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Based cyberkino edition

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Is this pic a new meme?

>reminder that the next doctor is a WOMAN

The best thing about them was their hands showing!!!!

>be me
>i serve chips
>weird old scottish professor at my uni
>keeps staring at me
>sneak into his study
>see weird crystal thing in a case
>lol stealing that because negro
>hear voice coming from below
>look down to see padlocked trapdoor
>he walks in
>run out as he shouts at me
>go to pawn shop to sell this crystal
>its gone wtf
a week or so passes
>walking to a lecture
>suddenly puddle grabs me
>some weird ghost girl is rising from puddle
>suddenly get lazer vision and kill it
>scottish professor runs out
>says something about the neutrinex waves is this area were off the charts
>explain to him what happened
>demands me to go in box with him
>ok then creep
>explains i have a fragment of a white chronon star lodged within my cornea
>says it is impossible but i must have absorbed it somehow
>says hes an alien and asks if i wanna travel with him
>why not
A Star In Her Eye

Conky reporting in for new Doctor.

Do you guys think we might actually see what the Mondas Cybermen look like without the cloth covering their face in series 10?

This is how the finale will pan out

Big bad brings the Cybermen together, the Doctor makes le epic speech and gets the Mondas Cybermen to kill the Iron Men Cybermen because they are still the most human. Le Mondas Cybermen become heroes.

All Cybermen seem to be defeated but suddenly an Iron man cyberman is still alive and shoots Missy causing her to regenerate.

if they're bringing them back because they're frightening and not because fan service then probably

missed one thing
>missy will sacrifice herself to save the doctor

you know how Moffat's mind works 'bring something back and try to innovate' and then potentially fail terribly like with the Ice Warrior outside the suit in Cold War.

So it's likely he will remove the cloth face for at least a scene.

Hold the fuck up, that top part is quoting the Gatiss meme, but

>dare and do

What the FUCK I thought it was derring-do, this phrase is even more convoluted then I thought

there's a press release on saturday?




Why would she do that? She's admitted that she keeps trying to kill him (she just hopes she doesn't succeed).

Does nobody think the apparent Truth Monk two parter and the Cybermen Finale are too similar?

They both seem to take place post invasion in the same city (Bristol) and deal with the aftermath of two Alien incursions.

There's some weird about this series.

For starters 5-8 are apparently linked.

Neither of them want to actually kill each other thats the point. So if the Doctor truly is in a situation where there's no escape, you can bet your life the Master will try and save him.

Like when the Master pushed the 4th Doctor off the tower, he knew the Doctor would regenerate that's why he smiled. It's all dangerous game they're playing. But if shit gets proper serious the Master will be there to help, just like he helped 6 will the Valeyard.

They is bestos

Did Ten shag Rose?

That's how it's looking
Eps 1-4 are standalone
Eps 5-8 have their own arch
Eps 9 and 10 are Standalone
Eps 11 and 12 connected

But obviously there's most likely going to be a big bad and an overall arc that get's established in A Star In Her Eye.


did david and billie have sex?

The original plan for the Master's story arc:

After a year away, he returns. But his big explodey plan is going to fail, and possibly permakill the Doctor. He can't handle that idea, so he flips out and runs in to make sure the Doctor can regenerate, and he gets permakilled.

And then Delgado died in Turkey, so they replaced the story with some fucking spiders.

Cartmel talked about doing the original ending with Ainley in S28, but of course the show got canceled.

Tennant wanted RTD to do the original ending with Simm, but RTD disagreed.

Capaldi probably wants Moff to do the original ending with Missy, and Moff is afeared of the Capaldiman.

>gay guy here, and the Doctor is asexual and should never be sexualised.
>Except 2. Him and Jamie are definitely a thing.

>implying that Him, Jamie, and Victoria weren't in a bisexual threeway relationship

Also, go back and watch The Wheel in Space. They only decide to keep Zoe around after she turns away from them and Jamie gets a nice look at her arse and nods at the Doctor.

>For starters 5-8 are apparently linked.
>Eps 5-8 have their own arch

you just made this up


I always thought Brother idea made a lot of sense.
I think people would hate it now though. It's too late. People were getting mad when Missy had that throwaway comment of having a daughter on Gallifrey.

It's not made up, eps 6* to 8 are about the Truth Monks and Memory police and Missy is in those episodes. You can learn all that by looking at the filming blocks, and leaked set pics.

What's wrong with the Master having a kid? that's actually pretty cool. And nah I like them just being best friends the brother thing is way too cliche even for a villain like the Master.

