How based is Jarosław Kaczyński?

I haven't seen Politico (a.k.a the ultimate pro-establishment media) be this buttmad about anyone else since Juncker's Russia visit. One thing's for sure: They want him gone, badly. So wassup here? I don't really know much about Poland apart from the obvious like where it's located geographically and bits 'n pieces here and there.

Other urls found in this thread:

He wants to be like Viktor Orbán but he is not smart enough to pull that off. He lets his emotions take the best of him in descision making. He already lost power once because of it. The further he is from a real position of power the better. His party is probably the best Poland can hope for, for the time being at least. Every alternative is much worse.

stop appropriating krteček, k?

He is ruining finances of the country with his welfare policies. He is a leninist

t. Le eternal angst man

He said he likes to watch rodeo in his free time.

Krecik was fairly popular in Poland


After reading the article I feel the need to point out thatt the Western establishment doesn't really give a shit about PiS and Kaczyński. Every single time an atricle critical of him shows up in Western establishment media it's written by some butthurt Pole. These articles are later show here as "Western concern for Polish democracy" when if fact the West doesn't give a shit. They don't care who is in power here so long as he is pro-eu and anti-russia and PiS is both.

The only thing Orbán done right is not being the EU's bitch and keeping mudslims out. Other than that he is a goddam thief.

funny how the most nationalistic leaders seem to be the most corrupt ones

Well that's two things more than anyone here has done for decades. We're wealthy despite (liberal) representative democracy, not because of it.


he's basically a marxist.

>The only thing Orbán done right is not being the EU's bitch


I will just leave this here






Orban is clearly Putins puppet

Orbán is using Russia as leverage against Brussels. It's just pragmatism and diplomacy. Something PiS is incapable of because of their foolish idealism.

>Orbán is using Russia as leverage against Brussels

lol no, he clearly is getting funded by Kremlin in order to influence the EU. Russians are using this tactic since the 00's, they fund right wing parties in europe and once they get power they obey russia and push for pro-russian regulations in the EU. Even NATO generals know about the this tactic.




angst man? What do you mean?

So what? Russia and European right wingers share a common goal. To prevent the transformation of the EU into a federation with de-facto power in the hands of Germany and the US.

Ignore toothpaste posts.

>EU into a federation with de-facto power in the hands of Germany and the US

Oh you mean that EU, that pays your bills, that EU that builds your hospitals, that EU that funds your infrastructure, that EU that pays you yearly money in order to accommodate refugees but instead you just pocket that money into your own money, that EU that is funding your military budget and protects you with NATO troops, that EU that pays for your education, that EU that allows you cheap access to the rest of the european countries ? Oh yes I see why you hate it so much, can't wait until russian troops walk through Warsaw, remember the time when poland wasn't in the Soviet Union ? Those times will soon come back.

>They want him gone, badly. So wassup here? I don't really know much about Poland apart from the obvious like where it's located geographically and bits 'n pieces here and there.
quote from source
>“He’s completely uninterested in money and women. One thing interests him and that’s power.”
for the current year's standards he is an ascetic who cares not for worldly pleasures - and thats why leftists are so butthurt because they can't buy him or bribe him nor even scare him because the only people he really cared about are dead

on top of that he is also old, he has seen it all and cares only about fulfilling his goal - that is to make Poland great again

>money, money, money
>why don't you let us buy your souls

As part of the Soviet Bloc, my country wasn't much less independent than it is now. It was quite poor but we had high birth rates, were 100% white, had our own industry and produced great culture.

Now we are (relatively) rich, BUT the populace is dying off, there are low birth-rates and people are emigrating en-masse to work as slaves in the West, we are being forced to accept mass immigration from hostile cultures, we have sold our entire national industry to Western firms and the culture we produce is Americanized slosh.

Money isn't everything. Being under the Russian sphere of influence isn't necessarily worse than the German one.

I think that anti EU people are as retarded as EU-enthustiasts. It is corrupted as fuck and most of its resources are wasted. In my city there were rubbish bins built for 1k euro each. All investments are highly overpaid and Poland has to borrow to pay 50% of the investment. Everyone's debt is skyrocketing after joing the EU. I am moderate towards EU - steal as much as possible for the country because Greece and mediterranean cucks like Greece or Spain will pull it to the ground anyway

>ruins economy in 6 months with astronomical welfare that we can't afford
>Sup Forums is calling him a """conservative""" candidate and asks if he's based
I can't believe you people xD

> I am moderate towards EU - steal as much as possible for the country because Greece and mediterranean cucks like Greece or Spain will pull it to the ground anyway

Sounds pretty anti-eu to me...

