I've never lived in America, but from what I understand...

I've never lived in America, but from what I understand, it is statistically more probable to be born into the middle-class as a white, than as a black. Isn't that a sign of inequality? Sure, it might be racial inequality, or IQ; it might be the remnants of slavery and oppression. Who cares? The problem is there.

why is inequality a problem? Never got this meme

hey im a first gen europoor immigrant.

love it here, grreek user, come join!

>says there is a problem
>offers absolutely no reason for why its a problem
>doesn't even attempt to offer a solution for said problem

No, they have been given so much free shit and so many opportunities that's it has become unfair to the white population. They really are given everything and waste it all.

>The problem is there.
Not whites' job to solve it.

I didn't bother explaining that, but class division is already a problem in white countries, imagine when your lower class is also a different racial group.

Cuz we need iPhones n shit

Cuz we kangz now

>in white countries
There's class division in every country. It's not exclusive to race

Class division is a problem for champagne socialist retards. Most poor whites would rather vote for a billionaire like Trump than for a "man of the people" like Sanders because they know that all this class war horseshit is intellectual masturbation for ivory tower academics.


That's what I said. But if it coincides with being a different race, it's more visible. You can't just sweep it under the rag like we do in homogenous countries. They will organize on a racial basis.

>intact family

I'm sorry, but please clarify the "problem". I think being able to be a low-IQ monkey enjoying the fruits of White society is a pretty good deal. Hell, most of the poor in America enjoy amenities that kings a couple hundred years ago could only dream of.

I don't believe in class war. Class divisions are widely accepted in mainstream capitalist economics.

Is it really a good deal? It's not sustainable and it creates dependence and resentment.

Then explain to me why all the black people I know have more money than I do.

Fuck you and your fucked up idea of America. It's jigcity no matter where you go.

Lmao nigga you trippin fr I need to be able to buy malt liquor and flat screens and shit, how the fuck can I get that if there is inequality? You a dumbass nigga

I agree that calss divisions exist. I disagree that class divisions are a problem.

you are also more likely to get murdered if your black

We make it practically impossible for blacks to fail and they still fuck it up

I believe in a fair system where your pay is that of the profit produced.

I don't care about niggers, how they feel, or what discomforts they experience. I just don't. I want them to go away forever. If you care about them so much then petition your government to invite American blacks to go live in Greece. Be careful what you wish for though.

Class divisions are not a problem, wealth inequality is a problem.

That's called free market capitalism.

Did you know that statistically more men end up in prison than women? Isn't that inequality. Sure, it might be sexism. Who cares? The problem is there. I say we just randomly lock up a few million women to even the score. It is only fair.

How so?

How is it a problem? My parents worked hard because they wanted their son to grow up with opportunities. That is exactly what happened. It's not my problem to fix that a coon family got a child without getting their life on track.

People will always be unequal, how is that a problem? It motivates people.

OK, the blacks abort so many babies, (about 53%!), that's partially why your not likely to be born black. And no, the fact that there are less blacks than whites does not make them unequal. That was the liberals with urbanization.

Because the US is an Oligarchy.

The quality of life of lower middle and even lower class Americans is fairly high when compared to many other countries

Sure. Might be racism. Might not.

Might be cultural and linked to IQ. In which case there's no fixing it. Is there? You could pour billions into the ghetto and it'll still be a shit hole because of the culture involved.

The way to fix it is to own up to the truth.

This post. So much.

I agree to an extent, but what you're complaining about is the fact that the wealthy can buy power, not the fact that the wealthy exist.

A truly free market does not exist and never will exist. If all regulation was immediately stripped away tomorrow, the corporations themselves would step up to the reigns of control. (Not that they don't already own the government.)

I don't care at all, but it's not my country they live in.

Why the hell should there be forced equality? Sounds like communism to me.

Fuck off, commie scum.

And did you know that more wealthy men and attractive men get beautiful women... and 3sums. That isn't fair. That is a real issue. I say we change the system. We need to redistribute the women. There are homeless bums who have never had a gorgeous babe suck their knob. That just isn't right. Socialize blowjobs! It is only fair. Fairness demands that every man, no matter how ugly or poor, should have sex with a beautiful babe at least once. Why should looks or wealth matter? That isn't fair. We need to balance the scales.

the poorest niggers in the US all have iPhone. the richest have become SIGNIFICALTLY richer, but the poorer have become richer by orders of magnitude, which is why poor niggers still live in houses with PC's and iphones and eat good food every night.

I don't care about the existence of wealthy people, I care about wealthy people who fuck everyone else in pursuit of growing their already obscene wealth. See: Some random athlete vs. Koch Brothers.

I say it for the last time: The problem is different than lower class in Europe. Lower class in Europe is also largely white (although not anymore). In the US it's black, so it's easy to put a racist tab on them.

this picture is fucking enraging.

>A truly free market does not exist and never will exist
Sure, but that's besides the point. The more free the market, the more fair the economic system. Obviously you won't have a free market for nuclear weapons, which means that people working on building nuclear bombs will not get their "fair share of the profits" but I think we can all agree that this is okay.