It was gloves in 10th planet.

I don't personally care. But I know a lot of people were annoyed by that on here. Imagine if they did the brother thing? People would go ballistic.

Destiny of the Doctors and some 8 Doctor stuff + Churchill are on HumbleBundle now

RTD did the joke where Martha asks if they're brothers and the Doctor says she's been watching too many bad soap operas, and fandom loved that.

It's all because the series bible for the TV movie wanted to make them half-brothers (same dad, but a Gallifreyan mum instead of Penelope Gate so he's not half-human). Fandom suddenly decided that that them being related was the dumbest idea in history, after nobody really having a problem with it before. So instead, they were besties as little kids, because that's totally different.

Fandom is silly.

A friendship among equals is a much more meaningful relationship than them just happening to have the same mother.

Biology is silly.

>What's wrong with the Master having a kid? that's actually pretty cool
It reminded me of Iris Wildthyme's story about her daughter that was a parody of the Doctor's story from Cold Fusion, which was pretty cool.

I'd like to see an episode from the Masters perspective.

Same father, not mother. Remember, the Universal/Fox Doctor is half-human on his mother's side.

More importantly, it's not just happening to have the same father; they were raised together, in the same house, with their dad and the Doctor's mum as their parents. That's a pretty meaningful relationship.

Of course it's also an explanation for why the Master was evil—grew up with his stepmom who never loved him as much as her own kid, resents his non-bastard half-brother, blah blah.

>I'd like to see an episode from the Masters perspective.
I'm not sure that would work as well with an OTT crazy Master like Missy (or Simm, or Roberts).

But for the next Master, that could be pretty cool.

Especially if they try to do a thing like Big Finish has done with the Master (and twice with Davros) where he tries to resist being evil but he can't hold back his true nature. Doing that story from his POV could be pretty cool.

I much prefer the idea of them finding and befriending each other in their youth (flashback when?). It's more touching and less contrived.

Depressed as fuck. Who else?

I'm just saying I wouldn't hate the brother idea, and fandom's reason for hating it was silly. It wouldn't be my first choice.

I like the VNA idea that they're bound together by a dark childhood secret that they can never share with anyone else. Making it be a murder that the Doctor committed to save the Master and then let him think he'd committed it and sold him out to Death to be her Champion, that part is probably not right for TV, just the idea that there's something unspecified that they've been keeping between themselves since they were 5.

>Michelle Gomez is based she wouldn't be into all that liberal womans right shite.
Tweets pictures of Trump as a pig.

Retweets everything Michelle Obama tweets, then bitches about Michelle not being anti-Trump enough.

Before moving to the US, did an ad for SNP telling people they don't have to feel guilty voting against Labour because Labour is no longer a left-wing party.

Choice of charity when going on celebrity gameshows is the Scottish Women's Excellence Foundation.

Was virtually a groupie to the Smack the Pony troupe, talking about how comedy by and for women was an idea that the world desperately needed.

Yeah, she's an alt-rightster like you.


Yes. Why do you think she calls him David Teninch?

Cybermen = Communists

Daleks = Nazis

Silurians = Liberals

What's the Doctor?

owned him

>doesn't understand the point of Cybermen
>doesn't understand the point of SIlurians
>probably doesn't understand what either "Communist" or "liberal" means

space jeremy corbyn



He's right though, in the sense that the Cybermen think primarily as a collective

>t. butthurt commie

>He's right though, in the sense that the Cybermen think primarily as a collective
Because fascism isn't also about thinking as a collective.

Kit Pedler's entire point behind the Cybermen was that there's no real difference between communism and capitalism if they're both obsessed with progress and efficiency.

Just because they share two of the same traits doesn't mean they're the same thing

>You will become like us (or your resident visa will not be renewed)
Cybermen = Dutch Conservative Party

Yes, exactly. Just because Cybermen and Communists share one trait that a whole lot of others also share doesn't mean they're the same thing.

Or are you trying to argue with Kit Pedler instead of with me? Because, if so, he's probably not going to respond, having been dead since long before Sup Forums started.

How are the Silurians liberal? Maybe the scientist from DWATS and Vastra, but most of them are just "APES GET OUT REEE"

Maybe they're liberal in the European/actual political science sense, not in the American/stupid sense. The pillars of Silurian economics are free movement of capital, free movement of goods, free movement of labour, and ohmigod an egg is coming hide underground.

>free movement of capital, free movement of goods, free movement of labour
Still don't see how that relates to what we see in their episodes.

