Finish a rewatch of a series

>Finish a rewatch of a series
>Start IMMEDIATELY again.

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I can't relate to this feel. I have literally never re-watched a single series. What a waste of time.

I didn't only rewatch a series but I started it again after the series finale.


S1 = S2 > S4 > half of S3 > later half of S3 > S5

For some reason I could never get into season 3. I am still stuck on episode 1 after first starting it several months ago. Is it worth it?

>Big backlog of games and shows to watch
>Have the urge to begin another Soprano's rewatch


It took me forever to watch The Wire it's too dense to just binge.

Thanks man, just started a rewatch of this now


S1 = S3 > S2 (the ghetto parts, not the faggy dock workers parts) >>>>>>>>>> dog shit >>>>>>>>>>>>> S4 = S5

Every time I see a Sopranos thread.

I've already done like 4 rewatches not to mention I watched S3 to S5 when it aired on Sundays on HBO

S2 is axiomatic masterpiece and you are a cocksucker.


>not letting it sink in

welp i guess it's time to rewatch the wire again

>faggy dock workers

>yfw still can't quite figure out why Herc fucked up the Marlo investigation.

did he just hate the PD so much

I'm thinking about some pussy

>burning his clothes.
absolutely hilarious.

Herc always sucked
He was a piece of shit even when he worked for BPD and fucked up pretty much every assignment he got

He was just a bad person
That's about it

Ye, I agree. On top of bad, pretty stupid too.

Carver got his shit straightened out after Colvin kept him that talk about how Carver couldn't answer any question about the drug runners despite being the head of the drug team or some such.

>don't need to, I know who they are and where they hang.
redeemed ez

S1=S2=S3=S4 > S5

>he does have a digestion period

wtf i need some time to ponder and contemplate and soak and just think about it all for days


>Baltimore police have shifted the department's strategy to focus more on large-scale, violent players in the drug trade and less on addicts committing lesser offenses.

Literally and I mean it LITERALLY what the Wire argued for 15 fucking years ago.

I hope David makes new season of The Wire just as a big fuck you to the city lel.

baltimores law enforcement is fucked up
it is not a meme
they were not joking
the most corrupt cops are boys in blue
not really detectives, but there are still some of those as well

>tfw other TV shows will never reach the Wire's level

I think there's a heavy implication that the politicians around Baltimore and running the city were most corrupt, as none other could play their games in the show. I mean, Stringer gets eaten alive by Clay Davis, but Clay is basically a small time player in context of the show. Levy was basically intervowen to courthouse and PD.

>Anthony Barksdale, the city's former acting commissioner who helped lead drug enforcement initiatives in the department under past administrations, said drug arrests not only take people involved in violence off the streets but can put people with valuable street intelligenc

jesus christ the meme reality is breaking again

Davis got a large sum off of Stringer but he still had a lot of real estate. He was just humiliated

i only did that once after my first run of Sopranos

The show makes Stringer look rather dumb when the other gang member that owns the small plot of land (liquor store?) will get millions (he got got though, so he didn't) in exchange for the land and a larger piece of land from somewhere else (for selling what he now owns to Baltimore City) - detailed in Season 5.

Stringer should've been more patient. And not fuck with people like wannabe gangster, that shit bit him in the ass with Omar.

Marlo wasn't smart
He was lucky

>balitmore sun

The real estate was worthless if he couldn't develop it properly. Which he couldn't as clay was bleeding him.

Best girl.

Objective ranking:

S1 > S4 > S2 > S3 > S5

The final season was the weakest, but it was still good overall and much better than most shows. Great wrap up and had some great scenes, too.
McNulty and D were the best characters.

>not the faggy dock workers

>he watched the Wire for le black gangsters saying slurs


Slim Charles scenes were so amazing. That actor was so fun to watch

>Don't matter who did what to who at this point. Fact is, we went to war, and now there ain't no going back. I mean, shit, it's what war is, you know? Once you in it, you in it. If it's a lie, then we fight on that lie. But we gotta fight.

This is some fucking Baudillard shit right here mates

>Ain't enough y'all done violated the Sunday morning truce. No, I'm standing here holding a torn-up church crown of a bona fide colored lady. Do you know what a colored lady is? Not your moms, for sure. 'Cause if they was that, y'all would've known better than that bullshit. Y'all trifling with Avon Barksdale reputation here, you know that?

Joe was the man.

too slow to notice what marlo was doing tho.

Don't sell Joe that low. He was aware of it, but he was naive to think that Marlo would spare him.

He can't naive at that age. He was old dog in the business. Coldest nigger in the streets making moves and he don't see them? Just blind/stupid wrt. to Marlo.

How come nobody ever talks about Marlo? His character made the show even more interesting. Usually if you want to see the character die then the actor portraying him/her is doing a good job.

