
So Sup Forums,

How do we deal with the atheist problem?

Like Hitler did. Imprison and gas them.

Just wait for them to grow up

Put them in carts and smash carts to the wall.

atheist here. Irrationalists can't speak in the name of reason. Freedom and equality are mutually exclusive.


Humans must secretly produce a billion self-replicating murder droids and give them hard AI.

This is the solution to all human problems.

>tfw atheist
>everyone automatically think of a fat beta underage kid with a sexual fetish of fedoras and ponies or a pro-LGBTQ+ movement


>grown man with sky daddy fantasies


Do you also believe in santa?

This. WE cannot tolerate atheists in our group. Christians only. Buddhists get a pass, if they are asian or indian in origin only.

>dubs of truth

You can't do anything. You're not good at solving problems.


Ignore the modern atheist movement.

Atheism is about skeptical inquiry. We have nothing to do with lgbtqp rights and we gain NOTHING from supporting them.

It's cool when likeminded individuals get together and say

>hey atheism and even secularism is cool! Get into philosophy and science!


>okay guys this is a safe space, not a public forum, we are pro-lgbtqp.

Why? You should never blindly accept anything. The nu-atheist movement is a mockery of atheism and diametrically opposed to what actual atheism is about.


Nice meme, bruh.

Ignore them. The obnoxious ones just want your attention.

How do you enforce that though? After you prove that you're not bluffing and execute the first few of them, the rest will start saying they're Christian to save themselves.

Also, isn't it kinda Muslim behavior to execute non-believers instead of just letting them be? Is this kind of shit what Jesus intended?

FPBP + dubget

just sit back and wait. theres a reason atheism never survived. they dont reproduce. they will go extinct by themselves.

explain "actual atheism" pls


>"I think homosexuals should have rights!"

>fucking reddit pride parade

they have willfully rejected their immortal souls

they are already dead

It deals with itself. They don't have children.

It really feels like they resorted to making us into a huge strawman, perhaps it has some degree of truth because the degenerates tend to distance themselves from religion too, so atheism gets stained by association, but it's still damn unfair.

>implying there's a difference

I am an atheist, and a pony lover. Tell me how I am the problem, with details.

>implying atheism isn't a stain

Someone who doesn't believe any god exists, that's an atheist.

We're not some faggots proo lgbqtfs+ who like ponies and do parades about faggot rights or support feminism or these shits, we just don't believe in any god and therefore we don't follow any "divine command".

I'm a right-winger and patriotic atheist, and hate all that kind of shit I mentioned.

pony lover


But again, once you start killing people that think homos should have rights, people are going to start lying to save their lives. Then you're just going to end up with the same shit as the Red Scare in the 50's or Witch Trials before that. Mass accusations just because one party doesn't like the other (if you think false rape accusations are bad just wait), paranoia, neighbors spying on each other, and kangaroo court tribunals.

It won't end well. The best you could do is track down all the people who make offending social media posts and execute them. Of course, you'd be killing a huge number of the youth and we'd end up like Japan.

We slay them

>(with the faith of Christ)

>right-wing and patriotic

Kill bad atheists (pro Islam)
Keep good atheists ( anti Islam)

>give an atheist evidence of god(s) existing
>"ur delusional kid"
Where the fuck are my warlocks at?

You give them bats so they can beat some sense to religion fags

Can an atheist explain to me why they don't commit suicide if they are suffering in their life? Suicide can be painless now, and what's the point of dealing with any suffering at all if you can just get out of it Scott free.

>report people suspected of faggotry/atheism (same thing) and they get executed
>no one wants to be a faggot atheist

I don't see an issue here.


Pick one Pablo.

>How do we deal with the atheist problem?

Grow a thicker skin you baby faggot.

very pony lover

Eternal darkness and nothingness can wait, I want to see how the world turns out in the next 60 years.

no true atheist is pro islam. only sjw cucks

Are you just baiting, or actually braindead?

They're a self-solving problem. They lead the way in abortions, low birth rates, short lifespans, and suicides.

Give me evidence and i will believe in your fairytales. Fucking freaks.

>not believing in ancient memes means you can't be right-wing

Pretty sure everyone on this site are baiting

Too wide of a term. It's basically lack of belief in a deity, but it doesn't have any structure, set of principles, ideology, organization or anything.
Saying that atheism supports x or y it's just retarded, there's no "atheist doctrine" whatsoever.

>My life is shit, I better kill myself, the heaven realm is awaiting me in the afterlife.

>My life is shit, I better kill myself, there's nothing to fear anyways.