As for your point about regulations, I don't understand it.

I didn't argue for equality, I said it's curious that blacks don't have the same class movement as whites.

There are more lower income white families than there are black families

Well then don't lecture us on the "problem " the blacks developed a shit subculture that relies heavily on being oppressed. Once they were not oppressed. They couldn't handle the freedom. So the libtards moved them to a city and made them rely on Democrats for basic things like food. It's disgusting. That is why I will never be a Democrat.

I call dibs on Charlize Theron. If we are redistributing babes then I want her. Will there be like a line for the good ones? Or is it first come first fuck?

There's an argument to be made that due to the mechanisms of capitalism the only way for a greedy asshole to become rich is to produce a good or service which benefits all, in a sense his greed is transformed into general welfare, bit I agree that I dislike people whose sole motivation in life is to make money.

However I think you're falling for le ebil rich boogeyman meme.

It goes by percentage, not absolute numbers. You're like 10 times more.

We have a lot of lower class whites. it's just that they don't bitch and moan to others to fix it for them. They actually get up and try to work. How else would Trump be doing so well.

What's the percentage?

No matter how you spin it, it is your problem. I'm not saying it's "problematic", no, it's a real problem. I'm saying this for your interest. The next President has to do something.

How very racist of you to think that poor white families don't deserve help. Some of those families have lost ancestors fighting in the Revolution to free the blacks. Some of them have never profited from slavery. Some of them marched to oppose segregation. But you think they are all guilty because of the color of their skin. You are the worst sort of racist and sicken me.

It's not actually the so called white privileged middle class they keep referencing does not fucking exist.

It got wiped the fuck out in 2008 by the kike bankers.

Most everybody here is poor regardless of race or just barely above poverty. The kikes want a race war to reduce the population and increase control that's all that is going on. But I can guarantee you whites are as poor as blacks it's just not represented accurately because white people don't group together pack style onto neighborhoods like blacks because whites are cucked and too domesticated for racially based resistance to the system.

a) who gives a fuck if there's inequality?
b) we are a product of our family's choices in life, and then our own. take some fucking responsibility for yourself and your family instead of expecting other people to do it for you. This is why niggers will never be equal.

"Pure coincidence"

No it's not, because only blacks can fix their problem. We can give them all the jobs in the world, and give them cheaper college and all that shit, but if they don't fucking work, it doesn't matter. My tax money supports those lazy fucks, just so they can sit on their ass and do nothing. I would hire them and give them a job if they would just be consistent and fucking show up to work.

I don't know, some people seem to give a fuck. You're on a minority here.
Can't disagree with that.

It's not a meme, it's a reality. Look at the Clinton Foundation.

Asians conveniently left off of this, eh? They make better choices and reap the benefits. Quit being a faggot, Georgios. You've already wrecked one civilization.

Oh, yeah, shut it down! Facts are uncomfortable.

why do you reference my post? You don't address any of it. You again suggest that all white profit the same. A poor farmer in Nebraska and a rich New York exec are lumped together just because of the color of their skin. You are racist and an evil person, no matter how you try to justify your hate.

Equality does not exist. Equality can never exist. Is the Sun equal to the Earth? Is a tree equal to a flower? Is a bird equal to a fish? No where in Nature does equality exist.

Equality is a utopian ideal that requires the shredding of individual liberty and the rise of an all-powerful State. If Person A is stronger or richer than Person B, then the former must be reduced to the level if the latter. But who can do this equalization if everyone is supposed to be equal? You need a super equal entity to police equalization: The State.

The State requires unlimited power to enforce eternal equality. But the requirement for the existence of the super equal State destroys the theory equality can ever exist.

Equality is, in fact, a dystopian nightmare requiring a totalitarian world. The people promoting this nightmare a useful idiots of the Cultural Marxists.

Once again the problem is money in politics, not money. Donald Trump is way richer than the Clintons, but I think you'd agree that the Clintons are more powerful than Trump, yes?

Lions stronger than a cheetah. What's your point?

Facts? You justify your racist hate by calling it facts?

The simple point I was trying to make is that if you attempt to deregulate corporations, then the corporations will step up to take the reigns of regulation themselves, except instead of the regulations benefiting the people they will benefit the corporations. A free market will lead to monopolies everywhere.

What about bank regulations? Should those be as nonexistent as possible?

I will say it once again. I try to hire the blacks. Not one, NOT ONE shows up to work after a month.

The problem is indeed there. The problem is shitskins, though, not inequality.

How did you move there?

No, it's called statistics. Median.
Whites seem to have better equality than blacks though. Sure it doesn't exist?

>A free market will lead to monopolies everywhere.
This is false. I suggest you study economics.

>What about bank regulations? Should those be as nonexistent as possible?
Yes. On the other hand, there should be no central banks and no bank bailouts. Otherwise the game is rigged.

