It wasn't THAT bad to be honest

it wasn't THAT bad to be honest

This and Avatar, the 2 movies I refuse to watch.


can someone other than the fucking loser post in my thread pls?

It was okay

Are you me

It was good. I don't know why people hated it so much.

It was okay. I had fun watching it.


That normal humans/cgi monster orcs mixture didn't go well

It was fun, I was entertained.

I never played any of the warcraft games, and I got dragged along to see this. I actually kinda liked it. I do feel like alot of the jokes and references flew over my head though.

it was ok. i hope they make a warcraft 3 one

It's the best game adaptation to date.

CGI was amazing and the nods to the game were great, especially with the warlords of draenor like Grom.

Definite pacing issues which could have been explained with a quick 5 minute prologue detailing Draenor before it's destruction & Gul'dan's rise to power.

Garona & Lothar needed better actors.

And they shouldn't have referred to Fel as "the fel." Calling it fel magic would have sufficed. And the avatar of sargeras could have been explained more

The Orc scenes were great and i actually cared about the characters.

The Human scenes were awful and looked like a cheap cosplay in front of a green screen.

yes, yes it was

it was great, and gave me a pregnant orc fetish.

This. Fpbp.

>It's the best game adaptation to date.
>what is silent hill

Not only refusing to watch a film, but bragging about it. ON A FUCKING FILM BOARD. You are the scum of the earth.

I enjoyed it. My only criticism is that the ending was very anticlimactic. One of those endings where it's clear that they expected they'd get to make a sequel, which might not actually happen.

Well Avatar is basically World of Warcraft. He plays a character from another race and levels up from zero and gets the epic flying mount in the end.

It was just okay. It definitely wasn't worth the 10 year wait. I remember them announcing it at Blizzcon 06.

They tried to cram way too much lore into a 2 hour segment. It should've been a TV show instead of a "hey, let's throw in a bunch of random shit that people who play the game will recognize and people who don't play the game will have no fucking clue what's going on".

It also didn't help that this movie came out during Warlords of Draenor, the expansion they stopped giving a flying fuck and made it obvious. I mean, they stopped caring a while ago but during WoD, they blatantly made it obvious they could've given two fucks less.

wasnt bad is an understatement this movie did what other fantasy movies never did... deliver

mages doing magic
orcs who where characters
villains with motives which weren't im just evil

the critics got pissed because this out shined the whole lord of the walk trilogy in one fucking movie

It was worse. I went in knowing full well it'd be shit, and even though I'm kind of geeky and have a high tolerance to shit like this, it was unwatchable

this board has slowly become reddit, where it's cool to bash Avatar.

Just be glad there's a thread on Sup Forums that hasn't been invaded by Sup Forums yet.

I'd much rather the circle jerk brigade of Reddit be here than those fucking mongoloids.

I agree 100%

A full Orc film would have been perfect

I agree for the most part but Guldan came off as pretty generic evil, and he didn't even die in the end for some reason.

>I need my safe space or I'll cry all day because people have different opinions
>inb4 called here's Sup Forums
>you brought them up in the first place, fag

Talking about predictable red team blue team politics all day long is boring, it has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with their infantile "opinions" they regurgitate

the wizard part of this movie was better than doctor strange

Yes the magic was done so well. I also didn't mind the human scenes, thought it was fine they displayed humans as 'cartoony' too, instead of 'normal' humans in a fantasy world.

I guess im just quickly entertained by fantasy films, I like the sparkles and pretty pictures, the plot doesn't really bother me as long as its not too super cheesy or retarded.