Al-Qaradawi - The failure of Arabs
What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread: Coughlin

what he means is that the sand dinndus are poor because they actual didn't do nothing

Thanks for sharing. Sorry this board is SHIT and only responds to posts about niggers fucking white women.

You're welcome!

Pretty funny and true but what kind of response do you want here. It's true. Arabs are mostly useless.

i wanna bang emmer watson

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Wow, Spain getting #roasted by Al Qaradawi

Qaradawi is just another Islamic lunatic. How are the Arabs supposed to create a prosperous society when they're urged by their faith, and by clerics such as Qaradawi himself, to go join the Holy War against Shia islam and the West?

Nah not a bot just a bad attempt at banter but you're right what did he mean by this is a bit overdone, I'm not trying to slide.

>what kind of response do you want
Well aside from it being humerous cause it's true, i want to challenge the notion that arabs and muslims are superior to westerners by having one of their own highly regarded speakers tell the actual situation about it. And also challenge the leftist idea that mass muslim immigration somehow will improve western civilization.

I know qaradawi is very bad news in general but even a broken clock strikes true twice a day.. As much as he loathes the west even he can't help but frustratingly admit that they do things far better than the arabs.. And i think that says a lot!

Arabs would be living like Africans if they didn't had oil.

Is not news to anyone here

Well i bring it up because it shows pretty clearly who needs to improve their socities, and who doesn't perhaps so much. And i think even if it comes from qaradawi it's a breath of fresh air because we're told the exact opposite by the deluded leftists 24/7.. so when they see stuff like this perhaps they can't sleaze their way out of it so easily.

He's not the solution but he sums up the problem very nicely. And you can't solve a problem without talking about it.

>improve their socities
good idea. we could improve arabs by exterminating them

Fair enough. It is admittedly a refreshing perspective on the problems in the Muslim world. The fact that Qaradawi, and his supporters, can't see that it's their own fanaticism that is destroying their countries is quite astonishing though.

Why are arabs obsessed with Emma Watson? They know she's a feminist?

Ofcourse they can't they think islam and sharia law is the solution to everything even when as you say is what is destroying their countries by stifling their development.

You can't reason with a fundamentalist islamic law scholar from al azhar university like qaradawi, even when they are the problem they will never admit it, because they have invested their entire life in a certain way of doing things.. so they can see the problem but not the solution to them. And this is why they fail.. when the solution is outside their paradigm they will not accept it.

I'm not an arab, it was a coy attempt on mfw westerner looking with a "yeah, there's something to that" expression. But i guess it wasn't very clear hehe

Well some arabs are obsessed with Emma Watson. Probably.

This is what he means

a bit long but helpful

>And this is why they fail.. when the solution is outside their paradigm they will not accept it
Agreed. One of the most interesting, and important questions of our time is how to defeat this kind of thinking. Given the attitudes and ideas we've seen among Muslims in countries like Egypt, I'm not overwhelmingly optimistic...

What's fascinating in that regard is that qaradawi even says this himself, but doesn't realize how much it applies to him and his followers.. at 4m22s "While we still go around in circles, like a bull who turns a grinding mill or a water wheel.. and ends up exactly where it started" He says it himself but can't see that it applies to him aswell.

Western arabs who live in non muslim majority nations are far more productive than the ones he is talking about, he might ask himself why that is, but won't admit the reason for it because it goes against everything he has invested his life and endeavours into.

>Western arabs who live in non muslim majority nations are far more productive than the ones he is talking about
They are. But as we've also seen, the trend is that Muslim immigration to any country leads to a steady deterioration of society.

>but won't admit the reason for it because it goes against everything he has invested his life and endeavours into
Perhaps I'm misinterpreting this, but I actually think Qaradawi believes this stuff down to the verse. That's why it's such a dangerous issue - when you have millions of people dedicated to the Truth, and willing to give their life for this truth, you'll have a much harder time fighting the ideas than if this was a geopolitical grievance.

>They are. But as we've also seen, the trend is that Muslim immigration to any country leads to a steady deterioration of society.

Yes.. as the muslim population grows, the muslim communities bend backwards towards sharia law and apply pressure to the other more western bent muslims to change their behaviour to accomodate this.. And then the situation degrades.

