Psychopathy is a slur used to demonize mens natural state, debate me

Psychopathy is a slur used to demonize mens natural state, debate me.

If you guys had to choose to be a Bundy, would you rather be Al or Ted Bundy?

>showing remorse for your crime
>being a nigger
pick one




everyone here with half a brain is going to agree with you. you are literally selecting away any good debaters by asking this question here

I wonder if psychopathy can be linked to high testosterone. Most psychos are pretty handsome tbqh

Prove you voted leave, faggot

little edgy shit. Psychopathy is a mental disorder and our world would be better without freaks like Ted Bundy or Hitler or Stalin

I know whose fridge I would rather raid.

I hope you see a psychiatrist of some kind.

Psychopathy is a word used to describe men who behave like an average woman.

So you think Ted Bundy is well adjusted?

Hitler wasn't a psychopath, he was a brave man who wanted to save the world from jewish subversion/tyranny. If Hitler was such a psychopath, why did he risk so much to free the world from the jew's machinations? He could have been a good goy and gotten lots of jew buckz for rallying the other goys to buy into jewish subversion, instead he chose the hard route to cleanse the world of jewish filth.

As for the others, they were trash. Psychopaths are worthless.

To primitive cavesubhuman conditions, yes

Rape is how men express their sexuality.

Fuck men in the ass and then kill them
Natural as fug

heh, psychopath is just a word for those who are beneath me

*unseaths katana*

psychopaths rule the world, kid

>mostly prevalent in urban societies
>rural individuals tend to end up as outcasts, leading to premature death in primitive societies
>mens natural state

Literally subhuman logic
The ability to handle your cortisol is not APSD. Not needing it to be a ruthless asshole is.

*ASPD, fuck

These are symptoms of unrest, men who are free thinking feel like this because they see that the west is designed to make them resist everything that fulfills them. If you realise that the world is literally insane and full of idiots, you're going to get angry and abuse drugs/steal/beat the shit out of normies aren't you?

Ted Bundy reminds me of Rudolf Hess

I'm not talking about the DSMs definition of arbitrary behaviour, I'm talking about men who are strong, focused, driven, free thinking and willing to follow goals no matter what the cost. The reason ''''psychopathy''''' has been falsely attributed as negative is because the world is designed to keep men from being men and the kike media prevents most men, except from niggers in low income areas and a handful of white americans who realise that the world is completely insane and irrational because of social isolation i.e. they break social conditioning. They then have a choice either to pursue a righteous path, through medicine etc. or to just do whatever the fuck they want because 'small morals' i.e. individual deaths, assault, emotional abuse etc. don't matter and 'big morals' i.e. honour, self determination, integrity, focus, commitment, selflessness etc. are literally all that matters. The media has inverted the two because it keeps the population weak and stupid.

while i think emotional empathy is inherently destructive, I think cognitive empathy in a logical man is absolutely fine

there's nothing wrong with worrying about those around you

I don't know what beliefs you subscribe to, but i see us as tribal animals that simply evolved into societies that are beyond our means

what I mean is we present our animalistic/tribalistic urges in ways that are dampened because of social taboo

at the heart of this all, we are animals somehow running a fucking relatively advanced society

kind of scary to think about

anyway, back to my main point, I think cognitive empathy is absolutely something that can be a part of a man's mental state, especially an alpha male

your genes and culture can't move into the future if you don't preserve and nurture them while they grow

He was a very good looking man. If i was a women i would not resist his advances

>Psychopathy is a slur used to demonize mens natural state,

>1-2% of men behave "naturally"

nah, OP, you're a retard


Wasn't he a faggot?

That's the thing though, so called psychopaths are masters of cognitive empathy, that's why they are so popular/charismatic/charming etc. These are all good things! But we are told people who act like this are snakes and decievers.

This is because so called psychopaths are simply people who see the world objectively. We are told that emotional empathy is the most positive thing in the world but it's not, it's completely worthless outside of a family/national/military bond.

We misuse emotional empathy by trying (and failing) to empathise with every tom dick and harry we see. Emotional empathy is used to develop strong bonds with those we need to protect, cognitive empathy is just taking ourselves out of the picture and looking at the person we are talking to as a whole. T

hat's the secret behind the 'psychopathic stare' it's that very few people are used to having someones full attention. Most people are just thinking about themselves when they talk to you.

To women every man is "good looking" once he murders someone.

hmm, I honestly don't really disagree with anything you said

I can definitely see where you're coming from, but the way I see it there are inherently psychopathic individuals who simply care about no one else, whether it be family or anyone else

these individuals, I see as destructive to society

so maybe in a classical definition of psychology psychopathy could be overblown, but I definitely think there are outliers like serial killers and other who legitimately have no interest in any longevity/pleasure besides their own, and I do see these individuals as destructive to society

I do think we could meet at a middle ground and agree that psychopathy to an extent, isn't the worst trait for a man to have

I would however, put psychopathy on a spectrum

also sorry for repeating shit, I do this on a good day and I'm pretty inebriated right now

so maybe in a classical definition of psychology psychopathy could be overblown, but I definitely think there are outliers like serial killers and other who legitimately have no interest in any longevity/pleasure besides their own, and I do see these individuals as destructive to society

yeah I agree and these people should be instantly put to death. They know what they are doing is wrong and as rational individuals, they know what their punishment will be. The reason the west is failing is because we have got rid of the right/wrong dichotomy. Instead of saying 'serial killers are doing this because they want to' (Ted Bundy literally gave his explination as: 'because I like it') we look at their childhood, relationship with their mother, upbringing etc. which is completely unproductive. If you complete an act that is wholly negative to society you are against that society and should be killed for it. Simple.

