Most racist country

In your experience, which country is the most racist?

Other urls found in this thread:ón_massacre



U S and A


American racism is a joke. Nordic racism is by far more mentalized, homogeneous and toxic.

not even trolling

Turkey. Literally Sup Forums-tier when it comes to both committing and denying genocides.



Completely unwarranted, given that they seem to be forgetting they're only one generation out from being illiterate goat herders however

How is Norway racist? Asking for a friend

they only let black people in


Wtf I love Norway now :D

America is race obsessed, Britain is straight up racist and jingoistic

It's in our traditions to marry only those of the best families so you could survive. Is it racist to seek out a family of the same ethnic origin?

Probably some poor balkanshit country or pooland

This is the most racist post in the thread.


The Netherlands
Cantonese China

I swear I'm not like this irl

No offense, but historically it's obviously USA. Second to none.

iceland for sure


How are you in real life then? Kissing up to your balkan and slavic overlords so you could sell your wares?

We're but jingoistic we're just xenophobic

What is this? A 1930'S Mexico for ANTS?



ask your mother my teacher, she knows how i am irl very well :^)


Japan, South Korea or Poland

I miss the old America when they called a nigger a nigger and portrayed them in their natural habits in cartoons.


Thank you

Literally never met a balkan and met 3 russians in total and one of them sucked me off when I was dead drunk
So no


Haha, honestly do you still trade camels for women? Is a woman nice if she's worth 16 camels?

More racist spics

idk, are you still a vassal of denmark?

somewhere in asia or africa

No offense but almost every Dutchman I've met was physically fit and somewhat openly racist

Good to hear

You posted the wrong picture, let me help you with that :^)

oh shit you got me, i've been btfo
ebin post m8

You should rread about the shenanigans the Dutch east india company got up to with nutmeg
But nowadaus of the countries I've visited I'd say straya for casual acceptable racism

why women specifically?

Their King is Danish and Norwegian is practically Swedified Danish

Nazi germany

The king actually lost his claim when he left the country during the war for more than three weeks without approval.


But you still call him King?

He has claimed the throne unlegit

USA we earned it.

And yet he gets all the benefits of a King

And don't any of you slant eyed cunts fucking forget itón_massacre