How do they teach long division in you're cunt

how do they teach long division in you're cunt

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What the fuck

Elementary school:
Let a and b be natural numbers with a < b then the Euclidean algorithm gives a unique quotient q and remainder r such that b = a*q + r and ≤ r < a.
High school:
Let R be a unique factorization domain then each ideal generated by an element a of nonzero R gives rise to a quotient ring R/ which is maximal, and prime if a is prime.
Let X be a monoidal category with only one object, then the endomorphisms of X form a monoid with an isomorphism to N such that, by Zorn's lemma, each principal ideal in End(X) is maximal.

Is this a guide for special children? It took me and my classmates a couple of lessons to learn how to divide numbers like that,

Exactly like this except there are 2 dads, the siblings are gender neutral, and the dog is a cat. Also everything is half in French

we use the french way with 1 horizontal line and 1 vertical line

>Is this a guide for special children? It took me and my classmates a couple of lessons to learn how to divide numbers like that,
I've never seen it taught with pictures and a story. I'm older than most anons though. It may be that this is some newer hippy shit.

How old are you?

bourbaki, get out

i learned it this way. my son learned like in the OP pic.

didn't even know there was another method. it's so simple and fast to learn, why reinvent the wheel?

no idea. they keep finding "better" ways to teach.

>the children are whiter than the parents

Mom multiplies all right... just not with Dad.

43/4 is 10? What the fuck americans?

Simple and easy method that takes little room

basically short division is the way to go. Always


>Showing work for division problems

Not like that.

We just get taught that * and / come before + and -. That's simple enough.

Wow I really suck at math

Like so.

they teach it here like in your pic too

learned that way too and they are still teaching it that way here

t. have a little sister

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something like dis