>Perhaps I'm misinterpreting this, but I actually think Qaradawi believes this stuff down to the verse. That's why it's such a dangerous issue - when you have millions of people dedicated to the Truth, and willing to give their life for this truth, you'll have a much harder time fighting the ideas than if this was a geopolitical grievance.

You are correct in this, and i would urge you to check these links about islam and sharia law, qaradawi is one of the key characters in muslim brotherhood and once you understand their agenda you will know beyond a doubt that they mean exactly what they say and have bought into it beyond the point of no return.

Muslim brotherhood, islamic law and the stages of islam/milestones process and the OIC agenda revealed. Coughlin

Stephen coughlin 6 part intelligence brief, on muslim brotherhood, islamic law, the milestones process, OIC and the concept of individual jihad

This is a professional intelligence brief, not the average youtube poppycock.

Here are 21 pages of notes i made with timecoded links to the things mentioned. I think you will find it useful.. Once you have spent your time going through it there's no going back to what islamic law is and what the intention is.

Here are the notes. I spend quite a while going through the 5+ hours intel brief linked, and the notes are a result of that.. it will help you wrap your head around it because it's VERY information dense.

You're welcome.

Once you go through those videos and notes, you will get a clear picture of many of the keys / non negotiable parts of islamic law.. that most people are blatantly unaware about, meticulously documented in the brief, and even better documented in coughlins book Castastrophic failure - Blindfolding america in the face of jihad

This guy is no small fry, he has briefed intelligence agencies and pentagon officials untill recently under the obama administration he was banned from briefing by request of the muslim brotherhood, see brennan letter in video 6. Where they snuffed out intel documentation "critical" of islam and sharia law beginning in 2011.

I'll definitely check this out. Good talk, Danebro.

You too Swedebro. I can assure you you won't be dissapointed but choose when you get into it, because once you know.. you'll know something most of the world doesn't know about islam, and then there's no going back..

It is using islamic sources from islamic scholars of the highest standard, al azhar university approved sources, which is pretty much the gold standard in islamic sunni law about what muslims teach muslims what muslim law is.. not what muslims teach kuffar that islamic law is.. those two are very different.. One message to the non muslims, another message to the muslims..

I'll give you a short teaser, to know the kind of thing to expect.. you remember bruxelles how the paris attacker was able to hide out in a muslim enclave and the muslims didn't rat him out..

Turns out they are not permitted to inform police because of islamic law.. Truth is stranger than fiction.. section r8.0 lying r8.2 permissible lying. ”speaking is a means to achieving an objective”.
When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is PERMISSIBLE to lie if attaining the goal is permissible.. AND OBLIGATORY TO LIE IF THE GOAL IS OBLIGATORY.. when for example one is concealing a muslim from an oppressor who asks where he is, it is obligatory to lie about being hidden”. This includes ”showing the way to policemen and tyrants when they are going to commit injustice and corruption” injustice and corruption according to what.. according to sharia law which would be.. arresting or doing harm to muslims.. Let that sink in..

(cont) Paris attacker hiding out in bruxelles 4 doors away from his mother and the muslim enclave not saying a damn thing about him being there? They had legal justification in sharia law for doing exactly that.. Sharia law and islamic jurisprudence IS THE PROBLEM that makes it hard to stop islamic terrorism.. Which is why the ”this is nothing to do with islam or islamic law” is precisely the thing that causes it to keep going and even enables it, because it has so much to do with it! And if you say it has nothing to do with it, then you have stopped yourself from being able to do anything about it. This is why they are interested in maintaining that narrative.. as long as that narrative is believed, the islamic terrorism will continue. muslim brotherhood mission statement, to spread and impose sharia law to the entire world and support the ISLAMIC STATE wherever it is.. They are so blatantly clear about wanting to impose sharia law on us, that it is almost tragic that people in the west don't realize it.

As you begin to see, sharia law is a totalitarian political ideology more than it is a religion to establish a global theocracy by warfare or subversion.. it covers every little thing even to protect mujahids from law enforcement of the nation they are in. And it is very intelligently designed, as they say, the devil is in the details, study the details and you will find out exactly that.. It's not a comforting realization but a necessary one.

The muslim terrorist organizations follow this islamic law to the letter, and are very careful about it and even afraid of not doing it correctly and justified by it.. This is what you will discover to your horror when you truly analyze it and find out what islamic law actually as taught by muslims to muslims instruct them to do.

