How do I respond to this accusation?

Other urls found in this thread:

Execute your divine right and murder the nearest nog

Bide your time for the race war, when LGBTQ are finished as well

That's what I call a strong woman.

"thank you"



Smile and gloat

why yes, yes I am

I just reach into my oversized wallet and bring out a privilege note to make here do my bidding.

works everytime.

>Discounting my point of view because of that is both racist and sexist. Way to stand by your supposed principles.


Nice try m8.

>You are a white male
"Yes. And to dismiss my opinion because of that is racial discrimination."
Very important that you do not use the word racist because that'll open a can of worms about positions of power or some shit.
>You are not a white male (even some shit like 1/32 Cherokee)
"I'm actually XYZ and you are LITERALLY judging me by the color of my skin."
I've had chances to pull this one and it triggers the fuck out of libs.

Fuck off shitlord! I'm an Italian

and im NOT SORRY

If it comes from a white person?
Just point out to them that they hate themselves.

Say, "I know" and look smug. You're playing life on easy mode after all and have every right to be satisfied with your good fortune. They would be too that's why they mad.

What does stating the obvious do for you?

You better fucking believe it. 14/88.

Quoting MLK or Mandela usually shuts them up.

Ad Hominem is not valid argumentation; where are your statistics?

Well if she's the one saying it. Tell her she's about to find out what rape is like.

Based fascist

treat them like the garbage they are.

My grandfather is from Algeria.
Jokes on you, faggot.

Holy fuck those arms. What planet did it come from?

You are just saying that because of my skin color you racist.


I am. Your point? If you have one?

berbers are white. now check your privilege

Following the wish she formulated by it, I pound her harder.

Planet photoshop unfortunately


better get back to whipping my slaves then

Kek, look at her little stubby baby hands in proportion to her guns.

"Excuse me, you bigot, I am a trans-asian omnisexual demigirl, check your white bitch privilege"

And you got fucking man arms you revolting cunt.
Go lose some fucking weight


>Sup Forums still can't get this meme right....

You call them xenophobic meat.

"So are you!"

Actually I haven't had sex in a while, but thank you for presuming.

>I know! Isn't it great?

>"check your privilege i actually indentify as a POC transwoman and am in the early stages of transitioning i'll thank you to not be such a transphobic cunt in the future"


I don't understand why that is a bad thing

2 rounds to center mass

with pride, user, with pride.

You fucking smack them and walk away.


>Dunecoons are white

t. Achmed