Richfag here, ask me anything

Richfag here, ask me anything.

How much do you earn?

How much do you have?

What do you do?

Can you send me money if you are rich ? 100 euro ?

can i please have $10


Did you inherit your fortune or did you make it yourself?

yes give me your paypal

Gib me money

Do you even enjoy to treat gay prostitute with money?

155k a year


No poor people are funny

My parents are wealthy but majority of my money are my own

Haven't tried that yet

Being rich is a curse.
2pac was right when he said mo money mo problems.

can i have $10 please

>A rich danish

In what, the world most equal country?

You have like, 20% more money than your equal snowniggers?

Talk to me when you are so fucking rich you are worth more than 99% of your population

How often do you have sex?

>no infinity pool

bet you don't even wear a manbun

dont have paypal, can you send it in the mail please

>155k a year
Hahahahaha isn't that what investment bankers or VC fags get on their first job? Rich my ass...

Do you think any friends you have only stick with you because of your money?
Are you rich as well?

can I stay in ur house for one night?

>expecting scandis to know what true money is like

>155k a year
Eh, could be better, I expected more "richness". In what field do you work?

How do I deal with dry skin on my face and scalp?

use moisturiser


My parents make about twice more than you do, lol

How did you make your riches?

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

>lives in a country where people are richer than 99% of the population
Too bad

Depends if I'm with a girl but usually 2-3 times a week

I legit just started 6 months ago and I'm 23 years old

Well is it investment banking then? Good luck fag.

Are you cardiologist?

i make 30k a year...

>155k a year
before or after tax?
what specialty are you doing?
[spoiler]is it hard for polish med school graduate to find a job in your country[/spoiler]

How many percentage of your income are getting taxed? 70%?

>I legit just started 6 months ago and I'm 23 years old
Hey, I am not hating, just curious. You didn't tell me your field of work.
>23 year olds make 100k+ while I am penniless at 25
thanks obama

Thank god for reverse search

>23 yo

Are you richer than me? (~1.4 million NOK)
Are you richer than my parents? (~50-70 million nok)

net worth?

Do you enjoy your life? You are financially wealthy. But do you sometimes have things like depression, emptiness, distress and likes? Are you successful not only financially, but also mentally or spiritually?