My theory on the Jews plans for Europe

Its clear that the Jews have an end game and that is for Europe and America, to take in more 3rd worlders and low IQ ethnicities, promote ideologies like feminism that leads to lower birth rates for whites, and promotes marriages between Whites and these low,IQ ethncities, creating a large population of inferior mongrel race.

But unlike most Polsters tho, I dont think Jews specifically want to destroy the white race, but they do want to leave the economies of the west even more dependant on Jewish people.

Think about it, throughout history Jews have always feared being purged by the Goyim, who always rebelled against their jewmonopolies and their plans to control politics of european society. I think theyve realised that after the Holocaust, Aryan Goyim is too arrogant to be wilfull servants and slaves to the Crony Jewish capitalist class. Not to mention everytime a purge happens, even when the Jews try to scare Goyim, that they need the Chosen people to run their economies, aryan nations who purged their Jews tend to do very well . For example Nazi Germany.

By diluting European blood with mudslimes and Africans, Jews are trying to lower the intelligence of whites so then they can never be self dependant when they inevitably purge the Jews once again.
If white goyim are resistant to race mixing, theyll create a situation where the welfare state of Europe is put under immense pressure via bad immigration policies which was introduced as a result of lobbying by the liberal Jewmedia. Hence Europe will then need more wealthy Jews to maintain the welfare state, hence why today Europe is always trying to whore itself to Israel, Germany gave Israel free submarines
And Israel suprize suprize, is the only advanced nation with high birth rates. The main goal of Jews is to create a situation where Europe could never abandoning its Jewish overlords unless they want to become brazil tier.
What do you guys think of my theory?

Other urls found in this thread:

Jew here. The boomers have a different game than us millennials but no matter HOW evil they are they will eventually die and we can't wait.

something a lot of people will be learning due to my teachings,

Sometimes, simply non response is the best thing you can do. Passive Aggression. The one way you cannot be fooled by a jew. Although how I do that, nobody will ever know

The Jews are not a conspiratorial organization, they're just adherents to a religion, or of a particular ethnicity. The prevalence of Jews in media, science, banking, etc. is no weirder than the overrepresentation of Scottish people in similar fields.

If there is transnational organization pulling strings it has a lot of gentiles in it, the Chinese and Russian oligarchies are definitely not composed entirely of Jews. Not to mention most of the biggest bankers have been Englishmen or Americans. And well really your theory is just retarded

>"biological causes"

Ah-HA! So, they admit niggers are a lesser race.

Tfw you're a Jew who's more to the right than Sup Forums.

IQ doesn't say anything about intelligence

My bad, when I say Jews, i meant globalist Jews, im not that retarded to think all Jews are responsible, but their elites are pulling the strings.

Are you a zionist?

Abandoning to Abandon

Pretty much I agree with you OP.

The "Zionists / Globalists" have a plan to flood all white countries with brown low-IQ immigrants and merge society into a sigle Marxist socialist world government where they reign supreme.

This is why Wall Street financed the Soviet Revolution. US representative Larry McDonald was onto the worldwide NWO conspiracy and the Soviets murdered him in 1983.
>Lawrence Patton McDonald, M.D. was an American politician and a member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Georgia's 7th congressional district as a Democrat from 1975 until he was killed while a passenger on board Korean Air Lines Flight 007 when it was shot down by Soviet interceptors.

>A conservative Democrat, McDonald was active in numerous civic organizations and maintained a very conservative voting record in Congress. He was known for his staunch opposition to communism and believed that there were longstanding covert efforts being made by the Trilateral Commission and other powerful US groups to bring about socialism and world government.

>Unlike many national Democrats, McDonald hewed to a consistently conservative line on issues such as foreign policy, defense spending, fiscal restraint, states rights, gun rights, and was pro-life, while mounting campaigns that successfully combined modern elements with a more traditional grassroots strategy. It paid off in the fall; while many of his fellow Democrats succumbed to Republican opponents or switched parties, McDonald managed to retain his seat.

>"[T]he drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control ... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."

Such a beast named Coudenhove-Kalergi (the spiritual father of EU, whose price was given to jewess Merkel and van Rompuy is a speaker on his memorials), had preciselly such plan:

The white races of Europe should be destroyed and replaced with a race of Eurasian-Negroids who can be easily controlled by the ruling elite. (Kalergi)

And now they started to openly realise the _Kalergi_Plan_ .

I'm not so much a zionist as an anti-islamist.

(sorry that I do not have now the images in better resolution)


They will bring Mudslimes to Canada, Then The Mudslimes will go Downwards. You know, No visas


Your mind is clearly fogged as fuck, Goym.

Praktischer Idealismus is pretty clear about the pan-European Project. Also, the Jewish religion since the tribe of Levi have been doing the same thing repeatedly throughout history.

Ancient Egypt fell to immigration.
Rome fell to immigration.

