How do we stop the student loan debt crisis? It's starting to get out of hand...

How do we stop the student loan debt crisis? It's starting to get out of hand. Atm it no longer matters whether you are a STEMfag or a HumanitiesFag. You are going to get fucked in the ass if you are not going to a state school or community college as an undergrad.

by ending government subsidizing

People and schools have to realize university is not and should not be High School 2.0. Having an undergrad degree should not be mandatory for low-level jobs or jobs that simply don't require four additional years of education.

It's a huge money maker and people see university as almost mandatory and the natural step after high school.

This has all resulted in the dumbing down of many universities, treating students as commodities, students being less mature or passionate about their major, massive debt, and making undergrad degrees prerequisites for virtually all jobs.

I'm a PhD candidate and I would tell people to hold off on going to university unless they know what they want to study, have some sort of passion, and their education will lead to some +/- well-paying position that will benefit society. and themselves

>implying it's not super easy to get credit in burgerland
all you'll get is more private debt

a debt jubilee

How about your students actually think about if they can pay off their debts or not, and how.

I don't get this shit anyway because I'm not a student faggot but this entire system is disgusting. Loans, interests etc. are a evil invention. We must destroy every bank... How is that even legal if you can start a bank with 5% real capital and the rest is nothing but the people's money... And after some years they will cry that they have no money left and will get billions of tax dollars.... I see not one positive point in having banks m8

rare flag

NEWFAG go to a community college and a state school then?

If you are not a dependent, college is practically free in the US through grants. I ended up making money in college.

>Be American
>Try to obtain a fulfilling education
>Get $100k in debt
>Get thrown in jail for not making repayments
>Get sucked into a life of crime after jail and get profiled
>Get shot by the police for reaching into your pocket
>Go to hospital after 15 hour wait
>"That'll be $300k in healthcare plus 15% tip"


>fulfilling education

Kill yourself, Achmed.

>I'm a PhD candidate and I would tell people to hold off on going to university unless they know what they want to study, have some sort of passion, and their education will lead to some +/- well-paying position that will benefit society. and themselves

When I was 18 I decided to go around the country and figure shit out instead of borrowing massive amounts of money to go to uni, and 11 years later I'm only one of 4 out of a 35 person graduating class that has a bloody job.

The ability to talk to all kinds of people and work well is something that basically nobody values, but it will be the main factor in if you actually get a job or not.

Sadly the world isn't fair, and if you want to succeed in it you have to take advantage of others. I wish it wasn't this way, but it is.

My advice for any people who have just finished HS/are near finishing it is: Don't fall into the trap of doing what everybody else tells you to. Uni/college is a bullshit waste of time unless you very specifically know what you want to learn and you have the intent to plan 10 years ahead to get your dream job. Just go around your country/the world (and no I don't mean fuck ladyboys in thailand and get high in hawaii you cunt) and discover what you want to do with your life. It will make all the difference.

And for god's sake, do NOT tie yourself down with massive debt, a house, or a marriage until you're at least 28-29. You don't know that much and most likely you'll be fucked over by lawyers or businessmen who know much more than you.

>ou don't know that much and most likely you'll be fucked over by lawyers or businessmen who know much more than you

But I went to uni to get my law degree to become that lawyer who knows much more than you

And that's awesome, I congratulate you for your success in that endeavour.

However, most people don't actually have the type of foresight you have, and they rush into university courses without thinking and end up failures with debt payments and 1-2 children.

Thanks mate

Yeah I must admit I have some friends from highschool who have gone to uni for questionable degrees and it seems like they've wasted their time, best one I know is 'hotel management'

My mum started a hotel without a 3 year course costing £27k, I can't imagine what they're learning

You get fucked in the ass even if you go to state schools. The only difference is you pay it later through taxation, which you'll pay either way even if you take the debt and go to a non-state school. There is no escape.

The only solution is to turn post-secondary into a true, unadulterated, free market, with no government subsidization or involvement.


You pay for your education and healthcare too. You know that, right?

Obviously, through taxation, but you don't hear of people going destitute here just because they dared to get a higher education

No, instead they just lose half of their income for the majority of their lives and become wards of the state by the time they retire, living off of transfer payments that come from the young, middle and working class.

Neither is good.

Not to mention most of these people going for post-secondary have no business being there. They have no means to pay their debts, the financial discipline to manage such a debt, or for that matter the mental fortitude and discipline to perform well in school and build the necessary skills to suceed in the labour market. The system is entirely broken, but yours (or mine, for that matter) is not any more capable of providing what the public wants.

>No, instead they just lose half of their income for the majority of their lives

If you can't afford to pay £27k in a reasonable amount of time from the job the degree you earned for that money gets you then you just made a poor degree choice

The idea that university is automatically beneficial isn't true, but nor is the idea that going to university is automatically harmful

you can take classes for less than $100 a semester at your local community college

That's my point exactly. Many people in post-secondary should not be there. The idea a degree entitles you to a job is a lie, all it does it qualify you for an interview where it is a pre-requisite.

I blame millenials for not understanding the concept of opportunity cost.

Are community college degrees respected? I thought community colleges was where people go to party, but I only really know of them through the show Community

You realize there is a reason it's that cheap, right?

>The idea a degree entitles you to a job is a lie, all it does it qualify you for an interview where it is a pre-requisite.

This should really be on any university application form

The private companies will stop giving credit to something that won't return the investment. No more loans for gender studies or psychology.

We can dream, but it would never happen

remove government from guaranteeing the loans or subsidizing them or being involved in any way.

no actual business will give money to a nigger studying afro gender bullshit. they only do it because the government is involved.

>Just go around your country/the world (and no I don't mean fuck ladyboys in thailand and get high in hawaii you cunt) and discover what you want to do with your life. It will make all the difference.
How am I supposed to do this without capital or money?

>And for god's sake, do NOT tie yourself down with massive debt
Luckily my debt is relatively small, standing at $2,000 (I went the CC route, I may transfer to a Uni afterwards)

>How am I supposed to do this without capital or money?
Backpack, learn how to survive with 25 bucks and a few spare sets of clothes.

Pick a location, get a job there the same day, make friends. Make contacts, work your way up.

You don't need money to get a job, sleep, or make friends. This is something barely anyone realizes and it's why most people fuck their lives up before they hit 25.

>Luckily my debt is relatively small, standing at $2,000 (I went the CC route, I may transfer to a Uni afterwards)
2k in debt is not good at all. What did you even study? Unless it's something that needs a license/extremely intensive training you can easily learn it out of college, and connections (what universities are actually designed to give you) can be easily acquired if you aren't an autist neckbeard.

>Loans, interests etc. are a evil invention.

They do far more good than harm, at least historically.

Fundamentally, credit makes capital available to people who could not otherwise afford it up-front. This is a key part of what makes free-market capitalism the best economic system for everyone.

It also enables investment, which is critical to long-term economic growth.

>2k in debt is not good at all. What did you even study?
Computer Programming along with the geneds to transfer to a Uni for CompSci.

>connections (what universities are actually designed to give you) can be easily acquired if you aren't an autist neckbeard.
I'm semi-/r9k/. Take that as you will, I'm not really 'fit' for heavily social enviroments...

True, without loans the average person would not be able to afford property or even to start a business.There'd be significantly less social mobility without them.

We're not THAT poor!

school is free.
it's just that you whiny faggots want to go to private institutions.

And you're going to choose Hillary as your president. She was the devil behind student loan mess.