Americans are hypocrites. If Mexicans and Hispanics were white and not ugly and short...

Americans are hypocrites. If Mexicans and Hispanics were white and not ugly and short, Americans would not discriminate us. It's a fact. They all hate us only because of that.

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There's been hate and immigrant bashing forever, you can find cartoons being nasty towards Irish and Italians and Germans and Chinese and anyone else you can name. Its just Mexicans turn.

indio apestoso


Also they say they like legal immigrants.

But who do you think will get better experiences in America?

German guy who skipped the border from Canada in the 70s or legal immigrant from Pakistan who is doing a Ph.D in the US?

I always laugh when racists talk about how much they LOVE legal immigrants. As if the Pakistani dude wouldn't get shit all the time from racists who assume he is illegal and/or a terrorist.

deserved it

deserved it

deserved worse

got punished too hard

They sorta deserve sorta don't

Pakistanis don't usually get stereotyped as illegal. Terrorist sometimes though even then thats more associated with Middle Eastern people.

The only people who straight up are stereotype as illegal are Latinos.

>ugly and short
Speak for yourself Chicano, your kind is unironically a lot worse than white supremacists

Also this


>Mexicans and Hispanics

Mexicans are Hispanic.

No, go fuck yourself malinchista

el chiCACAno seƱores

No we're not.

Hispanic = Spanish Speak so yes most Mexicans are Hispanic unless they are true uncontacted Aztecs

I wish we had Mexican immigrants instead of Maghrebis, Eastern Europeans and niggers.

every employer in France would fire every single frenchmen for a Mexican

They don't strike

We don't speak Spanish.

Mexicans speak Spanish ON AVERAGE you are thinking of Mexican-Americans and probably trolling on this one cut it out you pedant.

Mexicans don't speak Spanish.


OK thanks for stupid trolling fuckhead

>They don't strike
Doesn't work the way you think


is mexicans were white they wouldn't be causing any problems

Don't worry, brother, soon the land will belong to you

Not true. See: mexican history, cartels, and corruption

not to mention the drug problem has its roots in the Spanish economy of the early colonies

fuck wh*Tes

Hispanics will be considered white in the future same as Italians etc. already are.


They don't consider themselves wh*Te. Once Hispanics are majority, they will use their voting power to open the border for their brothers from Latin-America

Kill yourself