Stand up all victims of oppression

Stand up all victims of oppression

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Becь миp гoлoдных и paбoв

Умpи, eбaнoe кoммyниcтичecкoe живoтнoe :^)

Xa-xa-xa, you of mad, capitalistic pig?

Пoшёл нaхyй oтcюдa


>look at this epic infographic xD praise kek!

I would die for the Soviet Union


>Stand up all victims of oppression
For the tyrants fear your might

Me on the left

*throws you off of helicopeter*

Multidão escrava, de pé! De pé!


le epic pinochet meme xD
sjw libtard muslim antifa cultural marxist jewish hipster leftist snowlakes btfo!

>not a single source
why do neonazis do this?


thank goodness we live in capitalism that jews can never exploit...

>there is only capitalism and communism
Ah yes great meme

he doesn't post is because he hates communism, he posts this because he wants people to see Russians as dindu nuffins who were misled by Jews
obviously when then someone tells him his country only won WW2 due to Jewish leadership he will deny any of it

>Le jews and communism meme

>I'll pretend to be retarded!!!! I don't know what's internet!!!!
>everyone who dares to speak against kikes are nazis!!!!
Well, communism was created by a jew.

Get a load of this retarded kid. Go back to israel, bellend. Germans will chimp out again but this time your kind will be genocided, no games - Rwanda style.

it's true tho
just admit that your people did shit on your own in history, I did earlier in the other as well

>Well, communism was created by a jew.
As most of science. Jews are just ahead of their species.

>remains seated

Autism desu

>no you must find the sources yourself
yeah that's pretty retarded

>only won WW2 due to Jewish leadership
Kek. Dumb kike, go read a history book.
Stalin purged all the jews from government.

Say what you want about commies but they have the most noble goal out of all political ideologies.

Even capitalism falls short. What is the noble goal of capitalism? To protect capital, i.e to protect the wealth of the haves from the desperaion of the have nots.

Only communists tried to create a world that is good for everyone.

Absolutely terrible Sup Forums tier posts

Because they appear to be South Indian there's actually a huge chance that those girls are communists

sorry about the whole Afghanistan thing, commies.

Actually there's only capitalism.

>Communism was created by a jew

Marx was an atheist you dumb twat.

Woke af

Nah communism was created by French utopians in the late 18th century. But Karl Marx, the first guy to recognize that communism was an inevitable development of class society, was of Jewish descent yeah. He wasn't raised in the Jewish religion and didn't seem to be connected to his Jewish heritage though. His wife and most of his friends were Christian.

Individual Jews tend to be disproportionately active in liberal, communist, libertarian, and otherwise modernist movements because tradition is generally associated with antisemitism, because the past was worse for Jewish people than the present. At the same time, many other American Jews support conservative Christian politicians because they fear secularism and leftism will destroy traditionalist Judaism.

>won WW2 due to Jewish leadership
That's where I disagree. I'm not saying there were no Russians in communist party or something. I'm talking about initiatives that were proposed by jews and that most perpetrators were jews and minorities.


The worst that can be said about communism is just that previous implementations have been flawed.

Capitalism, even in its most perfect form, is based on exploitation and suffering.


There's also feudalism, tribal agrarianism, and hunter-gatherer society.

Fascism is still capitalism. Sorry bud.

yeah keep talking bullshit but with communism you wouldnt even be on a computer today.

probably drinking vodka watching state party propaganda on TV while your depressed childless slut of a wife sows your THICC vatnikwear so you could stand in line for bread and fish heads..

кoммyнизм нe eвpeйcкий!

I thought all Sephardim now live either in Israel or South America?

>Marx was ancestrally Jewish as his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx.

For dum dums - jew is an ethnicity AND religion.

>no proof
Yeah it's so hard to google names and what these people were doing throughout their lives.

Nothing ironic about it, just coincidental.

>you wouldnt even be on a computer today.

lol @ stupid ass prepube commies on this stupid ass site.

>jew is an ethnicity
All of my family member have ways been catholic, i couldn't give two shits about their traditions.

Ethnicity is a social construct and thats not even up for debate.

>prepube commies
my dad was in Afgahnistan 82 with soviet army.

>muh third position
socialism is the only alternative

>because the past was worse for Jewish people than the present
And why is that? Since you obviously want to say that jews didnt du nuffin.

Propaganda is for stupid goyim.
Are you seriously using a commie poster as an argument? Sure some of them were atheistic kikes, others are cryptojews. It's the genetic that makes them fucked up and do fucked up things, religion is just the outcome of it.

>Ethnicity is a social construct and thats not even up for debate.
Because you said so? Oy vey

my family had to leave my country because of communist scum

In the good ol USA we worked our asses off so we could donate money and military equipment to the Taliban sol they could kill some commie cocksuckers.

see this picture, we are responsible for making it happen.

Allahu Akbar :D

>believing in jewish conspiracy theories in 2017
how much more pathetic can you get

1918 will commence again conrad

Americans are actually developing class consciousness, and the liberals can't trick us again, because capital moves too freely and quickly for the state to siphon it off to bribe us with labor aristocracy. As sure as shoe factories move from vietnam to laos and back to the US the days of entire nations being rich or poor relative to other nations is ending. The rich are global citizens, the petit bourg are having nationalist movements to split their service-sector economies from agrarian and industrial interiors in Catalonia and southern Brazil, proles are splitting from bourgies in Chilean Patagonia. The US plan seems to be to sever all ties between the state and the poors so that we're just no longer their concern. Maybe physically deport or kill hispanics as a stopgap, but the obvious trajectory is toward a Shadowrun type internal division between citizens and unchipped nonames.

