Computer, initiate Star Trek thread program

Computer, initiate Star Trek thread program.

All safety protocols off.

Other urls found in this thread: your wrists

reddit thread

>it's another barclay holodeck thread

>it's a Barclay relapses into his holo addiction again episode

Which trek do watch frist!?

TNG -> DS9 -> TOS -> VOY -> ENT -?-> TAS

TAS was de-canonized so you can watch it out of interest.

Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

I saw a youtube link in the last thread to some kind of TNG ASMR of the sounds of the ship or something.

Never got around to clicking on it, can someone post it again?

>I'm sure it's only a glitch in the holodeck, a temporary setback.
>You call this a GLITCH?

>Hello, buddy boy Picard! Edward Jellico here. I guess you're on your knees right about now, begging for your life. Pathetic. You don't feel so cocky now, do ya? You know what the tragedy is here, Jean-Luc? We could have been friends... but you wouldn't go through proper channels. You went over my head. That hurt. But life goes on, it's an old story, the fight for love and glory and Starfleet, huh? It helps if you think of it as a game. Every game has a winner and a loser. I'm cashing you out, Picard.

>Hey, Eddie boy! How's tricks?
>That *thing* Data is still alive.
>I don't know what you're talking about.
>The Starfleet officer who arrested you, the one you spilled your guts to.
>Hey... take a look at my face, *Eddie*! He was trying to kill me.
>He's an android, you idiot! He recorded every word you said. His memory's admissible as evidence! You *involved* me! You're gonna have to kill it.

>Gonna need some major firepower. You got access to military phasers?
>We are the military.

>Every Starfleet officer knows when he joins there are certain inherent risks that come with the territory. Ask even Jean-Luc Picard, he'll tell ya, "If you can't stand the heat, you better stay out of the Enterprise."

>Suit yourself, Picard... but the new warship begins construction in two months. That's two million workers living in trailers. That means drugs, gambling, prostitution, hot Earl Grey flowing - virgin territory for the man who knows how to open up new markets. One man could control it all, Jean-Luc.

>The guy with the suitcase, the holographic projector, the phaser, the message from Worf. All of that was set up by us.
>Sorry. Too perfect.
>Perfect, my ass! You pop your memory cap before we can activate you. Riker goes hog-wild screwing up everything that I spent a year planning! Frankly... I'm amazed it worked!

>new series launches later this year
>finalized ship design still hasn't been shown

Cause for concern?

Sorry, richard. I'll make the calculations better next time

>I'm gonna put my foot so far up the federation's ass that they'll need a dozen chief engineers and an antimatter converter the size of a moon to get it out!

Everything about Discovery is a cause for concern, they literally have to reshoot the shit because it was deemed so bad by their test audiences. Its going to be used as an example over just how retarded studio exec's are, when they manage to kill a surefire cash cow.

>they literally have to reshoot the shit because it was deemed so bad by their test audiences.
Please don't make shit up on the internet.

They only started shooting two months ago, and there haven't been any test screenings yet.

>Oh Fuck Jellico, He fumbled the ball and I was there to pick it up.

>computer simulate a 3 meter tall, nude Deanna Troi on the brink of giving birth
>as I sit between her legs, have her water break and saturate my nude body
>after I clear the area have Deanna collapse onto the ground in the midst of a post-partum depression
>with Ms. Troi in a semi comatose state, I will ejaculate on her face as I weep


Watch TOS first. If you absolutely, positively cannot bear the thought of watching it any more, go look up a list of the top 10 episodes and power through those.

Next, Watch the movies 1-4. After that, watch TNG. Stick with it, it gets a lot better. Just watch the whole show, it's great. Then watch DS9. Then movies 5-8. Then VOY. Then ENT. Then Nemesis. Then Nu Trek.

Then you can shitpost in this thread with the rest of us.

I would honestly be surprised if this show even makes it to air. Let's recap.

>Show was supposed to premiere in January.
>By October 2016 they had no cast, no pre-production work done aside from concept art and story treatments, nothing filmed
>Bryan Fuller leaves the show a month later
>Release date is pushed back to May 2017
>They announce some walking dead woman is going to be the main cast member in a bout of desperation
>A few months ago they announced the release date is now TBD.
>It's now rumored that Netflix (who put up the cash for most of the production) is so pissed at CBS that they're thinking about pulling out entirely.

No I'm sure everything's fine.

>>It's now rumored that Netflix (who put up the cash for most of the production) is so pissed at CBS that they're thinking about pulling out entirely.
Do you have a source for this?

I can't find a source for the rumor that they were threatening to pull out, I thought it was the Ars Technica article but they don't mention it. But here's a source for Netflix funding production:

>I can't find a source for the rumor
Because you made it up.

No I did read it somewhere, I'll find it.

Top kek!

Is anyone here interested in my sexual organs?

Not unless your name is Naomi Wildman

Why do people come into these threads and tell straight-up lies?

Are they shills paid by Mickey Mouse?

I watched the motion picture yesterday and it was the most boring shit I have seen (and I love trek).

The movie spends over an hour with them getting on the ship. FIVE minutes of flying around the enterprise in a shuttle while switching to close ups of Kirks face and so on. A bunch of cliches put on film. The only interesting part was the last half hour or so.

I didn't remember it to be so bad.

Tea. Earl Gray. Cold,

another fucking shitty OP

if you can't think of anything iteresting or funny, don't fucking post. someone else will make an actually good thread

Yes, very well Alucard. Very well.

>not hot jala
You fucked up.