Literally the same shit.

>forcing fags to go underground doesn't solve the problem
Nothing short of a rapture will kill ALL fags, however making that kind of speech unacceptable will certainly help the faggot/atheist problem.

because I'm not a pussy.
also any sensory experience, no matter how awful, is superior to no sensory experience by default.

They're basically all "meh" about their lives

Humans don't generally commit suicide unless they are severely mentally unstable. The basic instinct is to survive.

How is this not obvious to you? Also, are you implying theists don't suffer?

I am with the right, and I am patriotic. Looking forwards to joining the military.

>they're all filthy degenerates

Can you Christians at least prove how your religion is the right one? Try not to use the bible.

What if said religion, like mine thinks there is a hell.


Atheism is the definition of red pill. Christianity or any religion is the desire to be cucked. You willingly deny all evidence against a god just so you can become a sex slave of your god. You long for being dominated by a god. Furthermore, Christianity is a huge cuck religion in itself. Turn the cheek so you can suck his dick.


so they're pushing their substitute "religion" at the very same time

Havent you guys old enough to stop believing fairy tales?

Classic /pol


The boogie man adults started believing. Stupid fuckers.

>evidence against a god
What ""evidence"" do fedoras have besides for
>he didn't come when I sperged out at the family reunion therefore he doesnt exist and fuck you kevin quit linking my deviantart

The roach actually speaks truth.

>give an atheist evidence of god(s) existing

You have that?

>Can an atheist explain to me why they don't commit suicide if they are suffering in their life?

If I had to guess I'd say it's a combination of fear and the primal self-preservative instinct.

>making that kind of speech unacceptable will certainly help

And you don't seen anything inherently un-American about limiting freedom of speech, especially based on religion?

But a bunch of innocent nonfaggots and atheists are going to be executed in the process, and you're going to end up with a totalitarian shitheap of a government.

I also have to protest how anti-Christian straight up executing people for dumb shit like this is.

What if being red pill means that you declare your ignorance about the universe and realize you can't prove that there is a God or disprove that there is a God


So is this whole believing in Jesus a meme or is Sup Forums pulling my leg?
Don't tell me you guys actually believe a book of fairy tales?

wew lad, considering the fact that you christ-cucks hate islam so much, you sure act a lot like them.

But how do you know that you cannot know God exists?

>forgetting about the Inquisition and the crusades


Just pop on over to /x/ and learn how to conjure, then you can literally ask a demon.
>making some speech unacceptable is un-american
Atheists aren't a religion, remember?
They're not speaking about religion when they're talking about needing a lack thereof.

We wait a few more decades until the last retards have grown out of believing in sky daddys and the problem isnt a problem anymore.

It will happen that way 100%.

>grown ups believing in boogeymans think the ones not believing should be dealt with
k den

then for a lack of a better proof you should not believe in the ness monster

Ow shit it hurts. Can you please keep your zyka razor blade away from me spic, the edge is too much. Grow up Brazil, real men believe in God.

I see your "self preservation instinct point" but what "fear". If YOU KNOW there is no god why would you have fear about suicide.

I wonder if this will trigger the christfags on here. If you're gonna shove your religion down other people's throats at least have some evidence backing up your silly superstitious beliefs

>believing literal jewish fairy tales
I feel sorry for you too, user.

Can someone give one reason why being atheist is a bad thing.

I am not a ponyfag, i hate fags much as the church does, and i never shitted on christianity or god.

>They don't believe in our magical skyman!

Fuck off mudslimes.

I bet none of the people in OP's pic is a real atheist, I bet they believe in the horoscope, ghosts and other supernatural crap.
I bet none has a career in STEM
Not being Christian does not make you an atheist.

I don't know, do you?

Remove my flag from your fucking post goatfucker.

You know deep down that its true, don't deny it.

>asking for [scientific] evidence for a faith-based religion

>I'm an atheist but have never shitted on god
Choose in the singular fashion

a stone has no unused potential in knowledge since it can't process knowledge. It is omniscient

Mussolini THE FATHER OF FACISM AND NATIONALISM was a fucking atheist you braindead evangelist cuck




Well, there are a lot of Christians out there that like to think that their religion is a fact.


>"inb4 ponyfag"

We think you are self-absorbed, sanctimonious, trolls bent on irritating everyone.

But what is knowledge. Are you implying we humans have knowledge? Why are we different from the stone.

Okay, let's say for a moment they aren't jewish.
They're still fairy tales, you know.

>not fact
Get a load of this heathen.