Americans will defend this

>Americans will defend this

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

Why not neither?

>Liberals will vote Clinton who is basically Bush: 4.0 anyway


Why don't you just get rid of the army altogether?

You can pay for dozens of millions of New Americans that way!

3rd shitposting bait I've seen from a Finnish cuck today. Delete this.

that's not how economics works

>including gender studies

Yeah nah. If they made free the courses that gave skills the nation needed, I'd be all for it.

>National Socialism is the best

I thought college tuition at american public universities (i.e. community colleges and the like) is already pretty cheap?

Remember when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize all those years ago for ending that Afghan War and closing Gitmo....

taxpayers money would just be going to 18-22 year olds who are just going to get drunk and party. Not everyone who goes to college is cut out for it, or smart enough or dedicated enough to be there. So lots of money will just be completely wasted on kids who are going to do nothing with this hypothetical privilege.

I don't want to spend money in Afghanistan. I didn't vote for that. But I also don't want to pay people to get Sociology degrees either.

I wonder how many people we could deport for $62 billion.

>have to pay 62 billion

I don't think that's what that word means

Leftist masturbation at its highest.

Simo, why do you care what we do?!

It is, but then you wouldn't be able to say you went to one of those private universities and had a "real college experience"
>wtf? I love orange now

>1700 public institutions (2 and 4 year included)
>13,000,000 enrollees
>62,600,000,000 / 13,000,000 = 4,800 per enrollee.
>Ignores the fact more public institution places would be made and filled
>Ignores faculity costs/professor training recruitment/salaries for new employees
>Worded as a one time expense

Seriously who writes these things? At least it doesn't have something like "Source: Glass Blowers for Bernie Sanders" in the corner.

But then the image in OP's pic is meaningless, because even if the government subsidized entirely public universities private universities would still be expensive as fuck.

Stupid libturds.

Except it would cost over a trillion dollars for a 4 year degree for the entire collehe populous in the u.s..... not that hard to find these numbers

Take all the current college students in the u.s. and multiply that by, say, 5k a semester. Now double that to give you one years tuition for multiply that by 4. Now, take that number and multiply it by 2.5 to give you the figure it'll cost for 10 years. Now, multiply that by 4 and it gives you 40 years of college paid tuition, and that's without inflation or adjusting for more expensive schools

Kys and stay out of our politics you fucking faggot

>Have literally the best high-level educational system on the planet

Fucking no you fucking assholes. The reason American college education is so expensive to begin with is that the college loan system allows universities to set unrealistically high prices because they know the loans are secured by the government, meaning they will ALWAYS be paid. If you had the State pay for everything I fucking guarantee you those costs will double in two years as every uni cranks its professors' salaries up by double digits and teachers unions extort the government for every cent they can, knowing that any attempt to fight them will be political suicide.

Just fucking stop looking at things as static costs that you can cover just by throwing money at them, that isn't how it works, the costs are already inflated BECAUSE the government tried to make college more affordable, it is a fucking miracle that our colleges haven't completely degenerated already.

> implying Bush was a bad president


Honestly, If Trump wins, he could fix universities in one year with all this SJW crap.

Basically just legislate that all NEW student loans can be discharged through bankruptcy.

No loan provider will give money to anyone to do 'gender studies', 'black studies' or 'fat studies'.

The government should provide no loan guarantees for such fields. Universities will either need to drop fees to unsustainable rates to keep these degrees, or scrap them completely.

Problem solved.

Depending on where and what, usually 2-5k tuition per semester is the minimum for public colleges. Maximums for public college can be towards 20-25k per semester, usually at colleges with STEM focus.

>implying we should waste money on either

$393.5 billion was spent on college tuition for private and public universities, so this would only cover a rather small percentage of the total expenditure.

We're paying several hundred billion dollars a year just on the interest on our debt, but that's unavoidable, but necessary, which may or may not apply to funding the current operation in Iraq.

Why would I defend wasting money in Afghanistan?

Also you should look up the definition of "free" in the dictionary.

This is the correct answer.

Everybody implies that.

Not everyone needs a college education.
There is already a surplus of people with STEM degrees and letting dumb fucking kids waste government money on women's studies/journalism/social studies degrees is not a good idea.

>for 62 billion dollars


>free for 62.6 billion
the mind of a leftist

Public university, means public education, means a constant degradation of values, lower standards of education, and state indoctrination.

No thanks. It's already bad.

You don't get it, It's not saying we should tax the people more, it's saying unnecessary bullshit is being paid for when the same amount of money can be used to cover the poor's education.

There is no way tuition in America will ever be free. It is just way too expensive.

This guy gets it

That plus eliminating fedloans so the gov isn't handing them out and regulation allowing a lender to weigh the potential for a failure to pay a loan due to selected degree.

College is over rated and trades under encouraged.

Blowing up things is fun.

Would be a great idea, if it didn't include paying for wymynnz studies and other similar superior faculties which are so great that only the chosen ones are privileged enough to study it through unpaid self-learning to show more superiority above all else and independence and strength.

The total cost would drop heavily if such faculties wouldn't exist in the first place, it's money down the drain, 0 investment.

>spending 63 billion to add grades 13-16 and keeping young people out of the work force for even longer

If you want free housing, college, and food just join the military.

OR you could have the government write a comprehensive set of free books on the 100 year old+ information students are being ripped off for and forget the colleges.

No we won't.
That's why we are voting trump, to end the war machine/world police game.

Want to know why Muslims shoot up America? Because we keep bombing them.

Let them be 3rd world shit holes. Close the borders, cut off aid, ship back Mexicans, fema camp all blm terrorists, and MAGA

>college free

No, state college would be free. Those are literally leftist indoctrination centers. All that will do is extend childhood from 18 to 22 and people will become even more socialist and leftist.

>Will spend $668 Billion - $1 Trillion on welfare

2 - 5k for community college but more like 10 - 15k for a state college.


>backwards 3rd worlders don't know how big the US economy is

>85.4 billion on afganistan

wtf I hate Obama now

>tfw we wasted that money on Afghanistan instead of Turkey

How do you guys feel about government grants to just poor kids? Only to go to the cheapest local college?

Is this an ad for Donald Trump? He said the same shit about Iraq and the trillions wasted there :^)

This. Government only has one source for money -the people. Nothing from government is free.

>Implying Bush was a good president

are you a #cuntmissile now

OY VEY! Professor Silverstein and the CEO of Menachem Armament Industries Group would like to discuss this problem.

So spend a huge chunk of the budget so that every dumbass can spend four more years in high school learning about how important feminism is in common core patriarchy 101? College is already an over inflated scam we need less free rides not more. Xer, Dequan, and Lashanda get make work degrees that hurt the economy more than they help it. It's basically government forced privatized welfare. What incentive are you suggesting to get our students into beneficial valid courses? Our college system is broken throwing money at the kikes pushing for us to go extinct isn't going to help.

Make STEM free and harder to pass and keep the rest of the subjects as they are? Xer and Lashonda will drop out within a year but Billie-Bob and Steven will get a proper degree for free.