Jackie fucking Chan

Jackie fucking Chan

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Why is this guy considered a legend?

Because gooks need their idol and since Bruce is dead Jackie is next best thing they got.

I just watched Rumble in New York last month for the first time.
Fun movie.
I really want to watch Police Story but haven't got around to it.
What are some other Jackie Chan movies where he's in peak shape and pulls off amazing fight scenes and other acrobatic feats?


Aww, Jackie good!

Rip in peace

All he wanted was no trouble

I don't want no tax!

because it is

Le kooky Karate Kommunist hypokrite

>i wan no twabble. yes this my cucaine.

kys chinks. the only good filmstar you ever had is a kuk for government propaganda bcuz of cucaine.. looooolz!

『Jackie Chan Tulpa Requiem』

We had a thread on him a few weeks back, his stunt work is fucking crazy

In his prime he was one of the most dedicated actors out there, he is a fucking legend


Love his HK films, but he was the one that taught me the truth in the mantra "Never meet your heroes", or in my case, never google your heroes. Apparently he is absolutely nothing like his put-on persona in real life, he is reputedly quite an asshole to those around him.

Drunken Master 2>Drunken Master

He's actually pretty cool in person. Just don't mention anything about marijuana to him.

Name ten things that aren't Jackie Chan

Pinkie Pie tulpas

If you have ever met him, then he would be putting on his professional charm, so you wouldn't meet the real him. There's an image somewhere about 3 faces that explains it better. It's the side of him that comes out when you only know him personally that the press only get a glimpse of: the drugs, the adultery, the children, etc.

But I try not to let that put me off. Like I said, I love him as an actor, I just wish I never googled him.

>dubs dubs quoting dubs


There, easy.

Name one movie where he wants trouble

Uno mas?


Name 4 kinos, 2 movies and 7 flicks

Jackie Chan


And now you're telling us jackass.

Everyone has a dark side.
If you met me I'd seem like a humble person with a bit of troubles in life but try to let that keep me down.
In reality I'm a bitter person who hates the fact they're talking to me and wasting my fucking time and I'd rather as much be home drinking my ass off to forget how much life ducking sucks and I hate mankind with a ducking passion and wished most people would die.

because hes fucking crazy, its a miracle hes still alive and able to walk

insurance companies refuse to insure him

>hasn't seen his Hong Kong films

He was basically trained in a lab by commies to be the ultimate action movie star and every movie ends with "bloopers" of him setting himself on fire or getting run over by a train.

>not burning your hands on red hot coals

>not dangling off a 3 storey drop with just your hands

>not sliding down the side of a skyscraper

>not sliding down 5+ stories on a metal pole strung with live electric lights

>not rolling under a moving truck on rollerskates

>not jumping over neon signs on top of a moving double decker

are action stars even trying nowdays

Enter the Dragon

drunken master and legend of the drunken master


>playing on a Chinese escalator

Leave him alone!


Watched Drunken Master yesterday, what an amazing performance.


As far as stunt work goes, he's undeniably one of the greatest ever

Also he bridged comedy/kung fu without making parody, which was really appealing in his prime

He's my favorite action star of all time. Incredible stunts that make Tom Cruise look like a little bitch, an always entertaining comedic oaf persona, actually decent acting ability, and the greatest fight choreography ever. He really is the total package. Everything you could want out of a leading man for a fun action film.

armour of god 1&2
young master
lord of dragon
who am i

he makes EVERYONE look like a little bitch

Haven't seen anyone mention Wheels on Meals yet. Best fight scene of all time in the third act between prime Jackie and Benny the Jet. Watch it.

Also both Drunken Master films, the first two Police Story films, both Project A films (especially the first), Dragons Forever, and Who Am I. The second Drunken Master is probably my fav.