If you read the rest of the sentence past that last comma, you might notice the joke.

>Ohmigod an egg is coming build higher dikes.
Silurians = Dutch Labour Party

Also, your jokes are too complicated. It's not obvious you're not taking the OP's ideas seriously unless you read it twice.

You = Dutch Socialist Party

She was still married to Chris Evans at the time, and Tenninch was in relationship with the actress that played 'Girl in the Fireplace'. Doubt it: even actors hate 'complications' during filming commitments.

Why are Gallifrey Base posters such cucks?


Reminder that the real communists are the women on the TARDIS, proudly doing a 1930's Communist Red Front salute aboard the valiant time vessel.

gareth just wrote "fuck moffat the fat scottish hack" on twitter
holy shit
hes having a meltdown rn
just told a fan "fuck you nigger shit"

Just saying that my post stands no matter which definition of liberalism you're using. No need to be a cunt about it.

>posting the same bait again
stop. this is a doctor who thread.

Reminder that a couple of years from now this photo will include the Doctor herself.

he's done. no one will ever hire him again.

How long has he had that velvet suit?

Pearl is doing a black power salute. Just like Billie Piper did before she was even on Doctor Who, because Billie is Ali G.

Really looking to seeing Bill in action. She looks like a great companion.

What gameshow was she on?

Fuck off back to Sup Forums twat. Women do this 'girl power' stuff all the time, been doing it for decades. Nothing to do with *communism* by even the lengthiest stretch of the political imagination.

Wrong - it doesn't matter what they're trying to do with it, the fact is it originated as a communist red front salute.

I'm willing to be user was talking about the fake panel show she did about a decade ago with some of the Smack the Pony/Green Wing girls, which was actually a joke because Michelle had just won an award from the Scottish Women's Excellence Foundation.

If so, it's not exactly the best piece of evidence, being a joke and all. Mentioning the award would have been a better one. Or just leaving it out, since there's plenty more you could find just from any week in her twitter feed instead of digging for old video clips on DailyMotion.

But maybe he meant something else that I don't know about.


The Doctor is the type of Liberal who is fine with gays getting married but probably thinks 1000 different genders is retarded. Still waiting for 12 to make I had money for every gender there is joke, then again those freaks make up a large part of the audience now, so it will never happen.

No it didn't. The first Women's Day was over 100 years ago, starting as a protest against the poor treatment of seamstresses and other female professions - the Russian Revolution started months later in October, and adopted the gesture from them, not the other way around.
>t. commie

Yes, it doesn't matter what your intent is when making a gesture, or how other reasonable people will interpret it; all gestures have been trademarked and their meanings can never change. That's why every time you raise your hand in class, you're a Nazi when you get halfway there and a Communist when you get 90% of the way there, even if you think you're just trying to answer a question.

Congratulating yourself.


OK, I think you got me. Except it wasn't DailyMotion, so…thbbft.

>tfw you can't think of any way to deal with how stupid you looked except to imagine that everyone in the world is a sockpuppet except you

Why do women bother with this women empowerment thing? they will never be the equal of men.Even if they overthrow the ''patriarchy' men will just take over again, we are the dominant sex that's how mammals work niggas.

Sush, I like to imagine Michelle is an alt righter. Okay?

Why do humans bother with this brushing teeth thing? They will never be the equal of bacteria. Even if they scrape off the "plaque" bacteria will just come back again, we are the dominant species that's how teeth work cavity creeps.

Is Gareth the only right-wing Doctor Who person? What about Colin Baker?

>Dr Who

He mostly just cares about animals iirc

No, Hartnell hated blacks and was racist in general. Tennant and Capaldi are closeted sexists and racists they just pretend to be pro women and pro diversity. Chris Eccleston is deffo a conservative.

Terrance Dicks?


It's hard to tell what Colin's actual politics are from his column, except that he's definitely "perplexed" an awful lot.

Eccleston hates the Tories for being posh cunts who look down on Northerners though

>Chris Eccleston is deffo a conservative.

Gareth said coming out as Tory was harder than coming out as gay. What a kekker.

>Eccleston deffo conservative

comes from working background in Salford. erhm.

How would the 1st Doctor feel knowing that one day he would become a black female?

>Terrance Dicks?
Terry always refused to discuss his own political opinions, and claimed that Doctor Who could never be political…but look at Colony in Space, The Mutants, The Green Death, or almost any other story made in his era. Either he's lying to himself or to us, or he honestly believes that green-pink politics is so obviously right that it's not a political statement to say so.