I've never watched star trek before but just recently started with TNG and I'm loving it. Going to go back to TOS after this. I've watched the first episode after the pilot of TOS and don't think I'll be very interested in it until I've truly immersed myself into the franchise and setting, so the decision to start with TNG was probably right for me.

Getting into TOS is easier if you watch in production order instead of airdate order.

Production order starts with stronger episodes:
>Where No Man Has Gone Before
>The Corbomite Maneuver
Whereas airdate order starts with weaker episodes:
>The Man Trap
>Charlie X

I didn't know that, thanks.

I hate that this episode is fucking retarded but also kind of makes sense.

With both orders though, I think that the first really "great" episode is Balance of Terror. Try that one if you still have trouble muddling through TOS.

I stopped halfway into TNG so I could watch TNG and I'm about 19 eps in and it's good now, starts to get really good around ep 15 or so.

>I stopped halfway into TNG so I could watch TNG
No... it's not linear.

Would you recommend doing as you did (pause my viewing of TNG) or did you just need a break from TNG? I'm assuming you meant TOS the second time.

Literally everything I said in my post
except for the rumor about Netflix threatening to pull out can be easily verified

I wasn't really tired of TNG, I just wanted to watch the original to get a better appreciation of the world going further, yeah I meant TOS.

It's pretty interesting seeing what the universe was like to start off with. I'm glad I started before I finished TNG.

So you lied about the rumor because Mickey Mouse is paying you to lie. Neat.

>I'm glad I started before I finished TNG
Then I'm gonna try it out once more before I continue on with TNG. Thanks.

No, I read it in an article, that said it was a rumor, hence in my post where I said
>It's now rumored that


Post the article.

I bet you played on your phone the whole time too, you fucking no-attention span milennial piece of shit.

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

As I said, I'm looking for it.

This was funny when I thought it was a whole group of people doing it.

This became unfunny when I found out it was just (You), a single solitary lone autist.

Live long and prosper, but get a better hobby.

Why is Data the best character in TNG?

He's done it all, buster.

The fact that it is one person doing this makes it so much better. A lot of forced memes here are done by a small cabal of dedicated users, and it's always claimed it's just one person when it's usually not.

This place is a hallmark of autism, it's our crowning achievement. The fact that this NEET has the time to post sexual organs in every single star trek thread on Sup Forums is a testament to our unparalleled autism and meme magic.

God bless you sexual organs user. I will miss you when you leave. I already miss Ro poster.

t. sexual organs poster

I'm not that guy. The sexual organs poster is so autistic he literally only posts that in these threads and nothing else.


Enterprise is the only canon show.

>mfw Star Trek got netflixed

I post other things too.

Only gay cunts liked voyager, only gay cunts recommended voyager, only gay cunts still watch voyager

>fucking pointy eared, green bloody gooks leave this planet now, reeeeeeeee

what did zephram cockrane mean by this

Sheboon 2nd in command until Lucius dies in episode 2

Don't be rude.

Voyager is the fifth-best Star Trek.

>All safety protocols off.

Yeah making the very first female captain perform genocide

Dumb klingon

Oh no it's just a perfect coincidence that this happens to be all over reddit at the moment.


I check there to make sure crossover isn't happening here. Which it is right now.

*swings leg over chair to sit down*

Well when you have a dick as big as he does, you gotta take every precaution.

Always nice to meet a fan.

Well put, my good man.

>space jews
Try and name a better character than Nog or a worse race than bajoran

>it's a Riker leaning on something episode

*blocks ur path*


*swings his leg over you and continues down the path*


Tell me Captain, if Star Trek is so great, why are the majority of the games for it so shit?

Fucking hearty kek

I'm surprised this show's main cast lacks so much in the "actor who was on a show ~30 years ago and is dead now" category


I said the majority, not all.

God I wish Star Trek Online had a competent developer.

Beat me to it

How was Klingon Honor Guard?

Why didn't they keep Frakes' facial hair like this? I t looks so much better. Unless that was fake beard because he can't grow it.

I saw that article, too. The rumor is real, I saw it in an article too.

>it's a "Data gets some choice poon but lacks the capacity to appreciate it" episode

what are you gonna do about it, nerd

If you have not played every single game in this list you are not fit to judge Star Trek games as a group.

Fire up that DEC and get playing, user.

>It's a "it's pretty obvious they spoke in allegories wtf, has the entire cast suffered a sudden and massive rush of shit to the brain?" episode

Is there a guide to Voyager?

"Worf, it's natural for children to lie to their parents sometimes. Please do not murder your son for bringing 'shame' or 'dishonor' upon your house."

Call it when I see it to make people who post exclusively here aware of the fact that more and more our culture is being overwritten by Reddit.

If you choose to watch a bad series then you should skip nothing and watch all the bad episodes along with the good ones.

It's obvious to you because you've seen the episode multiple times, shitposted about it, internalized it, etc. Imagine you were in Picard's situation, you come across these aliens that just keep repeating the same 3 things: "GET TO WORK, WAGIES!" "MOMMY user WANT MILKY!" "POST FEET!!!"

You wouldn't know what the fuck's going on either.

Only for the first two seasons afaik

Fucking this , don't skip episodes like a pussy.

I like when that mean captain guy told her not to dress like a tart, bimbo was given far too much leeway on the Enterprise.

I was no more than 10 when I saw it the first time, and I guessed it before the crew.

To be exact, I guessed it when the alien captain said "the river whatever in winter" to shut his first officer up. it was so obvious.

> your wrists

Only watch the episodes with the EMH.

It was reasoned that she was allowed to dress casually so as to be more approachable as a counselor, but regardless of that she should have had to wear her uniform on the bridge.