He's trying to completely murder the already weak Poland because he's buttmad about how his brother was too dumb not to attend an event he wasn't even invited to (and die on the way). He's also a massive flipflopper and staunchly defends EU one day only to talk shit about it the next.

Wish we had some real right wing parties and not a bunch of cuck populists who just spout whatever is convenient for them at the time and offer welfare the country can't afford to human trash to buy their votes for the next election.

Not really. If people are doing it already anyway then why not get in on the action while it lasts? It's called being pragmatic. Our leaders are stupid as shit thinking they can make countries change their whole economic paradigm just to conform to some retarded rules the EU has come up with to hold together a currency that should've never existed. It's completely impossible and the project is going down the shitter thanks to that.

fuck off. the subsidies barely cover the cost of additional bureaucracy needed to redistribute them and they are actually very harmful, just as anything that comes from centrally planned economy. the infrastructure they built for 100 times the market price are completely useless most of the time and 90% of the startups they fund fail. they contribute to the gigantic misallocation of capital, but the most harmful aspect are the regulations that come with them. the farmers have to throw away tons of milk and other produce to meet some arbitrary production limiting quotas

I want more pope memes

>Wish we had some real right wing parties


>Wish we had some real right wing parties

What does that image say?

>top: Old Market Square in Włocławek before the "revitalization"
>bottom: the Old Market Square after the 6 300 000€ "revitalization"

>That pic
>Replacing natural soil with disgusting concrete and fucking up water balance in the process

Makes me mad as fuck

Every time I forget that Poland is the best country in Europe, the Poles deliver a grim reminder.

It's called progress, buddy

He's not. He'll be the reason why right-wing will lose next elections.

For once, someone on this site linked to an interesting article. For me, here was the most interesting quote so far:
"And during Communist times, the real ruler was the party’s first secretary, not the prime minister."

Know why this was? After the Hungarian uprising, the Soviets realized that these Jews were so despised, people would openly revolt if they knew they were running things.

After Hungary in 1953, the Jew began running things from behind the scenes in the Eastern bloc. If anyone wants a list, I have one. I honestly wonder if this writer even realizes this fact. Doubt it.

I don't see a scum like Petru, or Razem winning. I just don't see it. There are no alternatives. Maybe Gowin might be, if he reanimates his party, but otherwise, I don't see it.

It's something of a common knowledge for us.
Eastern Europeans are very red-pilled. We've seen it all.

>not liking national socialism
not that its totally shit if you guys legalized guns and still btfoed fags id move out of this shithole and invest in eastern poland (half polish here so I can do it)
but why not just embrace the future for all european peoples

>right wing
stop it. he's using USSR-tier rhetoric and social programs

They're nat-soc, it's considered right wing.

Because we have better culture than germanic crap

maybe because the real Nazis tried to exterminate us and modern "Nazi" larpers are pathetic.

we experienced the wonders of socialism first hand and we know it will always be shit, national or otherwise.

He's not, he and his party were simply a slightly better option than the other available one. The parties who would want to bring actual changes, be it to the left or to the right, don't get more than 3% of the votes.

it isn't considered right wing by anyone except left-wing journalists and they aren't even nat-soc, they're christian socialists

>Eastern Europeans are very red-pilled
This is true. One of my favorite stories about Poland? When the Germans surrendered in WW 2, the Polish people themselves began hanging Jewish communists as fast as they could before the soviets arrived.

Sad to say, very few Americans have this level of knowledge. If I were ever to marry, it would be an Eastern Euro girl. They for the most part hate niggers, have a sense of family, and aren't materialistic whores.
This is why Dr. WL Pierce married Eastern Europeans females after he left his first wife and academia to begin his life's work.

>eternal Macierewicz
>best friend Rydzyk
>butthurt about the Tribunal is still going on
>USA, you are my greatest ally
>pissing off everyone else at the same time

He isn't as good as you think.

Right now, yes easily

>he believes in the holocaust
You do realize the camps where built by polish workers? Not that you operated shit, but the point is they weren't out to exterminate shit

>around 45 years of occupation by commies is the same as knowing what natsocism is

Aparently I'm a commie, time to dye my hair and praise john oliver for calling out the bigoted racists like myself

His grandfather took part in the January uprising. His father and mother were in the Home Army and the former took part in the Warsaw uprising. He and his brother were in Solidarity and have been very critical of the "transition" process from a communist state, since 1989. He's kind of an example of "polish patriotism" and its often linked with christianity. So it's contrary to everything the modern world stands for. This is the foundation of criticism towards Poland, because the West looks at Poland through their own lenses, but Poland's historical experience isn't similar to the western or eastern

>an Eastern Euro girl[s]
>aren't materialistic whores

Not talking about the Holocaust.

