When people say black lives matter, that doesn't mean white lives don't matter. It just means All Lives Matter...

When people say black lives matter, that doesn't mean white lives don't matter. It just means All Lives Matter, bu right now the big concern is the fact that the data shows black folks are more vunerable to these kinds of incidences. This isn't a matter of us comparing the value of lives. There is a particular burden that is being placed on a group of our fellow citizens.
You can't dismiss this.

Other urls found in this thread:


Black lies matter

Black lives dont matter


Keep crying, bitch nigga.

blacks kill 400+ whites per year
whites kill 140+ blacks per year

Blacks = 12% pop
Whites = 60% pop

Blacks are 15x more like to kill a white person than the reverse

I couldn't care any less, but there's truth to this statement.

Stop acting like niggers and you won't find yourselves in these predicaments

No there isn't you fucking lunatic. I hate this stupid logic.

>b-black people are having a tough time... so you know, black lives matter!
>nobody else is having a bad time so it doesn't matter about them but trust me all lives matter
>we aren't a supremacist movement but if you question us we will put you down especially if you're white

Fuck off.

whats illogical about it?

the evidence doesn't even support what you're saying it's a bullshit narrative pushed by the media to make idiots like you angry. What about all the whit people killed by blacks, does that matter? What about all the black people killed by blacks? Blacks are having a tough time because they're fed this bullshit narrative of being a victim constantly. How do you think these people behave around the cops? There's a reason this is happening and its not because cops are white suppremacists.

Because this isn't what it's about. Blacks don't consider themselves citizens, they revoked that by identifying themselves as "African-Americans"

Hyphenated-Americans are a fucking cancer and if you consider yourself one of them you shouldn't be a citizen.

Our biggest mistake was importing these fucking pieces of trash that have contributed NOTHING to American society but undermining it, destabilizing it, and refusing to adapt and cooperate.

>blacks rationalizing their inability to behave according to minimal standards

If only they didn't put themselves in situations that involving getting shot so much. If only.

You dumb niggers have been saying black lives matter for the past 3 years. Just fuck off already.

If black lives really matter, then why are black people killing other black people 9000% more than anybody else?



>Liberal retards write the article attempting to debunk Trump, and accidentally end up using data to prove his point. WHOOOOPS.

Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime and therefore have more interactions and opportunities to be killed by the police.
>stop committing crimes and trying to scrap with cops

they don't do nuffin




Niggers gonna nig

>>but right now the big concern is the fact that the data shows black folks are more vunerable to these kinds of incidences.

It's funny how you only care about "the data" when it feeds into your bullshit narrative. Blacks commit more crime than any other race in this country. And, a group that commits more crime will have more interaction with the police.

Why do blacks commit more crime? Because they have an illegitimacy (bastard child) rate of over 75%, and have the lowest IQ of any demographic in this country.

So the dumbest and most degenerate group, which commits the majority of the murders and violent crome has the most fatal encounters with the police? Hmm, why should that surprise anyone?



even blacks dont want to be around blacks

Send them all back to the jungle.

Look there isn't a problem here to solve. All the statistics show the rate at which blacks are killed by cops is entirely in line with black crime statistics. If anything they get killed less than they should.

6.6% black male population commits 53% of murders and 37% of violent crime yet they only get killed at a rate of 22%.

That blacks aren't facing the biggest crisis right now, the idea that blacks are the only ones facing hardship as a group, or that they have it the worst is racist at best.

Its because blacks that kill whites are put in jail for the most part and justice is served.

And now because of cell phones we can actually see cops kill black people for crimes that we as a society have decided don't deserve death, and the cops rarely if ever get an equal punishment.

Thats fine though, keep your head in the sand.

Data shows that criminals are more susceptible of getting arrested compared to innocent people.

You can't dismiss this.

>There is a particular burden that is being placed on a group of our fellow citizens.

Yeah. Clean up your fucking act and stop doing dumb shit that constantly makes the news.

Most of us rational white people don't dismiss. We stand with you, user

I always hear people reference the data but they never show it. Makes me think this is all just a meme that people are too afraid to question because they don't want to be called racist.


If they were self-conscious, they should be called "Black Lives Also Matters".

Also, all reputation they had went down the drain when they started whining about people using "all lives matters".

Blacks make up 80% or so of the crime rate in america. More crime = more run in with cops. More run in with cops = get schlumped nugga

>value one race above the other
>not racist
made me think

It's not like both kids and parents start a brawl at a wal-mart and have a smiling mugshot while being charged with assault or anything.


Would you rather keep your race, switch with a black person, or choose another race?

Like I get that I could very likely be switched with a white coal miner and have a shittier life, or even switch with a rich black guy and have a better one, but you couldn't find me an oddsmaker on earth that wouldn't advise most people that it's safer and easier on average to be a white person in the US.

Wow really makes you think

What particular burden?

The niggers are committing more crime therefore they get in trouble more often. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Cops aren't going to let you act like a belligerent fuck just because you are black. You're going to get your ass handed to you and you're not protected by your deluded notion of "racial prejudice".

This is just like women complaining about not getting paid the same amount as men even though they don't do the same amount of work.

Act like adults and take responsibility for your own actions. Stop blaming others all the time. You have the power to make your world better. The secret is that you have to start by making yourself better, not the world.

The Police State is a yoke hanging around the neckbof every American, regardless of color.

But negroes only care about themselves, and don't realize that the whites that they hate have been fighting tyrrany for the past 30 years.

But mo, the Weavers were just cray cray rednecks, right?

