Why I (A Dude) Need Feminism


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Effeminate, side mouth speaking, lisp having, limp wristed cuckold needs feminism what a surprise.


(((A Dude)))

(((a Dude)))

liberal men need to be castrated

they basically already are

hi hivemind, hope you don't die in the inevitable shitstorm from the Olympics

It's not like they are using their penis for reproduction, PV is always rape

chop his nuts off, he obviously doesn't need them

why the fuck does he move his mouth around like that?

I need feminism because my fish has no bicycle.

Maybe there is something to the conspiracy theories of oestrogen in the water supply.

Male cameraderie and calling eachother faggots for being faggots is a beautiful thing that effeminate "nice guys" like this would never understand. It satisfies our primitive compulsion to form hunting parties.

probably had a mini-stroke, probably the same reason he believes this shit too...
My cousin had a mini-stroke and started talking like that too... unless he has the palsy.


I'm pretty sure that is a raging faggot


WTF I hate men now.

>Ah, your face! You're practically hollow

>Justin Trudeau Urges Men To Be Feminists

This guy has been listening to too much Weedman advice


See based black virgin fuck his shit up!

im tired of nu males fucking faggots

>taking advice on being a man from somebody called Justin

Such liberal! Much progressive!!!




More like "Why I a dude....need to eat a bullet"

Much more fitting.

who dis?

>I need feminism because I am not very good at being a traditional "man".


define traditional man. there is nothing like that. gender is only a construct by society

prove me wrong

He sets the quotation marks at man and not at the traditional part. So I am not sure what you're bait with gender has to do anything with it. Of course traditions are an construct by society.

>define traditional man
>gender is only a construct by society


existing in or as part of a tradition; long-established.
"the traditional festivities of the Church year"
synonyms: conventional, customary, established, long-established, accepted, orthodox, standard, regular, normal, conservative

You just did define it hans.

>I need feminism because I'm practically a woman already and want the special treatment.

Two minutes into this and he says he can't handle making decisions by himself, literally. If it was the 1950s and he had all the responsibility of the head of household, he couldn't handle it...

lmao using definitions made up by cis males

He has a point though
I dislike the masculine pissing contest for social status too

you can work out and do all those self improvement stuff
but people who spout around how awesome they are and try to put others down are just assholes and should be avoided.

>"cis dude"

This "guy" is so far in the closet when he says that I'm pretty sure he's sat on Aslan in this video

I honestly wonder if kids like this honestly believe what they are saying. The world is more often tailored more towards women than it is men now. Are these young lads so blind to this?

You're a dude? I had no idea.

>why i a cuck needs feminism

Holy shit germanic people are fucking disgusting.
Feels good to be mediterranean masterrace

> I dislike the masculine pissing contest for social status too
Women don't care what you dislike and feminism will most certainly not convince women to become attracted to introverted beta males that are unable to compete successfully in the "masculine pissing contest".

>Feminism is just about equality between men and women
>but it comes from the position that men have everything and women have nothing, so "equality" in this instance means giving everything to women and taking everything from men to make things "equal"
>that's why feminists clap when women surpass men in something everyone agrees is good, like having more money or a lower chance of being murdered
>removing inequalities that favor women= bad, removing inequalities that favor men= good, even if those inequalities were created by feminist policies that handicap men
Reminder that every male feminist is a faggot punching themselves in the face and they're punching other men in the face (not literally of course, a male feminist is too limp-wristed to punch anything except a pillow with a Trump photo on it) and they want those men to also punch themselves in the face. The female feminist is disgusting but she acts in self-interest; the male feminist is simply a pathetic masochist.

what should we call this syndrome? what causes this syndrome? why are he eyes and mouth like that? is it biological?

He does this weird thing with his mouth when he's talking....
I want to punch him so badly

I hate people like this more than anyone else. These self-hating cucks are the worst. They make the white race look so pathetic.

Nobody is forcing you to compete in it. You're not a little girl that just follows where the hens lead, OR ARE YOU?

its that male pissing contest that has brought us to where we are. showing off the stuff you have achieved and others trying to beat you to it is what makes this world work and i wouldnt want it any other way. its not about liking it its more about respecting its efficiency and while looking at how the alternatives did in the past.

he is the coolest dude

That wont make a difference

why are there eyes so black like a shark or something

>feminism is great for me cause I can do gay shit like heel-clicks in the hall and get away with it as a man

Uh, no, you can't. Women are attracted to confidence, masculinity, and behavior that gets respect from OTHER men.

Go ahead, act like a huge faggot - you'll get tons of friends that are girls - but quality girls won't want anything to do with you. Girls with low-self-esteem may be attracted to you because you clearly and blatantly identify yourself as a failed male - but don't expect those feelings to last if she improves her own self-worth or if she gets a better offer.

I wish these beta fucks would realize that they're girl's plan B, never plan A.

wise burgers

Exactly. Men don't like guys "acting like girls" because we actually don't even like girls acting like girls, but because they are girls and we want to fuck them, we develop cognitive dissonance towards it and a tolerance because it's the only way to get laid.

Also acting like a girl means being weak and not taking personal responsibility which leads to being a burden on a man somewhere. Again, they get away it because they are girls. So we don't want the man to act weak because we are getting sexually rewarded pulling his weight so to speak.

This is all subconscious too, I don't think men are aware of why they do this.

>This is all subconscious too, I don't think men are aware of why they do this.

Neither are women - it's on the opposite side for them.

