Why are Westerners much more violent than Easterner Americans?

Why are Westerners much more violent than Easterner Americans?


>Orlando fag removal not mentioned

> Nex Mexico

Is this for real OP?

I think it has something to do with leaded gasoline.

why is it connected like a jewish star? it's just a hexagon

No it's obviously connected in a circle.

2 cross triangles = Jewish star.

Bump for NWO


Бaмп гeйpoпeйцы cyкa чмoшники yyy бля




The high altitude messes with your brain.

Also look up suicide rates by county, it's very high in the intermountain west.

What? Are they going to summon a giant succubus?

>Oy vey shut it down goyim

U can't pronounce that
U just can't fucking ыlets

really makes you think

Can you pronounce Ы?

there was no shooting in either montana or northwestern iowa. nice try though