Make way, sir!

Make way, sir!

>I always know who you are, I just sometimes don't recognize you

Does he do something useful in the movie except then dying?

Yes, he helps a negroid farmer family get back their horses when they are forced off the road

He leads Laura and his mom to Logan.

He elevated the movie above mediocrity, Sir Patrick Stewart is completely based.

He put Logan on the path to seeing the job through, reminded him of the mutant cause he used to believe him, and planted the seed that this was about protecting his family. He made Logan care and taught him a final lesson about how best to live what was clearly the end of his life.

>"You're just waiting for me to die!"
Killed me.

This 1000x. People talk about how hard it will be to recast Wolverine, but they forget how hard it will be for McAvoy to measure up to Sir Pat.

I honestly wish he'd get an oscar nom for this one

>At least there's a least there's a lake.

>not necking yourself immediately after finding out you have alzheimers

That, somewhat less importantly he saved everybody's asses in the hotel casino.

Sup Forums man is being contrarian, what a surprise

>people laughed at the scene DIRECTLY after this where he hits the truck
This shit was depressing as fuck

Maybe it was awkward laughing? To vent all the depressing shit you've witnessed so far?

Oh yeah, some stupid slag on my left laughed at it at the screening I was at, too. How goddamn autistic do you have to be?

Happened in my screening too. I think the drones are just desperate for a laugh, they can't process sincere scenes like this

that scene makes me feel so conflicted. The first time I saw it, I was angry at people for laughing because it was so heartbreaking. The second time, I felt sad, but I can fully recognize how funny it is that he's beating the shit out of this truck in an over the top way while there's a fully functioning car across the stream. Also the juxtaposition of some dad with a dog going fishing and Laura's fucked up father figure. It's inherently silly, and it provides a little levity after an intensely emotional mid-climax at the farmhouse.

He causes more problems than he solves but he is responsible for a lot of key plot points. Definitely done justice

>It's inherently silly
This. He could easily just had more closeups and him smashing it maybe 3 times and then that's it but the wideshot and the way it just went on and on kind of lends itself to comedy. Plus a lot of people cope that way when just having had an emotional experience, they line themselves up for laughter as an escape.

Even Stephen Merchant was good in this.

didn't even know he was in it. who does he play?

He's Caliban


I don't really know what I expected but it was a bit weird that he didn't try to change his accent or voice.

I've listened to the podcasts with him and Ricky and Karl so much that it was hard to see him as the character and not just himself

he looks pretty good

Stephen Merchant is a good actor though, and this is his first serious role, even if he's a little bit of a comic relief

I didn't know Andy Serkis was in Logan.

That's such a kino fucking shot damn

He gets tortured and dies a horrible death though. No happy endings in this movie god damn it.

>sacrifice yourself and you can't kill agent murphy
>they take his mutant gene when he's dead

Dude can't even have a peaceful death

what did he say after the pulled the pins?

Something about the light, what they said to him when they burned him

"Beware the light."

"Fear the light"

DCfag here and this movie was true cape kino well done marvel well done

I really hope Sir Patrick Stewart gets nominated for an oscar and gets it as a sort of thank you/ lifetime achievement award

> can you see see the light?


This scene wrecked me. I buried my cat saying something very similar. Too close to home, senpai :(


What's worse is that his death didn't amount to anything. He only killed one guy and Donald Pierce was left unharmed.

>Can't go out in the sun without tons of protection
>Suffer severe headaches caused by a guy you're helping
>live in a shithole
>barely enough food to survive
>get kidnapped and tortured because you helped some folks
>sacrifice your life for nothing

Being Caliban is suffering

Its stupid that peirce survived only to get murdered by little kids. At least if caliban did it, both characters eould have got good send offs

don't forget Logan broke his favorite mug because his vision was too shit to realize he was buying ibuprofen

Do you people not know what cartharsis means? Good lord how are you on Sup Forums if this is literally the first story you've ever watched or experienced.

*blocks your path*