All over the poor are becoming more alike, the rich are becoming more alike, and the people withing a given nation-state are becoming less alike. We are already seeing the effects.

btw I hope the piece of shit that conceived you died like a pig in afghanistan at the bullet of a Tali

No. What happened in Russia was this:
>take away the wealth of Russians and other ethnicities mainly of European origin (Germans, Welsh)
>establish the first country in Europe where abortion is legal
>Now you don't have Tsar, but instead you have a group of kikes enjoying all the wealth while for goyim we have planned economy and other "starve to death" policies.

Ever tried opening a history book? Only uneducated dumbfucks are not racist and antisemitic in 2017.

Because it literally is, the very definition of ethnicity is a bunch of social circumstances that depend completely on where you were born and how you were raised.
Its not visible and its not in your genes.
Judaism is a religion, the only difference between a muslim and a jew is that one murders white people in terrorism and the other is murdered by them during meme regimes.

Agreed my fellow kekistani brother! Shadilay!
Communism have Chinese qts, what do you have capitalist pig?


[this is what гoпники actually believe]

Eastern European socialism was less preferable to Western capitalism because you guys were coming from a very undeveloped startpoint, and Western domination of 3/4 of the world economy made the Eastern Bloc play catch-up in terms of resource availability.

If the whole world had become communist, rather than a moderately-developed corner of it, consumer electronic availability would not be radically different. And innovation would be designed not for the purpose of profit and replacement, but usefulness and longevity.

>conspiray theories

go preach your bullshit to your kin or your mentally challenged comrades

fucking scumbag

Where did you get these?

See? That's what I'm talking about. Kikes are fucked in the head, and they're not going to change.

considering what I know about bureaucracy in multinational companies, you may not be far off the mark. It would still be the same people fucking it up for the rest of us.


Wait, so the left makes abhorrent memes to make fun of the notion that they can't meme?
What is the purpose of this?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Communism

>A Polack
I wouldn't expect less.

Away with you leaf, leafposting should be perma-banned


sort of RARE

yeah fuck you too

I'd put a fucking bullet in your already dead brain real fast

you red spawn of a whore motherfucker

No what happened in Russia was this:
>Bourgeoisie and aristocrats opressed the workers
>the workers rised up against their opressers
>the opressers get CHEK'd and sent in Norilsk

Genocide is the only solution to JQ.


elhamdulillah polandistan. So you support Sharia law and Islamism because muh commies?

Please tell me more with your genius understanding of world economic knowledge from your bachelor of arts degree

>leftypol has truly infected Sup Forums

Allahu Akbar

A dying third world country talking down to rising third world country, how cute

I'm not gonna argue. I've got a very nice example for you. Right here:
Bolsheviks used it as an example of oppressive tsarist regime. Look what happened when commies took over.

>Coвeтcкий пepиoд
B 1925 гoдy, иcпoльзyя coвeтcкий дeкpeт o кoнцeccиях[17], кoмпaния «Лeнa гoлдфилдc» внoвь пoлyчилa пpaвo пpoизвoдить paбoты нa cибиpcких (включaя Лeнcкиe) зoлoтых мecтopoждeниях cpoкoм нa 30 лeт. Кoмпaнии тaкжe были пepeдaны: Peвдинcкий, Биccepдcкий, Ceвepcкий мeтaллypгичecкий зaвoды, Дeгтяpcкoe, Зюзeльcкoe, Eгopшинcкиe yгoльныe кoпи. Пpи тoм, чтo дoля coвeтcкoй влacти былa вceгo 7 %, a дoля «Лeны Гoлдфилдc» — 93 %[18]. B 1929 гoдy кoмпaния былa вынyждeнa пpeкpaтить cвoю дeятeльнocть. B 1930 гoдy apбитpaж пpизнaл иcк кoмпaнии «Лeнa гoлдфилдc» к coвeтcкoмy пpaвитeльcтвy нa cyммy 65 млн дoллapoв CШA. B 1968 гoдy coвeтcкoe пpaвитeльcтвo пpизнaлo иcк.

It became even worse for workers.

If communism is jewish invention why did soviet union fight against Israel and give weapons to Palestinians?

Just a lot of kikes. You won't believe how many of them hanging around here.


Eat shit, kike.

>He has another country's flag in his own flag

Because the US had much wealthier jews including those who essentially founded the Jewish state, and also provided significantly better military support than what the Soviet Union could. Soviets put their eggs in the Nasser basket and this led to their middle east policy until the end of the Cold War.

Also, the Soviet Union wasn't really a Jewish state as many Sup Forumsacks believe during and after Stalin, he wasn't exactly the biggest fan of them.

so does Portgual you fucking idiot

How can Jews be communist if they're the richest most capitalist fuckers in the world? They didn't make their money from seizing the means of productions. If anything communism is a Jew's worst nightmare because they'd be forced to share all of their shekels


>If communism is jewish invention
It is jewish, it's a fucking fact. Invented by a jew, carried out by jews.
>why did soviet union fight against Israel and give weapons to Palestinians?
Why would I give a shit about kike quarrels? What's your ethnicity?

>If Portugal were your home instead of Bermuda you would make 73.37% less money

Imagine being this butthurt