Those who don't follow it as much are to be killed under this instruction (also provided islamic justification for in the notes and timecoded) it's called riddah or being a murtad. And not only if you leave the faith but also if you speak badly about some parts of it or deny some parts of it. You under sharia law is subjected to execution, once you're in there's no way out but death when it's enforced.

The best way i can describe islamic law after having studied it or shari'ah as it's called, or the sacred law etc. as it is sometimes also called, is like a dark veil coming down over you.. Of tension and fear. Even the smallest thing you can be killed for even if you are a muslim it's very easy to not be muslim ENOUGH, and being a non muslim under sharia is far far worse, you lead someone away from islam by showing them something about islam and they decide to leave based on that, you can be dragged into a shariah court and executed, even if you critique islam and everything you say is true about it.. you can still be executed..

This is why muslims are like how crazy are you for insulting muhammad, and the westerner goes like huh what's the big deal achmed.. well if sharia law is enforced.. it's your life on the line for doing so.. Which they know very well..

The best way to understand that is, think of how christians think about jesus, muslims think that way of muhammad and are instructed to kill people who insult him. In Islam muhammad is the final prophet meaning he is authoritative over jesus to them and they deny he is son of god but simply was a prophet that prepared for muhammad to come.. Wherefore Islam is the only religion and christianity and judaism is considered unbelief, and denying that will also land a muslim in a riddah category.. risking execution.

Islam is a hellmachine that has slumbered after their caliphates were dismantled, the last one in 1922. Sharia law with modern technology in an islamic caliphate would literally be like hell on earth.. i couldn't even imagine how terrible that would be. We should be thankful that they were not so technologically curious in the past as us.

Muslims mimic the process from minority to a majority in the 23 years of muhammads ascend to power and the creation of the caliphates which ran for 1400 years in succession till 1922.

This is called the milestones process or the stages of islam.. the makkah phase they proselytize only, once they switch to medina then comes the full on jihad and the full implemention of sharia law.. this process of abrogation is a must to realize.. The best thing a kuffar can do is reduce muslim immigration and thus keep the muslims in the makkah stage.. when they have enough numbers they will move to medina phase which is the authoritative that abrogates the makkah (trojan horse) stage. As an example of this the muslim calendar starts AH.. after hijra.. to medina.. it doesn't start at mecca, this is because mecca verses are to mislead the kuffar as the muslims grow their numbers.. before they go to medina.. all meticulously laid down by the example of muhammad which they follow..

And once they have enough to go medina you either lose and your nation turns islamic with full authoritative sharia law implemented, or have a civil war.

Non muslims are not supposed to know these things, this is why you have not heard about them, because muslims instruct muslims in a different way than they do when they are non muslims.. but the muslim to muslim instructions are available and they count on you not finding them or no apostates or people in the know to help you find them and realize what is in them.. once they are initiated, it's game on, and if you leave you're risk your life for doing so..

This is why they hate apostates so much and why it is so fiercely punished under islamic law, once you know the full plan, you might tell others..

So it's not just a pulling your leg when i say when you study these videos its an introduction to things about islamic law that most of the population don't know, just look how few views it has gotten on youtube.. But it's necessary and time for more to know about this.. because the time is running late..

If we are to avoid very bad things in the horizon this knowledge has to be known by many over a small period of years. Make no mistake what's in those videos is not something you're just going to debunk or not simply some persons oppinion, this is iron clad gold standard sunni islamic law with justifications from the islamic texts and muhammads life and example with these things, they are incredibly meticulous.. they might not work much as the OP video illustrates but they obsess over islamic law massively, and do not underestimate that obsession to think that they do not know exactly what they are doing atleast with regards to that.

>the income of the entirety arab world (including from oil) does not reach even the income of france

is this true? no dank memes please

I think he means the average median income, like the average muslim not the few super rich. I haven't fact checked this video, i added it to spur a discussion about the muslim world. You would have to ask qaradawi how he came up with those statistics. And i would also love to see some verification on this personally. Good point of bringing that up.

I will say that qaradawi is a pretty big wig when it comes to islam, he is considered a radical and member of muslim brotherhood, as in they do not doubt his knowledge when it comes to islamic law.. but might not agree fully with everything he says. So if you can prove that what qaradawi says is incorrect that would hurt his credibility, and if there's something fundamentalist muslims believe in its honor and not being insulted/disrespected or slandered and these things, so i doubt he just pulled it out of his arse.. But again i'd love to see the actual data.