Equality does exist. Each person, according to the Constitution, has equal rights. You put your point very well, but it references financial equality, not equality of rights. In fact the very attempt to equalize finances necessitates the destruction of equal rights. It requires racism, classism, sexism, and destruction of due process and property rights. All rights shredded in the name of Robin Hood politics.

doo wop mufuggen bix nood

You should hire illegals, best workers on the planet.

Indian and Chinese -american households are by far the richest groups on average. Is that racist against whites?

That's obviously a problem, but most people who become exorbitantly wealthy (unless they just inherited like Trump) do so by screwing over the rest of the population (not that Trump hasn't screwed anyone over.)

Power corrupts, and in our society money is power.

I haven't seen the statistics. Can you reference that?

>White make more money than blacks
Lets raise taxes to give money to blacks

>Men make more money than women
Lets raise taxes to give money to women

>Tall people are more likely to make more money
Lets raise taxes to give money to manlets.

>People with high IQ are more likely to make more money
Lets raise taxes to give money to low IQ people

It will ultimately lead to situations where everyone tries to look as "oppressed" as possible, instead of actually providing to society.

That hoes little to do with wealth inequality, and everything to do with the fact the Clintons are pieces of shit.

Most likely by another black

I didn't say to raise taxes. I said there's a consistent trend.

You can't take money from a statistic. You advocate redistribution on the basis of skin color. That is racist. You can color your graph however you want, but you are lumping a group of people together and assuming, without trial, that they are all guilty of profiting off the backs of a different group. I could just as easily say that you are a liberal and therefore you are a criminal, you are one of the democrat muslims who shoot up night clubs or violently riot when you don't get your way. Because you are in the class of liberals you deserve to be punished and locked up. You don't deserve a trial. You are guilty because I say so, and yes, I could easily find a chart to support it.

Would those same economic studies suggest that trickle-down is anything more than an abject failure? If we deregulated everything entirely then some things would be free of monopoly (food) because low-level local suppliers could relatively easily emerge. Things like oil or internet are what I'm worried about where it's impossible for small businesses and individuals to keep the larger companies in check.

>You advocate redistribution on the basis of skin color
Nope. Quit bitching I'm trying to have a discussion.

Thank God the Germans have some brains. Please nuke our city centers already. I'll come back to the motherland when you decide to get rid of lady Hitler.

The way out of low class is to slave your live away, save money, use them to ensure that your kids have better access to education, time to study, lead them to better themselves and they will likely end up in middle class. All there is to it.

In theory every Person, according to the U.S. Constitution, is equal. In practice, before and after the Constitution was rarified, this has never been the case.

For example, take the recent example of the person in this picture. Has she been treated equally, by the U.S. Dept of Justice, the same as everyone else? Would someone without her power and connections been treated equally as well? Or are some persons more equal than others?

Has not this always been the case?

Pay debnts,
Aren't there Greeks who own vast shipping companies who are super rich? Isn't there an island off your coast that the super rich use as a resort?
It happens everywhere. Welcome to reality.
Obama flattend out the middle class, so soon we will be just like you!
Shit thread.

Let's say that the odds of being born white in a middle class setting is 50%, and the odds of being born black in a middle class setting also 50%, and that the ratio of the number of whites to the number of blacks is the same as it is in the real world. Given that the US has an overall white population that is about 5 times the black population, a scenario like the first sentence would be unequal for the whites due to the fact that there are simply more white people in America. So since there are more whites than blacks in the US, the number of whites born in the middle class should outnumber the number of blacks born in the middle class.

Both of you are falling victim to this situation:

>Three people are at a table with twenty cookies, a white man, a black man, and a banker.
>The banker casually takes nineteen cookies for himself and hands one to the white man. He whispers into the black man's ear "look at whitey, he's got your cookie."
>After doing that, he whispers into the white man's ear, "look out for that nigger, he's after your cookie."

Because poor people won't just sit around twiddling their thumbs being content with their shit lives.

Inequality breeds resentment which leads to violence.

>free trade

based Guatemala might be making a false equivalency

They are poor because of their shit life attitude. I swear when the race war breaks out I'm going full moon man.

Pretty much. I'd like to believe that most people like myself see certain degrees and reasons for inequality as perfectly acceptable (rich actors, sports stars, musicians.) However, when it comes to people like Clinton, Koch brothers, Shkrelil, their heads need to be on pikes.

What, and Trump's rich because of his great life attitude? Clinton's rich because she's a good hard worker? Hahahaha, FUCK NO.

>it is statistically more probable to be born into the middle-class as a white
Why does everyone assume your wandering soul exits the spiritual ether to manifests as consciousness in some kind of cosmic lottery?

Discuss away, but I will continue to call you a racist bigot. If I brought out a chart showing the crime rate of different races and said that proves that all blacks should be locked up, you would rightly call me a racist. Racism is grouping all people of a skin color together and making broad generalizations about them in order to excuse some hate or crime. You want to steal from whites. You want to give to blacks. That is pure evil. You might as well wear a white hood and burn crosses. You are no different.