>Right now, yes easily
We always had.

Depends, t b h.

Story is this.

PISS was acting like lets say hilary and democrats to get votes. Ppl voted then for piss.

Once in power they showed there true face. Trump republicans fucking every one over. Ppl are pissed.

The East Euros here are the most materialistic whores I have ever met

>muh lebensraum
If you gave them danzig they wouldn't have invaded
but no your leader at the time thought they allies would save them (not realizing they were servants of the jews and the jews wanted the ussr to conquer the world)

Even when poland was divided?
Or when poland was just a grouping of pagan tribes?

Also, I hope Poles understand what is going on in the UK. As an expat, let me explain.
Since the MSM has declared it racist to complain about anyone save for Poles (since they are White Christians), in the run-up to the referendum, literally all the talk was of "POLISH immigration, when what people meant was MUSLIM/NIGGER immigration.

But since you can go to jail in the UK for talking about mudslimes, very unfairly "Poles" has become a euphemism for muslim/niggers/gypsy, esp on Brit TV and news.
Of course there is some polish trash, but 99% of Brits do not mind Pole families who work, go to Church, and have White kids. They integrate and are Brits within a generation.

As for the "anti-polish graffiti" and laminated cards printed up calling poles vermin?

>They integrate and are Brits within a generation.
Not true. Most Poles self-segregate and refuse to speak or learn English.

>American talking about Europe
Like horse talking about cheese

>If you gave them danzig they wouldn't have invaded

Most English don't want to do anything with Poles anyway or anyone else for that matter. They like former colonials though because being near them feeds their need to feel superiority.
Pole living since 5 years in UK here.

>and thus I will bitch about them instead of the brown scum raping my kids

go pray to allah nigger

It's true

>Even when poland was divided?
Yes. Why do you think we still have our own culture instead of being germanized/russified? Because it was so strong that it survived even the divide of our state.
>Or when poland was just a grouping of pagan tribes?
Poland goes as far back as 800-something a.d., before that everyone in Europe was a pagan tribe save for the Romans and Greeks.

Ignorant burger, who'll never stfu with his memes strikes again.

>Most English don't want to do anything with Poles anyway or anyone else for that matter.
Yeah, because you are all arrogant cunts who think we owe you something. Immigrants have a terrible attitude and strut around as if you own the place.

No brown scum are raping kids where I live. 95% of immigrants where I live are Slavs. Pic related.

I am Polish fatburger.
Have you even been to Europe?
What is it? Lack of identity has led you to discover that 150 years ago your ancestor was named Hans Kackenasse ? Is that why you worship Germans today ?

Danzig back then was literally a free city and did not belong to Poland.

Go fucking educate yourself before you start spewing bullshit.

>If you gave them danzig they wouldn't have invaded
Of course they would. Hitler talked about it as early as 1920 and Poland was traditional colonization area of Germans.

Sure, some aren't. Most are.

Why polish intelligence class are such shit?
Are katyn to blame?

Jarek is based. Every one hate him but he is the man that Europe need.

>Immigrants have a terrible attitude and strut around as if you own the place.
The whole world knows how great English attitude is.

>The East Euros here are the most materialistic whores I have ever met
bc the ones who are seeking shekels and to marry a wealthy guy obviously leave. For the most part, the better girls stay in their home nations.
Also, you have to differentiate between different "Eastern Euros." You only date girls you meet in the nation. And, if you are a 2/10 in your home nation and go to Eastern europe and girls suddenly all over you like you are brad pitt, you are being rolled.

I am decent looking, but I.m fucking obsessed with the gym (and was since I was 13, well before it became cool) so some girls find veins in forearms, shoulders, calves, and good size and definition attractive.

If you can't get laid, I can literally layout a diet and gym program in one post that will have you getting laid as much as you want if you follow it. No excuse for for laziness.

Don't come to England if you don't want to have to put up with the English attitude.

>my value in life is dictated by how often primitive semi-chimpanzee females want my genitalia to touch their genitialia

Not my choice that I am in UK.
West destroyed my country in cold war and any jobs that were there.
If I am pissing you off, than I am glad.

>Like horse talking about cheese
apparently, reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, as I've already said I was an expat.

Have to say I'm ashamed to be fucking British on Sup Forums these days. In discussions, no one cares about your argument, just looks at your flag.
The irony, that some greasy, child-rapist paki with a uk flag gets more of a say than I do-- a White Brit in US for work, who based on 23 and me results am more White and British than any cunt on here.
in short, translation of what you said "I just got BTFO, but going to pretend it doesn't count since you have a US flag.."

