Was this supposed to be funny?

Was this supposed to be funny?

Other urls found in this thread:


Whedon should be beaten to death with a fucking kickstand, he ruined the Avengers movies, especially the second one. Christ.

he hasn't made anything good at all. His whole shtick is pandering to uneducated nerds and people who pretend to be nerds because it has become (sadly) socially acceptable to identify as a """quirky nerd""". He caters to the most pleb crowd and is enabling them to feel proud of their shit taste.

Also, he's probably the biggest cuck in the industry. He donated like half a mil to the Soros cause.

Buffy was pretty good but that was just schlocky low budget monster of the week shit and that's all it was ever meant to be, this is a trillion dollar franchise and the only shit in Hollywood that's making money anymore. What the fuck were they thinking handing it over to him? He's a TV guy.

Anyone who has ever produced a tumblr gif needs to be lined up and shot.

>tfw used to get paid to make tumblr gifs

It was supposed to be quippy.

I'm not sure if people find quippiness funny. I guess they do?

It's a callback.
*Argument scene on Hellicarrier.*
Banner: "You don't get to see my party tricks kids."
>Stark remembers this.

*pic related scene*
Stark: "I'm Bringing the party to you."
Natasha: "I don't see how that's a party."

You aren't intelligent enough to figure this out, so you make a meme out of it at the expense of revealing your intellect. Please tell us all your full first and last name so we may send the prize committee dance crew to your door to congratulate you.

No cake = not a party.

This is a callback to a previous scene where Captain America forgets and leaves the cake on the table before leaving his house.


Scarlett thread?



Lrn2troll. Everyone and their mom knows that's Black Widow and not the Scarlett Witch.


>its a people post 15+ year old pictures of Scarjo and pretend she still looks like that


The Avengers movies were full of this shit. Couldn't stand it. But the yowling masses brayed on about how funny the whole thing was hilarious so Whedon went overboard on the sequel against all sense.

It's about as funny as cancer. If I could take out one person in the past it would be that shit Wheaton. He made the next generation unwatchable.

is not funny
but quips aren't a bad thing considering that these movies are for children

>That's the secret, I'm always angry
Is this just me or does this shit all over the Hulk character? His Hulk alter ego is supposed to be this uncontrollable beast yet Avengers made him out to be just a beefier Bana.

I need to know how I need to know how I can make money from being stuck on my ass please user

Joss Whedon is not a screenwriter. He's a comic book writer who thinks he can write a script.

That's why every project he's ever worked on, besides the Avengers movies, were ruined by his shitty writing. It's somewhat acceptable in the Avengers movies because those are supposed to feel like live-action comic books, but even in those movies you still get a few groaners, like the one in OP's image.

Iron Man 2 was peak scarjo