What if the well regulated militia were made of black people fighting against white oppression?

What if the well regulated militia were made of black people fighting against white oppression?

Would that trigger or inspire conservatives?

just let them have their own country senpai

>Well regulated

That's what the 2nd amendment is for, is does not specify race and was passed to include free men from slave owners in the south.

It'd inspire if the facts actually backed anything that you just said.

>they don't

You don't just let someone have a part of your land because they have an army
*Emus are an exception to this

The NRA is the United States old civil rights organization.

What white oppression? We've done nothing but help them for the past 50+ years and they're worse now than they were before.


I agree with this user.

Whites don't want to live with blacks and blacks with whites.

You could stop the war on drugs, you could stop with for-profit prisons. You can start allowing people with a criminal record to vote.

im going to go with trigger for some reason

even though they should support if they are true to their beliefs

yeah give them wyoming if it exists and let them turn it into zimbabwe

Thats not enough! Damn it! They deserve MORE! Give them the entire state of California and allow them to make slaves of it's current citizens!

Didn't the Constitution forbid niggers to own guns?
What the fuck happened?

they have, its called liberia



They aren't fighting for or demanding sovereignty or right of return to their homeland. They're fighting for gibsmedats and legalization of crime. They're common criminals, they're a hate group at the very least, if not a terrorist organization.

>just let them have their own country senpai

Lol, even if you gave them the entire east coast and kicked out every non black person from that country in less than 10 years it would be a giant shithole. That country would be filled to the brim with constant shootings, rapes, kidnapping, slavery and poverty. All the infrastructure and equipment would be striped and sold for profit while the rest would go unused and decay.

Even with their own country they'd come in mass to the prosperous non black part of America and illegally enter and some would even beg for help to support their 20 kids. And you know what? Liberals would happily let them back in.


The country is Liberia, and it is.

Wouldn't they feel more at home in Argentina?