Women understand women - they understand how fucking useless they are. Women understand also that they require male resources and labor in order to enjoy a good, easy life. A man who acts like a woman does not provide anything useful to women, besides being an easy target for manipulation/ego-boosting.

Damn that's a good way of taking my thoughts and pushing them in the same direction that I haven't specifically thought of.

Not even being sarcastic. Like I guess I'm aware of that but haven't thought the other side of coin through as much.

Even adding to the original idea, men know women act they way to do for that emotional manipulation so they're wary of men trying to pull the same thing.

>I dislike the masculine pissing contest for social status too

Then it's most unfortunate that you are going to live your whole live under it.

>people who spout around how awesome they are and try to put others down are just assholes and should be avoided.

Absolutely, but that's not a masculine thing, that's a human thing, cunts and assholes exist, it doesn't get any better with women.

You're exactly right - our culture is in some kind of sick stage right now where people will do ANYTHING to deny men and women are different for this very reason. If men and women are different - and the things we've said hold true - then the liberal utopian dream is simply impossible because women desire a certain type of man and men desire a certain type of women. Obviously this leads to different personal choices made by men and women - which of course leads to inequality which is pure evil according to the left.

People who deny human nature are sick in the head at best - evil at worst.

Remember - men everywhere are being brainwashed into going against their male nature - and this is great for men who aren't failures.

Men want women who make good mothers.
Women want men who make good providers.

That's a fact and will forever be a fact.

Great points user.

>People who deny human nature are sick in the head at best - evil at worst.

It is evil. The evil here being that women are dishonest as always and basically trying to say they are "equal" simply so they can gain our share of the resources without, still, putting our level of work in for them.

Feminism is basically a parasite trying to cover up it's a parasite, she doesn't want men to know how much she uses them, because if they wised up and got mad, they might not give her the free thing she knows she's incapable of getting on her own or they might demand things in return she doesn't want to give like having sex with a not-the-most-attractive male who's giving her the free things.

It is evil, what's more evil than a soul-sucking creature?

>It is evil, what's more evil than a soul-sucking creature?

Agreed - but at least I can respect a person who doesn't try to deny their soul-sucking nature.

>>It is evil. The evil here being that women are dishonest as always

How are men any more honest, in this specific matter?

How many men have you seen having dishonest relationships with females? Relationships in which he wanted something (most of the time sex) and never mentioned it or pointed to it outright, instead trying to manipulate her (maybe if I'm nice to her she'll fuck me) ?

There is a crisis in the perception of masculinity and in the relationships between men and women, but I see no feminist conspiracy or evil in it, I see males that have been raised by women and don't know any better.

And it's depressing to be honest. You have a truckload of people who are essentially sexually impaired on an emotional level

>I see males that have been raised by women and don't know any better.

They're just failed males who have been tricked into thinking that their failure as a man is attractive to women. These types will never be a girl's plan B - he's just useful for manipulation and favors and ego-boosting.

You're really that insecure that you can't handle the bantz? Dudes busting each other's balls is no different than what chicks do with each other. It's a form of comradarie, it's not a social construct or some made up bull shit buzzword. If you can't take a little ribbing or friendly competition than idk what to tell you, you're probably not going to make it very far in life.

Sapaku proven right once again

I had to turn it off after less than a minute. The beta rays were too much.

I think it's because they literally don't believe what they're saying and they're experiencing fear and embarrassment as they hear themselves talk

> Relationships in which he wanted something (most of the time sex) and never mentioned it or pointed to it outright, instead trying to manipulate her (maybe if I'm nice to her she'll fuck me) ?

Because women punish honesty. If you're honest and say you want to have sex with them, even the sluttiest girl on earth acts like she's Mother Teresa and you're a rude pig for even thinking about her as a sexual being in the slightest.

But that's because they can't just give their only value away without getting something in return. So they MAKE YOU be dishonest and award lying with sex. And then wonder why they have asshole boyfriends who lie to them all the time.

>I a dude

What a fucking illiterate cuck, Christ.

Spoken truly by someone who hasn't ever had a girlfriend before. :^)

What is it with leftists and side mouth speaking? Is it an accent thing?

HAHAHAH i used to know this kid, he was on the GMU speech team

>1 post by (((this ID)))

You don't say...

>can't be a traditional man
nu-males are such pussies, what do they even strive for?

no soul

What a fag.

Fucking leaf

It has no use. They don't use it, they already have castrati voices and act like little children when they don't get what they want. Besides, they don't harm anybody with their change.org petitions

The humiliation and consequently destruction of our culture. We don't know if they are doing it out of conviction or if they have simply been brainwashed into doing so and now are acting as pawns of the progressives, but we know our utter disgust not only for their actions but also for what they represent as domesticated pets is in every way justified.

They are not liberals, they are cultural Marxists and reds. I'm paleoliberal. Those faggots are not.

What's wrong with his jaw? Did he sprain it from sucking too much nigger dick?



Guys have a rib with each other for the bantz and then get something at the bar later and laugh it off, girls on the other hand hate other women deep down and mean what they say and only pretend to be nice so not to be called cunts

>Wide eyed, wide mouth face,
>critical face that says "You really need to believe this and its ridiculous that I even have to say anything about it"
>Gestures to self

Every "youtuber" ever.


they'll never have children so it'd be redundant. liberal women on the other hand need their tubes tied

"wage gap" exists because grills don't do the same jobs as men do. how many female masons, plumbers, mechanics, etc do you see daily? hardly any, because they are lazy assholes. and now we have nu-males who want in. where did I leave my gun holy shit.


Why I'm a cuck white men who do need wife's son.