to stage revolution
>hurr durr gobburment be opressing us

wtf is this even legit?

Pegar palizas a gente con las manos levantadas, que ORGULLO de policía y guardia civil. Luego diréis "Venezuela!! Iran!!!". Hijos de puta.

El asco me lo das tú y toda la gentuza que ha salido a montar el pollo. Sois verdadera basura, escoria. Todo lo que ha sucedido hoy ha sido culpa de la Generalitat y los lelos que habéis ido detrás de sus mentiras. Y ahora vais de víctimas, de verdad, ese grado de cinismo e hipocresía no lo había visto jamás. Se me revuelven las tripas.


>Is oppressed in hundred of years by Spain, bascally their cash cow by this point
>Is ostracised because no one is cared enough to learn their superior language
>Is threatened by The jEwU that if they leave there will be no support leading to famine of their brethem
>Have a flag representing a star of the sun
>Why should catalonia be part of spain again?


Somos escoria...pero mantenemos andalucía y extremadura a flote así que un respeto.

>Implicando que Andalucía necesite estar a flote

Lo que necesita es colapsar y dejar que la gente pase un poco de hambre para que espabilen de una puta vez y se den cuenta que el gobierno de la junta es algo tan o más serio que el nacional.

T. Andaluz.

We have one. Police here is competent enough unlike yours. The problem here is the bankrupt judiciary system that constantly frees delinquents after they are caught putting an hypothetical revolving door at the entrace of court buildings and, of course, the collateral consequences of your drug related degeneracy and said police incompentence when it comes to stop drugs from entering into your country and the consumption among your kind (which is far worse than in this place); you know, drug trafficking, the memed narco violence (that is now relegated mostly to remote places that have any importance in the drug production and transport stages), and the get rich easily with no real effort mentality that this business spawned (and that made its way through mostly poor people who see in crime an easy way out of poverty or to live a luxurious life)

Eres un cavernícola.

Tu que vas a mantener casapapi?Te recuerdo que todo esto es responsabilidad de la Generalitat por pasarse la legalidad por ahí abajo. Los cavernícolas los tienes en Barcelona, empezando por Puigdemont y la Gabriel. No querían hacer las cosas por la fuerza? Pues ahí tienen la respuesta.

Ahora no vale hacerse la víctima.

Their constitution is supposed to be anti fascist because it was made right after Franco


Being this deluded

But voted by people that participated in the fascist goverment. Remember here in Spain the fascists WON and never left our country. Now they call it "democracy" but it's not. It's the same people keeping the power in a diferent way.

Me interesa saber que tipo de gimnasias mentales debes esforzarte a creer para responsabilizar de ser apaleado a aquellos que reciben los golpes.

Im sure that's why they went and did the opposite of everything he did

>This is what Catalonians belive

this, all Franco cared about was sucking Rome's dick.

Estas de broma no?
Han ido a impedir que se cometa una ilegalidad, se encuentran con la oposición de los infractores y encima se quejan porque la policía actúa.

>yfw this is mostly Russians doing divide and conquer tactics across Europe
>Will focus on places like Bavaria, Northern Italy, etc next

>these posts
>that flag

Kek...Says the the American, people that constantly get shot by their own police.

How do you guys manage to step out your houses without getting shot?

With the risk of getting shot when you're outside and getting shot during a home invasion, how do you even manage to stay alive?

Read a history book - divide and conquer has been used across Europe to keep countries infighting.

The opposite of what?
The sons and grand-children of Franco's ministers are now in the Spain government.

They control thejudges and the law, the media and the public press, they use public money to save their own bancrupt bancs (Bankia/Cajamadrid, hello).

They keep in power the Royal house that Franco chose as new leader of it's goverment.

It's just the same wolf using another skin,

Ahora me dirás que Fraga no era ministro de Franco? Él y otros cientos de ministros del PP son descendientes directos de esa purria.

