Any Finns get to try the McVegan yet? pls I can't afford a plane ticket, I need to know what it's like

Any Finns get to try the McVegan yet? pls I can't afford a plane ticket, I need to know what it's like

sounds disgusting

Um... the finest culinary scientists in the world are on the case... I'm certain you're wrong

If it tastes like this one, It's pretty fucking tasty.

Based Finnish ooga booga language

imagine how long it must take to order at the drive thru lmao

t. Albero Barbarosa

Finnish is older language than your copy paste version of latin

>yks big mac ateria kokiksel

Finnish was created in 19 century in Russian Empire. Before it, was many rural finno-ugric dialects.

hesburger > mcdonalds


>vegan asking about GMOs
imagine being this brainwashed

Oh, yes, Pekka.

Written finnish is from the15th century which is based on southwestern dialect. that's true otherwise there's still dialects which sounds stupid

>eating mcdonalds ever


will try in a few hours desu

You better write a review or I'll go apeshit

sure m8 just hang on and smash that f5

We’re still waiting


Tastes like ur mom, wouldnt recomend.
Abort the mission McDonalds