Do you amerifags finally understand it?

Do you amerifags finally understand it?

You cannot ever become a great nation as long as you have a significant portion of your OWN PEOPLE hating you. this is why europe can never prosper again, because we have a huge portion of muslims that hate our country, but they have our passports.

you have dindus.

the ONLY solution is to racially profile and deport ALL of them. yes, not all blacks are like this, but their hate on your nation is only increasing and will sooner or later be your downfall.

Allowing dissent is one of the values we supposedly protect, or is that different when people don't look like you?

It's different when they don't look like you.


>or is that different when people don't look like you

It makes it worse for some reason. It'll probably result in the breakdown of the nation one way or another.

SJWs are America's weakness.

Chinese, Russian, Iranian, North Korean intelligence know this.

Agitating certain groups is too easy.

America is can be taken out from the inside out and the SJWs in power are going to let it happen. They're just watching it happen.

SJWs will be bring sorrow to all of us.

The problem isn't blacks themselves... It is the media (((elites))) who are manipulating them into aggressive action.

Get the fuck in here.




>cannot ever become a great nation
>most powerful nation in the last 70 years
>posts marcus "murder everyone in my way" cicero

It's different when a significant minority genetically diverges from the majority.

Aborigenes and Australian Anglos.

Hungarians and gypsies.

Anglo-Saxon Americans and Africans

Frenchmen and Arabs.

Estonians and Russians.

I'm pretty sure anyone posting on boards like this, whether they're SJW's or red pillers is seen as a weakness.

>Cannot survive treason....from within

What other kind is there Cicero?

tying ideological differences to genetics is spurious at best. It sure couldn't be that they are different social groups with different interests that aren't finding a way to meet in the middle.

Killing innocent cops who did nothing wrong isn't dissent. Also, all races would be happier if they were living in different countries, so deporting them would be for their own good as well as ours.

>treason from within
uh, isn't that the only kind of treason?

>tying ideological differences to genetics is spurious at best

Got any sources? A quick google search turns up results that suggest the opposite.

This is stupid and if you don't know that is not what I'm saying you're stupid.

full quote

"“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”



I'm sure that a google search will turn up all matter of results on that topic, just like googling chemtrails, for instance.

But treason is literally a betrayal...

Where else would it come from besides within?

Stupid quote

We allow your country to exist because we choose to let it exist.

I'm talking about scholarly articles, not Infowars articles and the like. Not that those shouldn't also be taken with a big grain of salt.

Your post made seem as if you had studied this subject, which is why I asked.

Aren't you guys pretty based when it comes to keeping out muslims? What's the situation like there?

>This goy still thinks America has a lot of worldly influence.

Nigger, nobody cares what we think, and haven't for years.

How about we just trade? They can take Europe and you (eligible) guys can come here.

Come home white man.

It is very different when the people don't look like me or belong to my race.

They don't behave like you, which is the most important thing.

White guy here. I just hate America cuz they put me in jail for smoking a plant. I look forward to watching it all burn down so we can start over. Will be fun to take the world down with us. You're cucked.

A neighbour, a friend, someone trusted?

The fuck?

there's treason from allies, or enemies in the case of an agreement, etc many external factors can betray you

treason from within would be specifically the case of treason from an internal ally

Who let the niggers and Muslims in? Not just Jews (they played a significant role) but many white traitors were compliant as well. It's not just nonwhites that are the problem.

I honestly have not. I was possibly unclear. My main point is that extreme ideological polarization between two groups that leads to bitter conflict like the examples you listed is best apprehended as a struggle for land, resources or control.

I did not mean to say that genetics has no effect on one's political predispositions.

I wonder who he is referring to.

At least they're responsible with drinking and driving

That was the original plan. But Abe got killed.

Well you have your ancestors to thank for the niggers.

That's an egregious one too. Pretty shameful, 2bh pham.

I'd bet you manage the Clinton's overseas bank accounts too.

CIA get out.

Hey bro, I'm fine with blacks, until they decide to be savage, wild apes, which seems to be 95% or so of the black population. It isn't white people who are the problem, it's blacks and their constant 'poor me' mentality that then turns to rage.