Mexican Hitler mad at World Cup drawing


can you provide a translation, I dont speak Amexican.

لكن لا بد أن أوضح لك أن كل هذه الأفكار المغلوطة حول استنكار النشوة وتمجيد الألم نشأت بالفعل، وسأعرض لك التفاصيل لتكتشف حقيقة وأساس تلك السعادة البشرية، فلا أحد يرفض أو يكره أو يتجنب الشعور بالسعادة، ولكن بفضل هؤلاء الأشخاص الذين لا يدركون بأن السعادة لا بد أن نستشعرها بصورة أكثر عقلانية ومنطقية فيعرضهم هذا لمواجهة الظروف الأليمة، وأكرر بأنه لا يوجد من يرغب في الحب ونيل المنال ويتلذذ بالآلام، الألم هو الألم ولكن نتيجة لظروف ما قد تكمن السعاده فيما نتحمله من كد وأسي.

و سأعرض مثال حي لهذا، من منا لم يتحمل جهد بدني شاق إلا من أجل الحصول على ميزة أو فائدة؟ ولكن من لديه الحق أن ينتقد شخص ما أراد أن يشعر بالسعادة التي لا تشوبها عواقب أليمة أو آخر أراد أن يتجنب الألم الذي ربما تنجم عنه بعض المتعة ؟
علي الجانب الآخر نشجب ونستنكر هؤلاء الرجال المفتونون بنشوة اللحظة الهائمون في رغباتهم فلا يدركون ما يعقبها من الألم والأسي المحتم، واللوم كذلك يشمل هؤلاء الذين أخفقوا في واجباتهم نتيجة لضعف إرادتهم فيتساوي مع هؤلاء الذين يتجنبون وينأون عن تحمل الكدح والألم .



good post

Why is he that pissed though?

>group of death


>this is humour to amerimutts


tranquilo carnal



>Aber es muss erklärt werden , um Ihnen , dass alle diese falschen Vorstellungen über die Verurteilung der Euphorie und der Verherrlichung der Schmerz bereits wuchs auf , und ich werde Ihnen zeigen , die Details zu entdecken , die Wahrheit und die Grundlage für jene menschlichen Glücks, weigert sich niemand oder Abneigungen oder vermeidet das Gefühl von Glück, aber dank an diesen Menschen , die nicht erkennen , dass Glück muss diese Nstchaaraa mehr rational und logisch Viardhm sein Gesicht den schlimmen Umstände, ich wiederhole , dass es ist niemand will Neil erreichen und genießt Schmerz lieben, ist der Schmerz Schmerz, aber aufgrund der Umstände des , was Glück liegt in Nthmlh von CAD und exponentiell.

Und ich werde ein lebendes Beispiel dafür vorstellen, wer von uns kann sich keine harte körperliche Anstrengung leisten, nur um Vorteile zu erlangen oder davon zu profitieren? Aber wer hat das Recht, jemanden zu kritisieren, der sich ohne schmerzhafte Folgen glücklich fühlen wollte oder den Schmerz vermeiden wollte, der zu einem Vergnügen führen könnte?
Auf der anderen Seite, wir bedauern und verurteilen diese Muftonon Männer ekstatischen Moment Alhaimon in ihre Wünsche nicht erkennen, was von den Schmerzen gefolgt und Angst ist unvermeidlich, und die Schuld schließt auch diejenigen, die in ihren Aufgaben als Folge der Schwäche ihres Willens Visawi mit denen, die die Distanzierung vermeiden, tragen Mühen und Schmerz sind gescheitert.


And they say we can't banter

Hardest team from pot 1=Germany

Hardest team from pot 2= Mexico (A team)

Hardest team from pot 3= Sweden

Hardest team from pot shit= N/A

Yeah, it's the group of death, negrito

I allways find it cringe worthy when Germans think using an articulate vocabulary means using english sounding words like profitieren or kritisieren, " ekstatischen ", why cant you niggers have your own fancy words without stealing our shit? dont you know even amerifats can know what your saying much

I don't want to be associated with all the chicanos itt. This shit is beyond cringeworthy

He's imitating some meme manager who gets easily rustled

Don't worry, you're looked at less than them anyway.



yeah let's pretend english isn't a germanic language

it is but that doesnt mean you created the word profitieren, why cant your language institute make up german words like french come up with their own words to not be frauds and steal english words

I miss Twin Peaks

>chicanos actually believe this

Chicanos and the rest of America, Juan.

mediocre attempt :|


>Hardest team from pot 2= Mexico (A team)
seriously? do you even watch football?
pot2= England, Uruguay, Colombia, Spain, Croatia, all of them stronger than an all star mexican team.


Just the fact that he said (A team) should have clued you in that he was shitposting.

Can some German translate what he's saying into German so I can say it loudly and sound Ubermensch?

>Implying profit doesnt come from French

>faux pas
>enfant terrible
just stop, you're an embarrassment for your countrymen

>I allways find it cringe worthy when Germans think using an articulate vocabulary means using english sounding words like profitieren or kritisieren, " ekstatischen ", why cant you niggers have your own fancy words without stealing our shit? dont you know even amerifats can know what your saying much

>American education, everyone!
>Not only do most Americans believe in the magical sky fairy, but well over half of them have no idea how the country was founded, where its main spoken language originates (PROTIP: English is based on a proto-Germanic language)

the mexican guy was actually saying this? wtf




German came first and English is not from the US you dumb sack of ignorant Midwestern shit

ich kiffe gerade
wieder frische ware
ungestreckt wichser nichts mit glas oder haare

even Google is in on Euroshitskin bashing

German did come first I know u fucking dumbass
my argument is that saying germans take english words and use them to sound smart.

even if german came first they didnt come up with modern english words we have today

your reading comprehension is shit

English is literally a Creole language made from French and Anglo language, so english isnt stealing shit because english is half french, if you took the french completley out of english it wouldnt be english just anglo germanic language

look who's talking

you don't even have your own fucking language lmao

>germans take english words and use them to sound smart
They're not English words. They're German words that English adopted into their own.

How do words make you sound smart? How would "stealing another languages words then mixing them with your own language sound "smart?

You're objectively too fucking dumb to amount to anything in life and you're obviously like 15, kys while you have the chance

Germans don't count as human so dont take them too seriously.

>They're not English words. They're German words that English adopted into their own.

holy shit you couldnt be more wrong, Ive studied german , and a word like profittieren to profit or Kritisieren to criticize arent german but old french which were incorporated into english when it was still forming as a language

Ich kann eigentlich deine eigene Sprache beherschen

He is brazilian, and he is not really him

Who's this guy? Never heard of him

aha Trumpf is fucked now

Free Palestina



i love /spint/ threads




>Translate from German

anyone else getting this prompt when they open the page?


honest question why does Google translate discover this as German?

it's detecting this

mudslimes btfo

Are Mexico the only country in the world who have NEVER fielded their fully-fit "A team" in a competitive football match?

>this post
Either the biggest retarded clueless nigger or baiting hard but considering how out of the blue it was for you to mention language Id wager you are actually fucking retarded.

Overrated desu. Notice how only Americans are reacting to it. 6/10 at best. And I'm being generous.

Why did you get pissed he translated it into Swedish?

maybe it's funnier for people who can't read it.