Fucking bullies with a power trip

Fucking bullies with a power trip.


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Is it so hard to do what the officer tells you do do?

Definitely not getting the full story here

>cops are being killed by niggers
>cop is scared
>takes control because he doesnt want to die

ayy officer mang wut da fuk?

>just get harassed every day for your race its easy!

Oh, it's the "cops are racist if they interact with minorities" meme. Fuuuuuuuuuuck offffffffff.

niggers act hard until they realize they aren't in a position to play games

If those niggers thought it was bad before, they've got another thing coming after Dallas.


But they are you stupid shit.

cause and effect. nigwurs chimp out and now there is zero tolerance for faggotry. cop says put your hands on the thing you do it

classic sovereign citizen fucktard

I think the police might just stop policing in super nigger areas soon

Nah, they'll want revenge.

do you mean liberals?

give them the South Side Chicago treatment.

quarantine them in a shithole slum, remove all white people institutions like hospitals, and leave them to slaughter eachother as they have since forever

Pointing guns around like that, Threatening the lives of everyone verbally and physically over nothing and could have killed the guy in the passenger seat or in the backseat and it would have been another "accident oh well" or "justified shooting" so and so made a funny movement" people have every right to blast them and defend their own lives from maniac cops. No one has any obligation to die because some cop is a lunaric. their lives are not worth more than anyone's and they dont get to arbitrarily shoot and kill people on a whim nor is by "accident" okay and dandy

Cops are not anyone's masters and they don't need up act like it. The passenger did whatever he cop said but the other cop's "get out of the car" mess should have been "Would you please step out of the car for me, sir" with the reason for the request given. And if he doesn't give a reason and the occupant asks why, then he tells him why. Cops do not go around ordering people around for things like this in a free country.

Now, (shill,) do you favor America as a free country or as something different?

All in all this realy wasn't so bad at all, except for that niggers "I'll put a round in you so fast" nig thug speak and him pointing the gun at the passenger unnecessarily

No I dun think so. Cops have been beating injuring killing and more things to people at a very frequent rate for very long time. We're not going to pretend like things started in Dallas.

Hardly. He was so "scared" he completely walked off after a very short while? More like he just had a jackass moment. If this is the worst of possible jackass moments then I commend him



"punches police"


this isnt a meme anymore jesus

You spelt niggers wrong

>didn't do nothin

He was talking about before they grabbed him. No one is justifying that punch thing he did. A question though is whether they entered the house and arrested him legally or not. Chances are just as high yes as no.

That woman's screaming was downright hilarious. Highlight of the video.

These niggers always play the victim and always play fucking dumb, especially when the camera flips on. There's no context as to why the niggers in the car got pulled over or why they were at that house, but im sure they had a reason for both. And why the fuck would they be acting like that right after the Dallas shooting? Fucking dumb niggers...

>>just get harassed every day for your race its easy!
if cops didn't harass black people they'd kill even more.