This is why I actually enjoy coming on Sup Forums during this time of day.

I am a Muslim, and I occasionally engage in debates on the matters of morality and ethics, but when the Americans begin to come online it becomes 'HURR DURR MUH PAEDO PROPHET, MUH GOATFUCKERS'

But this, this is something far more meaty. It is serious, levelled, researched, and well argued criticism. I can actually engage with this and benefit from analysing its points, I must thank you for that.

From a glance, my only criticism at present would be that you have vastly overstated the unity of Islam throughout history. It is presented as a monolithic entity, with a gameplan. The truth however, is that since the death of the prophet there has been noting but civil war and internal strife, any expansion down to the ambition of a local leader rather than a grand strategy. Even during the golden age of Islam, what is now Spain was essentially an independent caliphate at war with the Baghdad caliphate, which was eventually destroyed by the Egyptian branch of the caliphate etc etc.

I give you an example and stop making so many posts here, i've said what needed to be said. But i will say that when you consider who qaradawi is.. realize that just before arab spring he made friday prayer after being banned from egypt for 30 years (he was based in qatar after this) because of assasination attempt on an egyptian official. 2.5 MILLION people showed up to watch yousef al-qaradawi head of muslim brotherhood give the friday prayer after he was banned from doing that in egypt 30 years ago.. vs 1-200.000 at the protest in tahrir square.. What do you think was more important.. yet media shows the irellevant protest to the west, and not the 2.5 million at the friday prayer in support of the muslim brotherhood and their agenda. Clearly muslim brotherhood was not behind this "uprising" and deposing of mubarak? Ofcourse they were. They give the leftist western media a 100-200.000 irellevant protestors, and gets them to ignore 2.5 million people supporting yusuf qaradawi.. and muslim brotherhood which wants full sharia law in egypt.. He was banned because muslim brotherhood assasinated in 1981 President anwar-el-sadat.

2.5 million people crowd for al qaradawi before the arab spring in contrast with the 1-200k protestors shown in western media, gives you an idea the clout this guy has in the muslim world. So if he says something incorrect a LOT of people are going to notice.

I really appreciate your comment. And i agree with a lot of it aswell. Eventhough we are from opposite sides of the pond on this issue, I really think it's breath of fresh air to have such a comment from a person of a persuasion such as yourself.

TL;DR thanks i really appreciate it. And i think that this subject matter is something we need to look into, we want to focus on the facts, not assumptions.. there's way too many assumptions going around when talking about this stuff and very little facts, and assumptions should NEVER be allowed to compete with facts..

I hope you find something interesting and useful in what i have presented. And everyone is free to make up their own mind, that is what is so great about actual decent conversations based on facts.

This is actually heartwarming, an actual debate on Sup Forums who would've thought! Agreed, from my perspective, I am tired of hearing Muslims in denial about the existence of extremists and terrorist enablers within our communities. Facts are facts, however uncomfortable they are.

You are right here to point out the vast support for the Muslim brotherhood.However I would interject that it must be considered within the political context of the Middle East.
By this, I mean that the Muslim Brotherhood often offered the only organised grassroots (and dare i say democratic) alternative to the secular dictators, or the corrupt elites. For example, I remeber discussing the rise of Hamas with a Palestinian fellow I knew. He claimed that many did not want an Islamist government, or didnt care, but they were sick of seeing Fatah flying around on first class flights and staying in the Marriott whilst their people suffered. The first thing Hamas did was halve the salaries of the MPs. So often, Islamist support can be considered evidence of a desire for radical change, not necessarily a desire for Islamism

Arabs should listen to more of these elder bearded guys opposed to the other elder bearded guys which tell them to blow themselves up.
The only way forward is to adapt faster, or rather just emulate the west more regarding technology and industry, something to stimulate and produce, make a country self reliant.
Iran has done that somewhat more effectively than its neighbors, they should start there once ISIS gets BTFO'd and America stops its proxy wars in the middle east which they will hopefully after realizing pushing for democracy was useless in countries like Iraq.

