If american blax had their own country what would it be like?

If american blax had their own country what would it be like?

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They already have one, it's called Liberia.

Liberia for sure.









It would cease to exist within 3-4 business days

No poverty or crimes according to the left


im thinking jamaica with less reggae and more rap

Looking at that nigmobile, if Cadillac offered that car sitting that high with 4wd and decent offroad rubber it would make a fairly cool looking sport suv.

ACS colonized Liberia with freed slaves.

Look how it turned out. Imagine how great we could be if there wasn't 15 percent of the population being a detriment to society.

It's a constant struggle against animals.

is the nigger or the car photoshopped in?

Escape from NY/LA meets The Running Man.

I would pay to see it

Can you not just give one-word examples and provide more elaborate responses? Ie: where their GDP is going to come from, culcha, etc.

This is literally the answer to your queston: But feel free to look up any black majority country and see how they're faring today and throughout their history.
Everything good in them was put their by outsiders, mostly Europeans.
They are incapable of creating anything of true worth or even of maintaining it without outsiders (non-Africans).

>dat tiger stripe

>nigger country
>business days

This. Like Anglo Caribbean. So less openly corrupt and prone to tin-pottism than Latin America, but with as much or more gang violence and economic stagnation.

You realize all those countries were setup by whites, right?

They're genetically incapable of ruling their own society. They were genetically designed to be a slave species towards no matter what society they try to breed in to.
The dominant gene ensures that any attempt at survival and replication with a negro snuffs your genes out and your just left with a negro.
No matter what society they try to breed in to. The negro will always remain.

They do.





Literally this.

It would look like Detroit, entirely.

They'd be begging for the white women to come visit.

They have one, liberia

They actually did. Liberia.

This nigga gets it. Lotta niggas get it.



Africa within 5 years.

Your point, Leaf?

Nope. It's not even funny, like a 4WD Pinto. I mean, at least that is something that you can laugh at.


I like the car. More cars need to be modified.

Way more advanced. Black intellect is superior.


2nd post is your answer... it already happened.
It is also the poorest nation on earth...

Zimbabwe beat them as of 48 hours ago though since their entire economy collapsed.

Neither are for lack of resources however.. but because they were all "Ooga booga! White man OUT! Dis BLACK MAN LAND!"

Then as always
>pic related

That is what has, does and always will, be the outcome of your question. Only for Sub-Saharan negros though. Northern, Capiod and Berber blacks can form stable family units and basic societies that don't consistently implode 6 times a generation.

a residential area in the new black nation

Aren't those things expensive as fuck? For the money they spend on bling bling couldn't they just move out of the hood?


Rims alone would be a decent down payment on a small house.

So, like, 3 years? That's not too bad desu

>Fucking poor battle-scarred niggers overseas can get Tiger Stripe
>I have to pay out the ass for the same shit


They would implode like Africa or build an empire like Portugal.

Can you picture an all black university? an all black high school?


Fuck you. That's what it'd be like.




not quite sure but i'm sure it's constitution would be written in crayon with most of the words misspelled

They already have it.

It's called Liberia.

Egypt thousands of years ago, with no white nigger presence.

Uganda was great until Britain installed that mad dog Idi Amin as ruler.

Even then he was Sup Forums as fuck, Hitler loved him and Uganda and Germany had positive relations during WW2 unfortunately, he killed everyone in his cabinet as well as other potential threats to his power and essentially went through his livestock of potential soldiers and workers out of sheer paranoia and blood lust.





This. You don't have to wonder OP. It happened.

Not an argument

How did the Botswana niggers do it guys? Just random dumb luck? I mean out of the dozens of shithole countries at least a few would come out ok, right?

Came here to post this

Holy shit. Can American blacks even handle deepest darkest Africa?


Based AMC were so ahead of time

A lot like white USA

They did.
And Chicago
And New Orleans
And Oakland

desu senpai