>West destroyed my country in cold war
Oh yes, nothing to do with the Soviet Union of course. It is not like the West has been pouring money into Poland for 2 and a half decades.

This is what I mean about Polish attitudes. You act like American niggers who think you are owed things by evil whitey.

>Because it was so strong that it survived even the divide of our state.
I'd say that was out of you being a different ethnic group (west slav) then the others (german and eastern slavic)
but maybe
>800 ad
the hell??

>says the country that supported the jews since the first world war
My country tis of thee sweet land of liberty for thee I sing

>No brown scum are raping kids in my area

no more of the fact the jews led both the capitalists and the communists to destroy the european people (and I happen to be on that team) and the only faggots that tried to stop it lost and now europe is dying (and my country is near its death bed)

and the land around danzig which was ethnically Prussian

t akmed

>Poland goes as far back as 800-something a.d.
550 AD.

>No brown scum are raping kids in my area
No, just criminal Slavic scum instead.

>It is not like the West has been pouring money into Poland for 2 and a half decades.
You mean sucking out money and destroying our industry so no competitor exists.

Blame the Germans for anything to do with industry. British industry was turned into a minor economic thing under Thatcher.

>and the land around danzig which was ethnically Prussian
>Ethnically Prussian
It was 70% Polish even according to German census, and last Prussians died out in 17th century.

>If you can't get laid, I can literally layout a diet and gym program in one post that will have you getting laid as much as you want if you follow it.
this is bullshit. not amount of lifting will help you get laid if you aren't tall and pretty handsome in the first place. speaking from experience.

Plenty of British companies in Poland buying out our companies, factories, land and exploiting people.
Thankfully if UK withdraws from freedom of movement and starts deporting Poles we will be able to nationalize all of that and the company assets as well(as we will withdraw from freedom of goods and capital movement in return)

>my value in life is dictated by how often primitive semi-chimpanzee females want my genitalia to touch their genitialia
says the virgin walking Sup Forums stereotype. Your appearance and your physical build are attractive to women for many reasons-- chief among them, it shows a dedication and discipline to get yourself out of bed at 0430 and be at gym when it opens.
Women are attracted to men who show they are hardworking and disciplined. Your physique is just about last thing left you cannot buy, you need to put in the hours and commitment yourself.
Whether you like it or not, fair or not, it does impact your social standing when a girl knows she can walk home with you and a mob of pakis are far less likely to bother her with you.

just human nature.

>Plenty of British companies in Poland buying out our companies, factories, land and exploiting people.
Blame your government. Britain already had this done to it. For example our energy companies are owned by the French.

Uuuk uuuk

>ethnically Prussian
Prussians = Polish, German, Balt mixture.
Old (real) Prussians were Balts genocided by the Teutonic Order.

>I'd say that was out of you being a different ethnic group (west slav) then the others (german and eastern slavic)
You don't seem to understand. The countries which divided and occupied Poland were conducting a wide scale eradication of our culture. Stealing art, destroying monuments, etc. Even speaking polish language was forbidden by law. And after all that we still retained our culture and customs, largely intact. There were many different nations that did not have such strength and immidately fell for it, allowing themselves to be germanized/russified.
>800 ad
Yep, refer to this

>not amount of lifting will help you get laid if you aren't tall and pretty handsome in the first place
then you have a shit personality or never put any real effort into it. Pussy comes eventually as a side perk, but for me at least, was never my goal.

I'm yank terms, just above 5 foot 8. Am I "handsome?" IDK, but I can tell you that after my lifting became an obsession (you make great Omandren at Jaffa btw...almost as good as the old sust preloads)

>stolen cars are worse than having shitskins in your country

No the last Prussians died out after the Russian rape train passed through

>protestant poles
does that even exist???

>stealing art
>refer to this
what is this

nigga just lift for the race war
god knows its just around the corner
>tfw got a home gym

>stolen cars are worse than having shitskins in your country
Slavs act like shitskins. There is no difference. They rape, they steal, they beg, they abuse the welfare system, they self-segregate, they refuse to speak English.

>Uuuk uuuk
wow, such a brilliant response. What a well-reasoned argument. Sir, you seem very learned. Perhaps you'd like to debate this further?

>Women are attracted to men who show they are hardworking and disciplined
my sides. maybe as beta providers. try telling a typical woman how much time and effort you really spend on lifting or diet and she'll just laugh at you or look at you as some kind of weirdo.