I understand your sentiment but you are making a grave error of misjudgement about the muslim brotherhood being for radical change rather than a return to sharia law, they rely on sayyid qutb and the milestones which is justifying abrogation to say that medina is the authoritative and because the arabs were in a fallen state they had to be brought towards sharia law and unified before sharia law could be implemented in full and thus makkah was the training wheels that are to come off as they enter medina stage. And unfortunately, the case for that with regards to the islamic texts is sadly and unfortunately beyond compelling if you want to follow muhammad and allah.

Consider here a quote from qaradawi Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi ”Islamic law should be implemented gradually in egypt; There should be no chopping off of hands IN THE FIRST FIVE YEARS” again.. gradual stages of islam.. suckering people in to accept large portions of it and then the trap is slammed shut with the actual full adoption of sharia law once large parts of it are already in place.

You represent and i understand that very well, the desire to reform islam, but unfortunately the more you dvelve into islamic law and the qur'an and the sunnah the more frustratingly clear it becomes that it is setup in such a way that it is nearly impossible to reform it without a third party overtly stripping medina jihad from islamic law and leaving muslims only with the inner struggle parts of jihad which sadly represents such a tiny fragment of it that without it Islam has no point. it is wishing down the wishing well and expecting things to say what they do not..

(cont) and qaradawi has quoted cutb on numerous occasions it's very clear what qaradawis intentions are if you have read qutb the milestones.. (the abrogation stages of islam) that is unfortunately very well justified by the prophet muhammad (pbuh) himself.. if you study him and the muslim brotherhood.. They use the wellmeaning muslims as pawns in this game..

If you go through the 5+ hour videos i linked and also the 21 page comments i made in regards to it, eventhough some of it might offend you, and we might disagree on some things in it, but atleast one thing will be very clear and fully agreeable.. like not 99% but 100% qaradawi and muslim brotherhood wants medina sharia law.. and nothing else but that. So if you are not interested in that, be careful where you lay your support.

While you are correct on the fact that Islam has not really been unified, and many sects consider each other kufar with all that comes with it, there are certain things most muslims agree on, would you not agree? The west, and non-muslims seem to be quite high up on the list of things that seem incompatible with it, and homosexuality. I dont much care for gay people, but I wont have them killed and if I met someone I wouldnt disregard him as a friend just because of his sexual orientation. In the middle east this seems to be the norm rather then the exception.

Example.. sorry qutb, not cutb.

In similar way when it is not direct battle conquests, this is the same recipy with which muslims overtake kuffar nations via migration using similar stages. To turn that nation islamic. At first they like muhammad which they mimic present the peaceful meccan islam.. then as they grow in numbers and influence comes the medina islam.. And as a kuffar if you don't wake up before they switch from mecca to medina especially the last stages of medina, in your nation, you're going to end up in a lot of trouble.. They are mimic'ing the 23 year period of muhammads ascendance to power and subsequent decrees to establish the islamic empire and spread sharia law to the entire world by sword if possible or by migration if not.

Following these stages can also be referred to as the ”milestones process” for when each stage is accomplished a stage closer to the actual authoritative medina doctrine commences. In accordance with how muhammad changed his law and decrees from mecca to medina in the 23 year period.

This is outlined in the book called ”milestones” by Sayyid Qutb whom along with hassan al banna was a key founder of the muslim brotherhood.

He goes on to show that the terrorist groups even use these mecca/medina expressions.. in order to show which stage they are in.. and compel the groups to go to a different stage. Remember they are simply mimic'ing muhammad.. the pattern they are taught in the qur'an and sunnah to emulate. So essentially it has yet again, everything to do with islam. And they take great care to make sure that they follow the qur'an and the sunnah to the letter.

(cont) quote from qutb "milestones" Quote from milestones. This is key to understanding strategy of islamic terrorist organizations. Because they all follow this principle of abrogation. Here the qur'an 17:106 is one of the proofs they use to justify it. Along with ofcourse muhammads 23 year rise to power and his decrees changing from mecca to medinan jihad abrogating the peaceful meccan verses. Therefore by following these examples by first prostelytizing and if people do not convert THEN comes the sword and jihad period later when the muslims increase in number, towards those who refuse to accept islam.. To them they are following and emulating the perfect pattern, muhammad their prophet.

