Things are about to get very, very real

Things are about to get very, very real.
There's a psychological change happening in America. Lines are being drawn in the sand.

Makes you think status: Really

white people be scares now.
It's 14-2 my niggas.

Nigger Reckoning 2016
This is change I can believe in

Yeah, and white people in rural areas who mind their business are the ones who will be disarmed

We don't have a gun problem, we have a brown people problem


No nothing will change you pussy.
You make fun of europe for islam but look at you first, ' niggers ' are killing cops and you are not doing anything yet you said everyday on Sup Forums omg race war ' show ur guns '.
You are pathetic pussy you don't have balls to do anything, breivik is laughing at you.
Comon fatass, what is making you unable to go full mcveigh right now?
Guns are easy to get.

Agreed. Things will change and we will never be the same. This is a watershed moment and astute people can sense it. I don't think it's "le race war" but it's probably gun grab time. Probably orchestrated, but even if not, certainly played by the media to get this desired result.

Imagine what happens when we start trying.

Surely you haven't forgot who hung from the trees mere decades ago, don't start what whitey will finish, niggers.

Wow, this post genuinely caused my neurons to become more active than usual...

Your comment really makes me think...

Is CNN letting the niggers know the current high score?

>substantial portion of the african american race has declared war against the government

let's see how this plays out

it's not going to outbreak into full on chaos, the powder keg has to be stirred more for that

no, this is just a shift in mentalities on a mass scale

That's it my neurons are voting for Hillary. #ImWithHer

Day of the rope soon

Enjoy extinction


You forgot the Bristol, TN shooter. Just shot White people.

>white people
>doing anthing except anonymously spout racist remarks from behind their monitor.

ayy lmao

they said on fox news that a heavily armed black man has shot 4 people, another melanin-enriched mass shooting bois

nothing changed
Things are about to get same

MSNBC was celebrating the BLM attacks as 'the abstract of Affirmative Action being applied in reality" earlier this morning.

Niggers teaching Whites what guns are for.

750,000 dead Americans.

>believing nigger/jew propaganda
>thinking everyone else is what you see in the mirror
Choose one.