Indians have the highest average income in the U.S.

By your logic, shouldnt everybody choose to Poo in the Loo?

>BLM supporters lost their minds on twitter when the Paris attack happened

damnit pol. This picture offends me now.

Just the thought of homo africanus being raised on the nourishment of homo europa fucking triggers me so fucking hard.

when I first came here 4 months ago I would have just shrugged if off and thought it overly benevolent of a white women.

Now I'm fucking disgusted though.

Thanks pol.

>X means Y
>not X means X

Im voting Trump!

Thug lives don't matter. Lynch yourself nigger.

The problem is that all the crime statistics you'll see coming out today highlight victimization - how many X were killed - and never talk about criminal behavior - how many X killed someone. It's like the question of gun control or drugs: the media/administration focus on supply, never on the actual criminals. There is a strong unwillingness to blame the criminals or even talk about them, only to talk about victims. If you bring stats on crime (like fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded-homicide/expanded_homicide_data_table_6_murder_race_and_sex_of_vicitm_by_race_and_sex_of_offender_2013.xls ) and divide by population, you find that blacks commit homicide about six times more often than whites.

3 words.

Self righteous indignation.

yep. Thats all it is.

Plus sheltered whites defending them

t. a black dude

they aren't getting shot as punishment, they're shooting them in self defense because dindus don't know how to interact with the police

The stats I've seen show blacks are killed less by cops when you consider their outrageous levels of homicide.

Let's say you are able to qualify experience for an arbitrary group of people. What makes you think black lives matter movement helps? You take the premise, but automatically take this reaction as the most beneficial course of action. In fact, it could very well be the opposite, that BLM decreases the quality of life for black people now, or at some time in the future. For example, BLM inspires cop killing, now cops are more paranoid and trigger happy around black people. I wouldn't be surprised that tail-light murder was maybe a trigger happy cop afraid of being killed because of the cop killing a day before. The problem with BLM is it divides, and so creates a contrarian movement. If you transcend, people admire that. People admire the movements in the 60s because they transcended and were like martyrs. They didn't have much hate, they probably smiled as they walked accross that bridge with the luther kang. There is a beauty in transcendence

the data shows black folks get shot by police in a smaller proportion than they commit crimes and homicides

more black people killed each other in Chicago last year than were killed by police nationwide

if black lives matter maybe black people should start acting like it and change their cancerous culture of ignorance and violence

If niggers cared about black lives, they would stop murdering 20 other blacks every single day.
BLM is only about false indignation and trying to get back at white people over imaginary wrongdoings and isolated incidents. And it's all supported by the outright evil assholes in the media.

black lives DO matter. SO get your fellow "protesters" in check and stop showcasing their violent tendencies every time some motherfucker gets shot.

>we need to have a dialogue
Can't have a dialogue with an angry mob sir.

If black lives actually mattered to you, you'd realize that black on black crimes are the biggest threat to black lives and help the police secure your neighborhoods.

Are the blacks in Europe as much niggers as those in the US? Such as black-on-other crime rates and other stats.

"Just the good ol' boys
Never meanin' no harm
Beats all you've never saw, been in trouble with the law
Since the day they was born"

This just happened recently:







It's different, because the niggers are more spread out, speak different languages and are generally more insecure, because they weren't born and raised in the country. This results in different behaviour and different crimes, but they're still vastly overrepresented on all violent crime statistics.

The second generation of arabs and Africans tend to be more like niggers in the US, because they've adopted the victim mentality and identify more as an all-encompassing group of immigrants, rather than just people from their home country. They also adopt a lot of the gang and ghetto culture from the US. They're better organized, know the local culture and are more prone to crime and religious extremism.

>the data shows quite the opposite
>the only danger to blacks is blacks

I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS. Holy Shit. Their retardation is goddamn unbearable.

Yet someone just tried to kill a bunch of people because they're white. Fuck off the jew trained you poorly.

srsly. whats up with nigs carrying around guns , whether or not legally? what are they carruying guns like its a bag of pistachios? Fuck you need a piece for to sell CD's or ride to the dmv? They live in a fucking fantasy world. Their track record indicates nothing but motherfucking endless problems, even when we reach out to them to fucking help their black ass. so thats what cops have to go by, empirical data. Now they all wanna be venerated as holy fucking saints after decades of acting like mindless animals. Fucking niggers man. Jesus.

inb4 cracka I'm a spic

If BLM got a single person to speak for them that isn't a criminal maybe people would take them more seriously.

blacks need to deal with their own internal fucking problems instead of blaming fucking whitey everytime they rob a store and get blasted
fuck them i dont give a shit


Oñim not saying I don't believe you, but I want to be able to cite on when BLM niggers bring that argument up

you started a thread about it

>bu right now the big concern is the fact that the data shows black folks are more vunerable to these kinds of incidences.
which data, exactly

What about the blacks that go past 1-2 generations? That would be more comparable to the U.S.

>you will never meet a based black man
why Sup Forums

why are they some damn rare, they're like a leprechaun riding a unicorn draped in the finest chocolate

>you can't dismiss this

Yes I can. There is no evidence that blacks are treated worse than whites by the police.


but black lives don't matter

FBI Crime Report (2014 is most recent full report available)


White killed by whites: 2,488
Whites killed by blacks: 446
Blacks killed by blacks: 2,205
Blacks killed by whites: 187

Take away from the numbers: most murder victims are killed by someone of their own race, but when comparing black and whites killing each other, blacks kill whites a lot more than whites kill blacks.