You have picture of tariq ramadan, do you know who his ancestors are? Tariq ramadan exposed as grandfather of hassan al-banna, founder of the muslim brotherhood. And saying the exact same thing in 1997.. complete continuity of message back from the founding of muslim brotherhood till now, they are switching gradually to medina stance.

Israel is only a decent place because the west pours trillions of dollars into it. Especially America. You can make even the shittiest desert into a nice place if you have money enough.

Look at the big palaces and hotels in Saudi Arabia. They serve food with gold on it.

sorry grandson.. pardon. Tariq is grandson of hassan al banna founder of muslim brotherhood, and was instrumental in helping muslims fight for hitler in hanshar ss scimitar division as also decreed by fatwa by the grand mufti of jerusalem at the time.. Mohammed Amin al-Husseini who was honorary guest of hitler.. "we hear you have some jews you don't like.. how may we help? :)" al banna was also an avid fan of hitlers writings.. just throwing that out there aswell.

Muslim brotherhood arose a few years after the collapse of the ottoman empire, with the expressed purpose of reviving the caliphates. Too weak to fight they got involved with hitler in battling the jews and that happening in europe. muslims hate jews more than they hate christians.. just keep that in mind. But the christians are unbelievers just as the jews are unbelievers according to islamic law.. so don't make any mistake there..

(cont) so what i'm trying to say is.. the "change" muslim brotherhood wants, is back to full medina sharia and not the change you seem to believe that they want.. So be careful about that. That's just the tip of the iceberg about the muslim brotherhood though, but you laid it up when putting a picture of tariq there, so i had to follow through with that.

This is one of the points i want to hit home about how terribly difficult islam is to reform when you are a muslim..

First off here's the abrogation, i'll give one of the frustrating non reform parts in the next further explanation of abrogation in the qur'an ”when we substitute one revelation for another and Allah knows best what he reveals in stages – they say, ”thou art but a forger” but most of them understand not” Qur'an 16:101 There it is.. stages.. an old law is replaced by a new better law.. hence mecca period of peace replaced by medina with full jihad against kuffar (unbelievers).

Qur'an 2:106 ”None of our revelations to we abrogate or cause to be forgotten BUT we substitute something BETTER or similar; knowest thou not that Allah hath power over all things?”

”We don't cancel laws we replace them with something better or similar”.. Allah's strategy is clearly to spread islam in stages.. and he wants the muslims to remember the stages that are to be used for conquest and eventhough the full medina sharia is authoratative, so if they can't conquer a kuffar directly the kuffar would not listen if they came and said submit to me or get your head chopped off.. the kuffar would just say go away muslim.. but if first they say ”oh we're peaceful minority just let us migrate, you have your religion i have mine” and points to mecca verses.. Then the kuffar might say Ahh.. no problem then..

here it is, go watch it and weep..

"moderate" muslims tell you there are no absolute rulings in islam (trying to hide from you what the rulings are like when you find sharia law unpleasant for instance) wrong.. ofcourse there is.. Scholarly consensus) Adherent muslims know what they follow..

The islamic clergy has such a tremendous power that once it is agreed upon them it becomes part of sharia law and can't be annulled..

Reliance of the traveller b7.0-b7.2"When the four necessary integrals of consensus exist, the ruling agreed upon is an authoritative part of sacred law that is obligatory to obey and not lawful to disobey, Nor can mujtahids (expert islamic scholar) of a succeeding era make the thing an object of new ijtihad (different ruling), because the ruling on it, verified by scholarly consensus, is an absolute legal ruling which does not admit of being contravened or annulled."

here is qaradawi in another one of his very revealing comments: "Yousuf-al-qaradawi expounds the doctrine of taysir which allows muslims to practice a more 'relaxed' version of islam – so long as their hearts cling to the more 'uptight version. (sharia law)." And ofcourse mentioning that they are not allowed to denounce sharia (otherwise punishment), but to put them on hold till circumstances are more accomodating. (till they have enough numbers and influence to call for sharia law to be implemented) Again the milestones, the abrogation principle, and the stages of islam. Continuity yet again in accordance with islamic law. It takes deliberate denial and/or never having read the islamic texts to not to see that this is in direct accordance with it.
He's simply saying wait with calling for sharia law till you have enough power and influence and numbers to be able to get it implemented.

If this is the guy (he's high level in muslim brotherhood) you expect to reform islam and turn it more secular.. you should not hold your breath my friend!