The multiculturalism & socialism mean is as old as history itself.

Or they just want to cause a voter demographic shift that will always vote left so they stay in power. This is what is happening in Idaho.

I watched a full interview he had, might have been with charlie rose. Very interesting to watch. He is a truly forgotten political figure.

ancient Egypt stagnated for well over 1000 years, it was already essentially dead as a culture when it was taken over

Then, how do you explain the fact that every western nation is reducing its aid to Israel ? Even the UN publishes resolutions which complicate Israel situation day after day. Also, the media tends more and more to denounce the "immoral policy of Israel toward muslims".

I see a structural economic problem in the West, the welfare State. I see profiteers, the elite which is composed of who you know, and want desperately to prolong this situation because their comfort depends on it. I see a massive importation of migrants to give the illusion that the Ponzi scheme welfare state can continue. I see muslim countries thinking they can take advantage of it to conquer us, take our lands to fix their future oil shortage and social problems. I see a western population wanting to continue too because it fears to not get its retirement pensions and lose its job if economy crushes.

Am I bluepilled ?


I like you

My theoriy is, at the end of the 19th century, there was an ideological divide amomgst the intellectual and business elite in the Jewish community on what economic/social model and ideology could help them accomplish their ultimate goal of total world domination. The intellectual elites who werent rich were overwhelmingly pro communist and the Jewish business elite were pro capitalist. Communism and crony capitalism/banking were two ways Jews exerted their influence and control over the society that hosted them. Obviously with the purging of the Jews by Stalin and the fall of the Berlin wall, the intellectual Jews started to giveup on the communist ideology which was why Jews were amongst the first people to defect to the United states, by the late 20th century, former Jewish communists and children of bolshevik defectors became successful capitalists when they migrated to the west. It was easy to betray their communist roots since Jews never believed in communism as a higher ideal like many naive gentile communists and always saw communism as a way to gain influence and power over a society.

Found it

He was killed by the Soviets just 4 months after this aired

Stalin was onto the Jewish bullshit, that's why he started the "Doctor's Plot" anti-semitic campaign as soon as he got to power and purged most Jews from Soviet leadership.

This caused Jews to start backing the USA instead once they had lost control over the USSR. The Soviet Union was dismantled and turned into another chess piece to try to bring world socialism.

Forgot the link

America just recently announced the biggest aid package to Israel in history. 40 billion dollars

I dont know about Europe but Australia recently began relaxing relations with Israel and our PM has yearly visits to the jewish State.Not many countries have that previlege.
With Europe, it could be all PR and under close doors, European governments are probably giving economic bribes to Israel in order to entince their Jewcapitalists.

Yeah man very interesting watch. Lot of dudes went down in that era talking about some very unsettling political meta games.

The Church Comittee (investigating MK-ULTRA, COINTELPRO, secret CIA weaponry, and domestic interference with democracy) was named after another such man. He was the congressman who led this unprecedented audit of the CIA and their domestic activities, and he was murdered in the middle of Jonestown. Nothing close to the church committee has been accomplished or really attempted since.

I think thats just one of multple reasons, but its not their main rationale behind their support of immigration.


Ok, let's forget the first part of my post, what about the second ?
I would easily believe in a conspiracy but only if an economic argument is driving it. I can't believe this if an ideology is behind this.

>The intellectual elites who werent rich were overwhelmingly pro communist

No, but the jews, who knew, what is being planned for this civilisation - the capitalism and jewish supremacy is an illness that will not last indefinitelly, wanted to prevent coming of the Just System (that finally will come regardless of how they tried to prevent it).

So they brought the crooked communism (which was very far from real communism), the atheistic deviance, to make a civilisation vaccination against that... (Communism is absolutelly not that, what was brought by jews to Russia and what China has now !)

They knew, that unification of Christianity and Islam will defeat jewish supremacy, so they bent and twisted Islam heavily through Wahhab and Saud - both jews...

There is an interesting text:


if you read it - almost nothing of this happened in eastern socialistic countries, but most of this happened in zionist-controlled USA...

> Gain control of all student newspapers
> Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions
> Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures
> Eliminate all laws governing obscenity
> Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy"
> Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools
> Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over ...
> ...

Most of this succeeded in USA, but was not by "communists", was by Zionist jews... The name was exchanged, so that you did not understand, who is who...

All your American hatred to "communists" is actually mis-represented toward bad target...

I think its a desire for absolute power. Financial power of such overwhelming superiority that it is essentially a birthright.

Like the Habsburgs.

A fucking leaf

They don't fear another jewish purge. The jewish propaganda agaisnt anti-semitism is just too big.

They want to make the white race dumber so they can control the white man and exploit him for profit.

