Redpill me on bullying Sup Forums

My personal hypothesis is that it is a side effect of desegregation by ((())) and the effeminisation of boys also by ((()))

Bullying is but a test of discipline.

bullying is usually done by people who are either psychologically or physically abused by their parent(s)

they're actually a very weak people, you just need to break them by breaking their facade as a bully

Kids are little shits who are still in the process of figuring out how empathy works/throwing their inner stresses at those unable to stop them. That's pretty much it.

It's caused by societal decohesion, children are raised by the system rather than their families

Brad Renfro did a good job in it, but the guy that plays Bobby was even better. 3rd favorite by Larry Clark

Homosexuals pretending to be straight. Every time. And it doesn't end in school. The alpha corporate boss and forceful politician are also most likely to be jizz-drinking degenerates.

People confuse bullying with the enforcement of social standards

>be pajama boy
>be playing with friends
>something didn't go your way
>you whine, take your ball and leave to go home
>bigger kid forcefully stops you and physically pushes you around
>other kids taunt you and call you names for leaving

They are doing you a huge favor. Trying to turn you into a decent respectable human by enforcing social standards. But you go home and cry to your mom and pray to Obama that SJWs will swoop in and stop the bullying next time.

They do. And you grow up to be the world's most hated manchild, Pajama boy.

The two guys who bullied me in middle school are now raging SJWs with #BlackLivesMatter #LGBT shit all over their walls


Also, bullies may bully because they were bullied themselves. Some just do it for the lulz (like I did as a kid).

Bullies have problems.

But people who can't learn how to deal with bullies also have problems.

What about all the kids who an heroed?

Bullying is where normal people enforce the norms of society so that there is a certain rank, Order and stability in human relationships. This allows people to have reliable expectations on what conduct is permitted and what is not. This reduces overall social stress and permits people to focus on more unpredictable aspects of life. The more bullying there is In a society the more technological advance and wealth creation is to be found within that society.

I can only speak from personal experience.

IMO, the problem nowadays is that we have bullshit zero tolerance policies drilled into good kids' heads so far that they're afraid to do absolutely anything. Meanwhile, those who don't give a fuck pretty much have free reign.

Back in the day, kids still picked on each other. But they didn't have this propaganda brainwashing bullshit that taught everyone to not do anything when being bullied. Before, you could solve the bully problem by getting in a fight and kicking his ass. But now, we've all been psychologically declawed and too pussy to stand up for ourselves.

It's very similar to the overall gun control debate, actually. But instead of banning physical guns, it's an instilled psychological apprehension towards fighting and harsh punishments for getting into fights (even as a defender)

Bullying is nothing but darwinism applied to social dynamics. It straightens nonconformist, neurotypical personalities out of their special snowflake mindset and toughens up weaklings. Those who "fail" the rest commit suicide and don't pass on their inferior genes. Bullying is good.

There's no such thing as bullying.

Everyone can be a little cunty in the teen/preteen years. People choose to look at it like they're innocent victims because they have victim complexes.

I had a friend who an heroed. He was super-excited about telling me how his shit friends would throw things at him, and so he learned to catch them.

It was true. You could chuck any floppy at the guy and he would automatically be able to catch it. But it was slightly autistic. Mid-puberty development, as confirmed later by reviewing pictures.

It's good. Bullying, in moderation, is a way of teaching kids not to do stupid shit while showing them the harsher truth of the world. It's a reality check. It's what normally stops kids from becoming trans aromantic pansensual furry dolphinkin with Mr. Rogers as a headmate. The kike-driven feminized public school system prioritizes liability over teaching kids simple, necessary truths.

If you say so, user.

Bullying only exists because there are weak people. An altercation between two equals is called a "fight". Change one of them to a weak motherfucker and it's what people call "bullying". In the case of "verbal bullying" is even more retarded at that because people just coddle up the retards, but don't teach them how to toughen up. Instead, the "bully" is reprehended and the weak motherfucker got away without improving himself.

The solution to "bullying" (i.e., power imbalance) is to teach people how to stand up for themselves. Is it "verbal bullying"? Force them to learn how to bants. Is it "physical bullying"? It's time to start lifting, faggot.

I would say that bullying made me stronger, but as it is done with no such conscious intent and the new norm is leftism and weakness, it will be counterproductive in the future. The kids who tried to bully me with the most ferocity are the ones now with rainbow stripes on their facebook profiles, urging solidarity for the LGBT community and social/economic equality.

The choice is clear.

Whom do you want to be bullied by in the upcoming race war? Some bully alone. Others only bully in packs. Others don't even bother with it unless they have to.

Side effect of compulsory schooling.

I don't have rooty tooty point n shooties to defend minorities, friendo

Honestly bullying stops being a problem as soon as the victim takes a swing at the bully. They want easy targets, so the best thing you can do is make yourself a hard target and they'll move on.

That was, until, "Zero Tolerance" came along and turned every kid into a snitching pussy.

its scarred me as a kid but toughed me up as an adult. still wish it didnt happen but i turned out fine. every kid gets picked on at some point, all you have to do is avoid having it all focused on only one kid all the time

Bullying is the most basic form of in-group selection. You must either conform to the standard or be regarded of lesser value.
Bullying is bad now because it's highly likely that minorities would be disproportionately devalued because they're different. Bullying is the only thing stopping the feminisation of men and forcing the integration of foreigners.

Bullying is what happens when you put people together against their will.

In a jail, the bullies rule the roost, and those they bully cannot leave.

In school it is the same. Often but not always the bullies are failures at school's purposeful activities, and bully out of boredom or to feels superior.

Bullying doesn't exist outside of these situations. When people are free to associate as they please, they choose not to associate with bullies who isolate themselves with their obnoxious behavior.

The answer to bullying is easy: Make school optional, make it possible for those being schooled to choose which schools to attend ( vouchers ). Do these things and the bullies drop out, and everyone else has a chance to succeed.

Usually it is a few bad apples that spoil the whole bunch. The rot of trying to force these bad apples lets them spread their rot to the entire student body, and dealing with the propensity to misbehave with obnoxious rules alienates the student body further leading to more bullying. The slow pace of learning causes further boredom and outbursts and clownery which in the end makes a farce of compulsory education.

Why not, manaham?

Probably suicidal where I live, but I value my race and heritage over the nuffins and queers.

I never thought I'd value moving to a different part of the country until years later.

Even my family thinks I did the right thing.

I am not convinced.
> pic related