>So you finna hit a state senator now, huh? Yo, you kill a downtown nigga like that, the whole world gon' stand up and take notice. I'm talkin' bout the state police, federals, all of that. You need a Day of the Jackal type motherfucker basically to do some shit like that not a rumble tumble nigga like Slim.

That was amazing. Stringer thinks this is how you whack a senator and both Slim Charles and Avon figuratively shoot him down and he just stands there all ?_?

It's pretty crazy how out of touch Stringer was when it came to all that gangster shit other than the actual orchestrating of drug selling in the Pit and the flats.

What? A good number of people talks about Marlo in The Wire threads. He was the embodiment of the next generation, ruthless and no respect towards others. Also, "MUH NAME".

As I said, he was naive in thinking that Marlo would spare him, just because he "raised" him and showed him everything. Too bad, but that's the game. You win some, you lose some.

I need to rewatch sometime, I've seen up until around half way through season 4
I didnt drop it I just got distracted by other shows at the time

What can distract you from one of the best shows of all time?

I watch this probably once a year. Probably my favorite show.

I just wanted a (you)

I'm going to bed, here's another one. It's on the house.

Thank (You)

the only show i perpetually rewatch is mad men
whenever i'm not watching mad men i'm thinking about how good mad men was

McNulty should have been on there, would have been interesting.


This guy just won't let go of me

I usually rewatch a show if I really liked it for background noise while I'm falling asleep. Otherwise I don't bother. Worst show that I've found when it comes to rewatching was probably Breaking Bad or Dexter. Breaking Bad because of all of the filler episodes, and Dexter is horrible to rewatch because season 1 and 2 are the only ones that merit sitting through a second time. Season 4 was great, but much of the greatness of Trinity is learning more about him throughout the season. Plus the twist at the end of the season has nearly no impact the second time around. Only rewatched Breaking Bad because a friend wanted to watch it though. Never really found a series besides comedy shows that I've ever really not regretted restarting. A lot can only be appreciated the first time around.

In Mad Men as a crossover.

People who say shit like this about any character don't understand the game and what the show tried to drill into people's brain about it.
About 90% of people end up dead, in prison serving a life sentence or somehow fucked up.
Very few people end up coming out okay in the end and Marlo is a 1 in a million case.

Marlo killing Joe was just another example of this
No matter how smart, cunning and respected you are you will probably end up dying violently

Because nobody really likes Marlo
He has no redeeming qualities but you're not really meant to like him
He's not clever, he's not endearing in any way. He's incredibly ruthless and an egotist. He lucked out and got out of the game with a lot of money but even in the end he wasn't satisfied because Omar became a street legend (something he wanted to be) and the corner boys already forgotten about him

Marlo got what Stringer wanted, and Omar got in death what Marlo always wanted
It's pottery

>He was the embodiment of the next generation

The show refers to the ruthless newcomers in the corners as drug user/runner's kids- that is what Marlo probably was to writers and director.

Nah m8 he didn't think his nephew would fuck him


Stringer was outside of his depth with elite con men. Marlo just rolled with what was given. Plus Marlo wasn't trying to go legit whereas Stringer had to deal with the turf war they weren't ready for.

>He is not clever.
More clever than Stringer when it came to communication. Out in a wide open park without cellphones until Greeks made him use one and he certainly understood the wisdom of lnot leaving witnesses behind.

Stringer's generation comes from a time where cellphones were still a new thing

Again, Marlo wasn't smart. He just learned from the previous generation's mistakes

I've lost count of how many times I've rewatched, but it's gotta be at least seven

Better than most can do.

the cleverest thing his org did was stash the bodies in row houses and that wasno even his idea.

Marlo was far more brutal but season 1 Barksdale org would've destroyed him

I must doubt your intelligence if you consider the way Chris "hid" the bodies smart.

The fact Marlo kept the meets randomized and at open areas was far smarter than that stupid shit.

Using phones even though he knew not wasn'the that bright either

Through streams I have The Sopranos, The Office, Arrested Development, Misc Trek, Malcolm in the middle, The Twilight Zone and Craig Ferguson on constant rewatches.

Marlo adapted to the times and innovated to avoid being caught the same way others but his success hasnt based on savvy but on his ferocity and discipline.

He was ruthless and even trained himself to kill and avoid traps along the way, such as that bitch Avon tried to hook him with. He demanded viciousness and serious preparation from his soldiers as well.


I think you might have missed the biggest point across the whole show.

If someone HASN'T watched The Sops at least 6 times, they are literally a pleb and should keep their fucking cannoli-holes shut about tv and film.

that being?

Oh, fuck. That was supposed to be for It's the point about how everything works in cycles, with every one of them losing something in the process. Joe didn't expect Marlo to act the way he did because Marlo has way lower standards than anyone from Joe's generation.