Why don't Spics put more emphasis on education instead of drug dealing and taking human lives?

Why don't Spics put more emphasis on education instead of drug dealing and taking human lives?

Why don't Ameriturds put more emphasis on education instead of sucking nigger dicks and shooting each other?

because drugs gives money to the politicians and education no.

Because the American secret service arms various destabilizing groups to overthrow governments they don't like. Even the drug crisis in America leading to LEL EBIN DECAPITATIONS XDDD in Mexico and Central America are because the CIA straight up gave permission to Central American contras to ship drugs to the USA to pay for their weapons.

Yeah the best universities are in the United States.

What's your least favorite Latin American country?

Why don't americans try to solve their drug consumption problem rather than being the biggest drug market and funding drug wars south of the berder?

And what chance does the average Bob, Juan or Taeshawn have if getting in?
Your universities are there for the Chinese, Indian, Euros and wealthy americlaps

You mean Europe.


We spend more than OECD average on education and even came up with some pretty advanced long distance school systems (telesecundarias) for rural areas, it isn't as simple as that. There's legit a lot of complicating social and environmental factors.

Teacher education is the problem
Also teacher unions don't really do any good for the country

Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, etc are in Europe? Go back to making my tortillas.

We wouldn't have a supply if you didn't supply it. Stop blaming everything on us. We don't have a runaway drug or violence problem like Latin America does

Nothing like "Blog del Narco" exists in the USA

What education you stupid burger? our ((college people)) are ony withe collar parasites who can't do shit and once their inevitable failures catch up to them they simply blame the government/USA/Poors/Richs and get to keep their jobs and thus fucking up even more.

good universities don't make good students

STEM, you know, important shit that white Americans study.

Of course you idiots use your math to learn how to count drugs so its different

they only supply because there is demand.

Yes, normalistas and their unions areb a big part of the problem, the amount of money they steal through corruption is mind blowing for such an otherwise unsophisticated group.

If drugs didn’t come from Latin America you’d get them from Canada, who already supplies you with drugs; Indochina, biggest producer out there; or some new market that’s be created to fulfill your addiction, which is the biggest in the world.

Thanks to your retarded ideals about nature conservation and hippie drug loving wastes of space every ambitious engineering project gets trashed by sabotaging stooges or gets abbandoned by incompetent college fucks who don't even bother to be good because papi got them their positions.

>shooting each other
Your nation is run by druglords
most gun crime is from spics and niggers not dealing drugs

Why brazil is included? We are germanic

And we discourage people doing drugs by putting them in jail, which has worked.

Sounds like a cultural problem, buddy.

spics are more dangerous than niggers. California jails are 40% Spic and only 27% nigger

niggers and whites commit more crime per capita than hispanic people on US.

When amerishits are gonna get rangebanned?

>Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, etc are in Europe? Go back to making my tortillas.
Only less than 5% of your population will enter those schools and they will only go there for shit SJW classes, retard.

It's not fair that we're all looked down to just because of a couple of rotten apples like Apezil and Cokelombia.

We made this site, we can destroy it. A more real world thing thats going to happen is we're going to rangeban Mexicans in real life with a wall and hopefully, bullets.

>Your nation is run by druglords
t. Breitbart News slave

You didn't do shit faggot moot made this site by stealing a idea from some asian faggot (pls don't ban me hiro this is just bant) you are a poster just like the rest of us so stop talking big you powerless cunt.

Why is the value of an American life mean more to us than Latin American lives mean to each other? Serious question. Every violent death here gets treated with huge outrage

Probably Nicaragua


wh*Tes are inferior

There's supply because there's demand. Yours is the biggest market and so everyne will try to make a profit there.
Nobody will try to blame everything on you if you'd mind your own bussiness.
>And we discourage people doing drugs by putting them in jail, which has worked.
It barely works as it should.
You shouldn't response to drug abuse with punishment but with treatment. With punishment you just create resentment and you don't get rid of the causes that leads a person to drug abuse. You shouldn't treat drug abuse as a cause but a consequence.

Usaians btfo

You know, through the Monroe Doctrine, we saved your countries from being slaves to Europeans and helped liberate you from the Spanish. You'd think you be grateful.by doing what we say because we know whats best for you.

Because Latinoamerican culture is Carpe Diem

Treatment works even less and it only leads the druggies to believe they are untouchable for their crimes, we don't need to punish them, they are already too far gone to understand concepts like that, once they get tainted by the chemical plague there is only one way to prevent them from causing more damge and that is getting rid of them, just like china did to stop their opiate epidemic and just how duterte is doing right now.

You think a wall is going to keep you safe gringo?

No but easy access to guns and loose self defense laws will

am*erican history classes


We study STEM in America. Knowing about dead old people isn't gonna help me feed my family but me being a scientist will

which 0.01% of americans go to. The thought of some guy who chugs mountain dew all day thinking of the foreign students in Harvard and MIT and giving him pride is hilarious

>helped liberate you from the Spanish
Americ*n't """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""history"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""education"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" everyone

No, you don't.
Stop taking credit for what somebody else does, you autistic neet.

great excuse for ameribear

oh yes

no wonder why am*ricans are like this

>We study STEM in America.
motherfucker we both know the vast majority of people who go to college are getting liberal arts degrees

>Your nation is run by druglords

t. Playground cancer

We're the only white country that even remotely gives a damn about Latin America

no u dont


The fuck out of here

Fuck wh*Tes subhumans



memes aside
bro you must stop making these cancerous posts and travel to the outside world and learn what the real world is like, no wonder why u are in Sup Forums

> le 15% face

>we're [...] white country

>15% face
what does this mean?

How does it feel to share a language with mexico?

Reminder that Cokelombia is actual a semi-functional country which is actually improving instead of getting worse by the day

>how does it feel to share lenguage with mexico?

answer yourself