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2. Do you live in a class-based society?


No I don't think so. You can go from a country boy to a politician (provided that you get sufficient education) and vice versa. The high society is defined by nothing else but the money you have.

Theoretically no. You can be a very poor fag and be whatever you wanna be, but obviously rich kids can afford private schools and take shortcuts. I guess it's the same everywhere in the West

It was supposed to be caste, meaning some parts of the society might be un0reachable for the normal citizen. I will make it again tomorrow. What a disappointment I am.

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2. Yes. The low class fight to keep the same shitty job at the factory all their life and go to strike if we even consider allowing people to take another job.
The high class lives in the center of cities and own the factory

Yes. Our politicians are trying to create a literal slave class from our NEETs.

It's worse

There's Finland-Swedes forming the elite ruling class, Finns forming the middle class and Estonians forming the working class.

Very much so

Yeah, if you mean classes stratified by income levels with factors such as race, the region you live etc, etc. It maybe harder for some achieve things, but given enough effort, a person can change their class.

Oh well, the definitions of class/caste are debatable anyway, let's say class here and hope we can have this thread.

They have been mentioning NEETs more and more here and how they are not part of the workforce.

Brits are one of the main reasons I made this thread, can you explain more? I've heard about it a lot. What obstacles do you have on the road to success as an average citizen?

Don't fool yourselves. We all live in a caste-based society where chads form the ruling class, normies the middle class, and beta virgins the underclass. There's no escaping your genetics.

>might be un0reachable for the normal citizen
It isn't unreachable. There are no barriers to making dough. There is a kind of a class system but it's well-hidden. The bottom class supports high class type of politics. Kind of just like in the USA. And it generates wealth, socialism is about stealing wealth.


It's just the working class fucking hate the upper class and the other way around

What stops you from moving up? Is it the habits that are instilled in you when you are in the working class, unavailability of education, class stigma or something else?

Theoretically nothing but the mentality is so ingrained into society that the less ambitious don't care to or just don't want to
To a lot of people being "posh" is seen as a bad thing

What will happen to you socially if you are working class and start speaking a posh accent and engaging in intellectual activities in an attempt to distance yourself from them?

>To a lot of people being "posh" is seen as a bad thing
mostly the poor tho isn't it

Intellectual activities people don't have a problem with, if you started talking posh people would think you're fucking weird and probably wouldn't want to hang out with you
Regional accent and dialect is a big party of your identity here so if you started trying to reject that people might interpret it as you thinking you're better than that


Attachment to your region seems somewhat reasonable.

However isn't it pretty much mandatory for British elites to go to Eton and other prestigious schools like that? If you don't go there, will you hit a ceiling in your career, or is it ok? I know Estonian people who have well paying business/dev careers in London. Maybe they get paid less than someone of higher status?

It's not compulsory to go to Eton or even private school
The leader of the main opposition party left school with two E grades at A-level so it is possible we just need to get rid of this us Vs them mentality

Thank you, it explains alot. People always talk about class this and that and it often seems it's the moaners themselves who are the most responsible for creating such a system.