International Meat talk

What meat do you lads eat? What is your favourite? How do you enjoy it?

beef bacon is my favourite, it's hard to find pork here so anything from cow or sheep is fine

I think I had chicken bacon in Turkey. It was okay I guess.


how do turks prepare their pastirma, with eggs?

carne de macaco

pork belly(삼겹살)

It's like thick and slightly tended bacon


Personally I enjoy your mum's beef curtains

I am a born-vegan

Dog meat

Sunday roast dinner. I don't mind what. All roasted meat is good. I like roast lamb or roast pork.

Fish is meat? Didn't know that to be honest.

Beef Strip Loin *****
Turbot *****
Salmon ****
Ground beef ***
Chicken ***
Tuna ***
Veal ***
Lamb ***
Pork butt (slow-cooked) ***
Goat meat ***
Turkey meat **
Pangasius *

You can't beat it. I can only eat it like every other week because I can feel the grease oozing out of my pores after.


What purpose of eating beaten enslaved animal with lack of instincts of self preserve?

it taste good

I want to punch him

Yeah, but sounds fishy.


We need nutrients. That's the meat and potatoes of it.

lamb >>>>>>>>> all other meat

BBC desu

Whale meat

pork is far superior, but you wouldn't know that would ya?

I eat pork and lamb is superior.


fuck yeah

beef,chicken and pork are popular in Japan.
my favourate meat is lamb.

Pretty much eat old kinds of meat. Even so I only had horse as salami once or twice.
Most common is pork or chicken.
Best meat dish is Schäufele, local dish where I live. It is pork shoulder baked in the oven for hours in (dark) beer sauce.

>We need nutrients.
That's interesting source please last time I checked human body can survive on different diets. Keeping animals as source of food, consumed too much energy and resources. I go with hunting.

Lamb roast is my favourite.

I can eat anything, but my favorites are hamburgers, or minced meat on pizza. Never been a big fan of bacon really. I also like sausages and kebab meat, but not the proper stuff. I doubt it could even be called "meat" if I actually analyzed what was in it.

Too poor to enjoy steaks and other proper meat. When I do though, I like it medium.

beef steaks, medium or medium rare will do
veal, lamb, salmon (fish in general) are great
chicken, pork are not so much