He doesn't realize all the shootings yesterday were false flags!

He doesn't realize all the shootings yesterday were false flags!

so what do we do now?

Perception is reality. It won't matter if no one actually died there. All that matters is that people think others were killed.


Another libertarian conspiracy theorist defending his black bulls.

hey shill, skipped coffee break today?

What if they were real and we just told YOU they were false flags.

proofs or tits or it didn't happen

just dont get caught up in hype. It is designed to inflame your in-group, out-group feelings. Read analyses of false flag events and spread awareness.

the false flags were also false flags


this one actually looks like a Manchurian Candidate false flag

>he doesn't know

Found the nigger


no i don't

Do the illuminati cards having anything about this shooting?

>he doesn't realize he has massive brain damage that makes him think every facet of life is a conspiracy

Grow up, you obese shut in.

you're right - the marginal benefit to posting this thread is admittedly quite small but one has to do something

Who give a rats ass tho? Would still be a good excuse to erase nogs

>claims to be over 18
>not realizing history is the history of conspiracies

btw I'm technically 'overweight' not obese

in any race war, JWO army will be on side of brownies. You won't get to denoggify the planet.

People imagine a race war would be whites vs blacks, but really it would be whites vs The State (which includes whites, blacks, and Hispanics, possibly foreign military)

As much as Hispanics dislike blacks they aren't going to turn on the government to fight them.

It's okay, I still love you and your triple self bumped threads.

How's the curry ketchup over there?

don't you stay in your own threads and answer posters?

-using VPN - proxy in Germany - hope I never taste curry ketchup