> Participar en una votación ilegal legitima que la policia te apalee

Seguro que tienes valores morales occidentales? Coincides bastante con Ërdogan.

That doesn't mean that is being used right now or that Russia has a Hollywood's villain style secret evil plan to conquer all Europe you dumbfuck.

Con la constitución en la mano...no se ha cometido ninguna Ilegalidad porque no se contempla en la constitución la posibilidad de un referendum de este estilo.

>can't get over the fear of dogs
>leads Germany

>american tinfoil head is speaking

Not literately conquer fool, weaken so they can more easily economically bully Europe and potentially gain allies.


are you retarded?

You have any proof that Russia is behind this?

Post any shred of evidence that Russia is somehow involved in Catalan separatism and others.

No quiero compartir estado con alguien como tú

If Catalonians are so left wing, why do they love the EU? I thought neoliberalism was bad.
How do they plan on getting into the EU anyhow, can't Spain veto them?

Soros pls

Opposite of all his policies. If Franco's men actually still had power spain would not be as leftist as it is today

Por eso antes de convocar un referéndum tienes que reformar la Constitución. Lo que pasa es que esta vía no interesa a los indepes.


>bully Europe
Bully them into taking less refugees or something? OI VEY

>Are there any sensible political parties?
What the fuck do you think

Putin is extremely leftist. If anything he'd support the refugees



No, los tienen los sediciosos que se saltan la ley pese a las advertencias del gobierno. Eso sí que son valores occidentales, no tener respeto por nada y hacer las cosas por la fuerza verdad?

Entonces estas en contra de hacer las cosas por la fuerza?? Pensaba que no.

Pero por la misma razón convocarlo no es ilegal ya que la constitución no dice que lo sea.

>Putin is extremely leftist.


You realize how easy it is to manipulate elections and everything? Russia weakens a NATO ally, gains a non NATO member in Western Europe that could be desperate for allies.

Salamín con queso, llorando para la televisión internacional porque la Guardia Civil les pegó, pero dónde aprendiste política, Piqué? Sabés como se lee en Madrid el espectáculo que has dado? Como una derrota, como una real capitulación catalana. Cuando los judíos lloraban porque los corrían, sabés cómo terminaron, Piqué? En las cámaras de gas de los campos de exterminio de la Alemania Nazi. Cuando los judíos pasaron a la acción y a matar antes de que los maten, sabés qué pasó, Piqué? Israel, sí. Nadie se les anima hoy a los judios, porque saben que cobran y que si se ven por casualidad en dificultad insalvable, estalla el mundo con el arsenal atómico que han acumulado en medio siglo. Si querés la independencia, vas a tener que pelear en vez de llorar, Piqué. Nadie considera una amenaza que un boludo llore por más rico, lindo y famoso que sea. Se te considera, al contrario, el símbolo del fracaso de este 1 de octubre glorioso para las fuerzas nacionales, Piqué.

Qué tío más malvado asegurando el derecho a las autonomías con la constitución del 78, ahora encima se le culpa a los padres de la constitución por poner trabas a movimientos secesionistas cuando la idea era torcer el brazo para mitigarlos desde un principio

death penalty when?

>If Franco's men actually still had power spain would not be as leftist as it is today

You know nothing about spain. 60% of spain population is full rightist and thingks "We lived better with Franco".

Fun fact, our current goverment is filled by the sons and grandsons of Franco's generals and ministers.

Es una respuesta acorde al desafío. Nunca hubiera sucedido si no se hubiese celebrado esta patraña promovida por la Generalitat y secundada por la gente que participo. Esos son los responsables, No busques otro culpable y menos a la policía.
Que no?


Fíjate lo que estás aprendiendo hoy, en el recreo vas a quedar como un tipo inteligente y todo

>Only 465

They need to bring out the automatic weapons next and show these treasonous separatists what they really deserve.

Donde está la palabra "referendum" en ese artículo?

Antes de dar lecciones por favor aprende a leer :3

Don't bother, their VPNs are strong and their bots are endless.