They shouldn't do another season of Westworld; it ended too perfectly

They shouldn't do another season of Westworld; it ended too perfectly.
There's nothing left for them to explore. Anything else will just be mediocre in comparison because it would tread the same old ground.

But I want my Dolores X teddy good end

B-but it was Lost tier bullshit...

I'm actually getting a little sick of this comparison; if you re-watch Westworld it flows and all the twists make sense and were definitely planned. Lost was making it up as they went along, and they weren't even good at it like Breaking Bad was.

>Not milking a show to death

LOL, just look at GoT

I want a Samurai world spinoff.

sup reddit

The said the story would last for at least five seasons.

>all the twists make sense and were definitely planned.
will's storyline requires time travel to function at all. As they way it was structured, doloris' memory of getting raped by old-will triggered her to override weapon restrictions to stop it happening again.

>There's nothing left for them to explore.

But it was always planned to be 5 seasons. It's not like they're just cashing in on the first season for $$$.

They said the first season was designed to be about control, and the second season about chaos.

We have already seen there's different worlds/parks inside the complex, so be interesting to see what Ford's master plan really is

Just watch the Shogun miniseries, it's indefinitely better.

If anything, Game of Thrones could use more seasons to cover all the content, you fucking retard.

>The MAZE Dahlores!

Or...the viewer is shown flash forwards and backs without being aware of it until the twist?

No you're just an idiot. That happened in the present, she met young Will in the past. The whole show cuts between the past and the present but it's not obvious the first time you watch it. All of the scenes of Dolores in the basement are her talking to Arnold in the past.

Shooting the host-rapist and her father dying were structured as the events taht got her to wander off and be found by young-will. Also playing around with the gun that killed arnold in the present and eventually dumping it in the barn.

The alternative is she was just being remote controlled to will because will was an important guest. Problem there is that means people were monitoring will's entire experience and had no problems with hosts showing signs of self-awareness and overriding their own weapon restrictions and thinking it'd be a great idea for doloris to just pop back into town as if nothing happened when will returned.

So did you mean to type infinitely or definitely?

>It ended perfectly
>Anything about Westworld
>mfw plebs actually believe this

They can only improve things from here.

where can they even go in the second season?
i feel like we already know everything about the park

where the injuns are

>That pleb taste

Weren't all of the hosts self aware? Some of them were and nobody knew because they knew not to ask questions like that. And Dolores was the first host, they wouldn't get rid of her. Dolores had been wandering off for a long time, but Ford allows it because it's part of his plan.

If you think the abortion that is GoT is good and you want more you're a lobotomized retard.


>first season is meant to convey perfect order
>second season will convey absolute chaos

You really don't want to know how Anthony Hopkins planned for this to burn? No interest in any characters finishing the maze/becoming human? No interest in how the larger corporation will be affected by the fallout of the season finale? Watch the brief post season extra if you really don't care

you just know they'll dig deeper into maeve's bullshit story and make an even worse mess

don't give them ideas

Maeve is the worst character and she gets the most attention. 10/10 writing. Trainwreck waiting to happen.

s2 will literally be muh daughter: the season

These digits don't lie

As long as I see more snekfu I'm happy.

>They shouldn't do another season of Westworld;
Shouldn't have made the first one.

Every fucking twist could be seen coming from a mile away.