That is where I wanted to come. In fact, we don't know anything about their intentions, we only have suppositions and analogies. We are not able to track or even estimate their fortune, we only have fragments of what they do with it. If they had such an amount of money and such a hate of us, why don't they simply destroy us ? They would have got their domination since a while. They clearly have an agenda but if this is what we often talk about on pol, well I think they suck at realizing it.
Why diluting the Western world ?
To avoid the loss of money of a potential world war.
Why fighting identities ?
To get more mobile and exchangeable workers.
Why pushing idiocracy ?
To get perfect consumers.
Why fighting nations ?
To get a one world market, more simpler to manipulate.
Why doing all that ?
To sustain their fortune.

What I want to say is that an ideology is always driven by economic arguments, because men want firstly eat, then they think. They don't behave like that because they want our unconditional destruction or humiliation, they behave like that because they think this is the thing to do to preserve them.
Also, we are always identifying them as a unified omnipotent block, but it is not as simply as that, they can just influence people, they can't distort the realty. One day, the market could break, they couldn't do nothing to fix that, they would just adapt well to and we would still think they control and commended it.

What I want to say is that, yes, they have an immense power, yes they hate us, yes they have a globalist nefarious agenda, but no, they can't control everything, they control what they can, influence what they can't and adapt to what fatally happens. What fatally happens now is the situation I described in the second part of my first post.

>So according to you, ideology cant drive groups of people to do things for the benefit of their tribe? Whats religion then?
>Also as ive said before, I dont think the average Jew is pulling the strings but I do think they are complicit. Jews believe that they must control society and control the politics of society and inorder for Goyim to accept the Jewish heirachy. Its why most Jews will steadfastly agree with racial equality even when they are aware that their community is proof that superior and inferior people do exist. Jews are a remarkably cohesive people, inspite of the diveristy of Jewish people. They all want to do whats best for their tribe, irrespective of their politics. For many, this includes using all their power to decieive Goyim, pretending Jewish power doesnt exist, indoctrinating Goyim. This is similar to how Muslims will protray their religon as peaceful to nonmuslims, even though they know that islam will always be against western principles amd civilisarion, and that if a time does came when Judgement Day arrive, they must kill the very people who welcomed them to their society necause their god told them to. They know that if they are truthful about their intentions, or if they are trully homest about their relgion, they wouldnt be in this country

Post de qualité

Im not too sure what's new in that theory

''This hypothesis is open to the objection that, so far as we can tell, a distinct change has taken place in the Jews’ activity in this century and at approximately the time of the “Protocols.” Before this, the aliens seem to have been content to exploit the Aryans and, in biological terms, feed on them; the present objective is obviously extermination of our species through mongrelization and massacres, so that it would seem that the organization and domination of the Jewish colonies by the Zionists produced a change in purpose that must, to a large extent at least, have been consciously determined and planned.''

''This implies some measure of rule by some kind of directorate that has the ability and power to set objectives for the race. The alternative is to explain the change as a natural result of the progressive weakening of our race by less direct attacks during the past thousand years or more, comparable to the change in the activity of a wolf pack when it senses that the harried caribou are nearing exhaustion.''

''Whatever the explanation, the Jews’ determination to exterminate the Aryans is not unreasonable.''

My theory is jews are happy regardless the outcome, muds kill Whites, Whites kill muds, both killed.

''One may see a good analogy in the cattle that are raised in the southwestern part of the United States. For a long time, the favorite breed was the ‘Texas Long-horn,’ which was hardy, able to fight off coyotes and other predators, and to survive in the wilds until it was rounded up by the cowboys for a long drive to the market, but it was also a dangerous animal that would attack its owners when provoked. It is now virtually extinct, having been replaced on the ranches by more docile breeds, such as the ‘Black Angus,’ since the predators have been exterminated and the cattle now graze within fences or are simply fattened on corn provided for them, and the vigor of the potentially dangerous ‘Longhorn’ is no longer needed, while the more docile and sluggish animals yield more tender meat.''

''Early in the Twentieth Century, Aryans had, for all practical purposes, subjugated the entire world and made it everywhere both safe and convenient for the Jews, whereas events in Germany in the 1930s proved that Aryans could be dangerous to the Master Race, if they got out of control. Elimination of the species seems therefore a logical step for the self-styled ‘God-people.’''

You need to broaden your horizons.

But they are increasingly closer to controlling everything. If the theory that the same group of elites who manage the global banking system through consensus controls all but three (or is it two?) central banks left on planet earth, the point at which they are capable of literally dictating the market conditions is nearly upon us.

When you control the monetary supply of the entire planet, according to the Right Honorable Lord Rothschild the first, you have taken control of the world's population. You are in effect at that point the one world government, regardless of what superficial trappings of customary power structures remain.

What's the difference between controlling all finance and technological systems, and controlling everything in a post agrarian society?

Completely agree.
The true enemies of humanity are the Globalist Zionist.
Even Jews are against them. Jews have simply been framed by their Zionist counterparts to avoid criticism and allow themselves the privilege of calling out "antisemitism" once people are onto them.