No, you dumb shit. You're the one disagreeing with the entire fucking scientific community, you prove psychopathy is the natural state. We don't have to disprove any of your silly theories.

Can you please show me a scientific study that proves the legitimacy of personality disorders? I work in mental health, with people primarily diagnosed with 'personality disorders' and I, and all my colleagues agree that they ultimately hinder treatment because of stigma and dehuminisation. My post used the word 'psychopath' as an inflamatory statement, to generate a discussion. I do believe people who fit the criteria for ASPD fit the criteria of the DSM but they only act the way they do because of psychosocial reasons. Personality disorders have historically been abused (along with psychotic disorders) to discredit opponents of totalitarian regimes. Ted Kazinsky was probably one of the most intelligent individuals of the 20th century and the moment he got arrested he was diagnosed as schizophrenic to discredit him purely because he opposed the social and cultural zeitgeist.

>Debate if psychopathy is natural/normal in men

No. Society would have fallen apart long ago if everybody were psychopaths. They however serve an important role as our politicians, CEOs, lawyers, and mob bosses.

Psychopathy is one of the few mental disorders that can be diagnosed with a brain scan, rather than a list of diagnostic criteria you nimrod. Empathy fires up certain sections of the brain.

hmm, that's a very extreme view, but I can't say as I really disagree with that either

in the end then, I think we actually have very similar views on this particular subject, especially since you would agree that people who have no interest in others should be eliminated

in fact, as an interesting side note:

it has been shown that people with more conservative mindsets are less affected by emotional ploys than those with a liberal mindset, it could be fair to say, that if we put psychopathy on a spectrum, that conservative mindsets are more psychopathic

however, as many here have seen, conservative mindsets are more heavily rooted in logic than emotion, which is a lot of what I think attracts individuals here to more conservative ideals

Yeah, I'm not denying that Ted Bundy was a degenerative piece of shit, but there are stories of him literally shouting at hippies in the late 60s/early 70's because he could see how fucking retarded they were. Pretty much how most conservatives feel now.

No, they show empathy when they are asked to generate empathy, i.e. psychopaths are just people who are in control of their emotions.

I work at a psychiatric ward for adults and it still amazes me how warped many of the patients view of the world Are.

There was this one 20 year old guy who was litterally Sup Forums incarnate. As i browse this shithole it was No hard job gaining his trust and i became his primary contact. None of my normie coworkers understood him and just labeled him a crazy.

I must say. It was fun listening to Sup Forums as a person. Turned out he was a redditor but admitted to browsing Sup Forums inbetween. Here's hoping he doesnt read this.

I guess being aware of conspiracies and stuff is helpful in my line of work. My boss praised me for being the only worker to gain his trust.

Ama if you want. I only have 4months on my belt and i'm just a registered nurse, not a psychiatrist.

I'm a nurse too! I work in substance misuse with heroin addicts. I get praised too for my work with pd patients, people see me as some kind of pd whisperer but literally all I do is listen to patients regardless of their behaviour and see them as people, not clusters of dsm criteria. It's not really complicated but they can't get past their biases and see that my methods are far easier than theirs.

o u

Same as i, brother. I work with maniacs/depressed/bipolar. I respect them for who they Are and i've learned alot as i'm genuinely interested in their views, thoughts etc.

I'd love to spend a day with a maniac girl. They have No barriers whatsoever and i've had 3 different girls making moves on me. They don't bat an eye when i catch them naked or this one time i walked in on a 18 year old 10/10 petite cutie fucking a pillow she had dresses up with a shirt and parts.

The shit we get to see and hear. Usually funny as hell but sometimes depressing too. Stay strong psychiatry bro!

At least use a better pic OP

Why is HH Holmes a better pic than Bundy?

haha it's nuts. I was thinking the other day whilst having my lunch 'shit, It's only 12:30 and I've had two people threaten to kill themselves because of me, one girl offer to suck my dick for looser methadone prescribing, offers of crack' most people don't see that in a lifetime. That's why nurses tend to be pretty red-pilled; they see a plethora of humanity in all its ugliness and beauty and form a worldview based on common sense.

>you realise that the world is literally insane and full of idiots
>you're going to get angry and abuse drugs/steal/beat

And in the end the horrible twist reveals itself: You were one of the insane idiots after all.

His level of dedication, planning and initiative.

Bundy was one of many at that time. The doctor was something unique.
Bundy did not construct a house dedicated to his art. Bundy did not sell the bones of his victims.

Granted bundy was charamastic as fuck, he still was shit tier compared to John Wayne Gacey or Leonard lake and his partner Charles ng

The doctor was motivated more by money to be fair. Which at least to me makes him a little less interesting despite his death trap hotel.

Greed is something every one of us can understand and kind of rationalise but the pure libertine nature of the other killers makes them more interesting. At least for me.

please stand up to society and act out your nihilistic tendencies and be rewarded with cultural enrichment in prison

I don't know
The Doctor was obsessed with death. I suppose because of the time he lived in, it proved to be profitable as well. But to commit oneself to the construction of a building with the sole purpose of capturing, torturing and murdering people is of Elizabeth bathory and rais de guilles level. Evil/psychopathy of a higher level.

Bundy seemed more impulsive and less calculating. Though, the fact he was pretty prolific and still able to even spend time in politics was pretty impressive.

Either way, serial killers have always been fascinating to me.