No wonder you mad!

>No wonder you mad!

What did he mean by this?

Asians have small dicks

It's okay to make fun of asians

cause they're small

its le epic all asians have baby dicks meme


Hi Chang!

Yet if you see black crime statistics and say "No wonder you're a criminal, nigger" people will call you racist. What a word we live in.

Well, if you have to say nigger, then yes that would be racist.

I wonder if there's a relationship with dick size and crime.
So if you see an asian guy commit a crime you know he's hung and not because of his nametag.

>Asians commit the least (violent) crime
>Whites are in the middle
>Niggers don't stop being violent

Shit you might be on to something

Why isn't Jonah Falcon is prison, then?

rush hour had alot of banter faggot

>if you said something racist, you'd be labelled a racist
Wow, really made me think

Oh my gawd you're homaphobic

(at least that's what this cunt would say)

I know higher T levels influence crime, does it influence dick size? it probably does since traps always report their dick getting smaller when they take female hormones

But saying Asians have small dicks isn't racist?
You're thinking of testicles, not the dick itself.

>le 1 in a billion anomaly


>But saying Asians have small dicks isn't racist?
not if its statistically true. it'd only be racist if you were mocking or degrading them for that fact

facts are racist ?


>what is the warrior gene and why is it orders of magnitude more common in blacks than in humans

Black crime statistics are also statistically true.
Because they're more closely related to bonobos than us

nigger nigger nigger
nigger nigger

That scene was really homoerotic