
gemma edition

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

i spent the day in bed.


pointless educating someone who doesn't know his arse from his elbow


is that leather


Social politik: Radical Centrist
Economic politik: Australian

>work tomorrow
>toil on the morrow
>servitude upon first light
>indenture continues as the early bird sings her morning song
>drudgery commences at dawn
>labour on the rooster's crow
>the resumption of the exchange of time and effort for compensation at daybreak
>back to the grind at sunrise
>exertion in the AM
>grafting in the wee hours
>exertion in the time to come
>travail hereafter


see this pasta very regularly on 'dit and twitch, I expected better of Sup Forums

only one chili cheese dog left

>i can't
it's ok keep posturing

Why is the Continent so pathetic?

post more australian

would like to hear a historian's opinion on this desu
the russian bear was very tired after defeating germany so it's hard to believe they could have defeated japan considering the japs would have literally never surrendered



MJ gone
our nigga dead

cringe when I see EU flags everywhere on the continent

guarantee this is the r3dditr3ddit poster. he actually browses reddit, what a surprise

This movie was such kino, I actually felt butterflies in my stomach as the Russians approached and everything fell into disarray


>I expected better of Sup Forums

God bless the English channel.

have you ever had the 'girl-friend' experience from a prostitute?

asking for a friend .

absolute state of luxembourg

Very happy I did, yes

Saw a lad wearing a shirt with something just like this (wojak deadlifting) on it.

he was an american doing SS and doing like a gorilla grunting ritual really loudly before lifting any weights.


It's barely a state at all

willies and benders

based UK

what happened to super mario maker
one minute everyone was playing it, now no one

mj gone, our nigga dead

wore my wojack shirt to the gym today lads

anyone remember the cuckio meme?

talk about thirst

shut the fuck up you aussie spacklord virgin amoeba, no one fucking asked

Belgium literally should not exist
it serves no purpose. has nothing unique about it

France should just absorb it

trihex still plays it

there's still a lively community what do you mean

any engineering lads in

is it impossible to be lazy and still graduate


its really weird seeing americans. its like all these internet memes actually have a bearing on their lives.

from this guy wearing a fucking wojak shirt to those runts lining up outside Maccy's

never watched him or any youtubers, sorry

No need to be rude

what has started as a light crotch adjustment has turned into a full blown wank

are brits really thick enough not to view themselves as European?

Hmm yes, VERY interesting point.

business idea: take all the potatoes out of ireland and force them to learn how to fish
mostly mean youtubers and streamers, i know regular people play it still

business idea: kev and tim t-shirts

>Potato Nigger thinks we're yuropeen. THIS is what the world map actually looks like. Eevery other map you have sen is Lefty propaganda. Educate yourself.

are germans told stalin beating hitler and brutally incorporating half of their country into their communist sphere of influence was a good thing??

flanders for the dutch
wallonia for the french

computer engineer here

are irishmen really thick enough not to hook some bait to a fishing rod

muh empire

good post

>are brits really thick enough not to view themselves as European?

Brother listens to a lot of rap, noticed that many of the lyrics feature references to "white girls" or a "white bitch". What did they mean by this, I ponder

Well they elected Merkel so probably yeah


woah... damn... I be lied to this whole time!


White women are faithless traitors and should be exterminated.

depends to what extent
if you're skipping assignments then that's grounds for worry but you can easily cram for exams and that

funny, that comin from a brit

would amputate all my limbs and swallow glass just for the chance to speak to summer


fucker next to me is eating chips (crisps) really loudly. wish I could punch his face in

>What happens when you're short or skinny in prison

i wonder was she drugged or just a whore

Can't get one date with any female. Women are instinctively repulsed by me both IRL and online

any irish fisherman in?

>Emma Watson will never take a sledgehammer to my bollocks

>Watch car chase vids on youtube
>Comments are full of chavs and deanos defending the hooligans and ripping on pigs
>None of them can type properly
Literally creasing

Look at the color of her skin.
She's just a whore.

lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes

why is that homeless man attacking the innocent sioux?


wishful thinking mate

always wonder what the context to these beatdowns are

any fuhrerman in?

what if you're a total retard
can you show up to lectures, have a good attitude, kiss your professor's ass, do your best even if it's not good enough and still graduate?

What makes a woman do that? Do they have no self respect?

Manlet politics, very tense

fuck the feds


>Every tenant in Victoria will have the right to have a pet in their rental property under sweeping reforms to the state's tenancy rules
another blow against the bourgeoisie lads

business idea:

>tl;dr the Soviets were a well oiled military machine at this point and it took them 3 weeks and 3 days to break through almost 1 million Japs

whenever i see a really jacked guy in the street i assume he's been in prison

women have fetishes too
some of them get off cucking their men

got a bag of crisps and half a bag of jelly beans in my car that would go down a treat right about now but too lazy to go out and get them haha

VERY VERY good idea. Where do I sign?

you forgot ulster

ain't nothing to it but to do it

Got the yankee candle going