Can someone just tell me whether the storm was fucking real or not

Can someone just tell me whether the storm was fucking real or not

My interpretation was that they just played along with his illness, because it seemed to be the path of least resistance.

Of course it wasn't real. It's a movie.

It was storm

if you can't tell, does it matter?



All of the other storm sequences were solely from Michael Shannon's perspective while in the ending one his kid looks up and sees it before he does. So it's either real or the movie decided to break its own visual rules.

People that focus on the storm like it's a M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie are missing the entire point of the film.

The storms are not storms.
The wolves in The Grey are not literal wolves.
I bet Jeff Nichols wants to punch people in the face and scream "I am not Shyamalan!!! There is no TWEEST!!" for asking "So, were the storms real or not?"

It's implying his kid has inherited his mental disorder.


oops wrong thread

you can't break those cuffs major

It was real, his wife and kid saw it too. That's why his wife nods to him, she's confirming that she can see it too.

I always took it as her finally truly accepting his condition instead of just playing along/"dealing" with him.

It' not real, the storm hallucination are how his mental illness manifests itself. His wife acknowledging the storm is symbolic of her recognizing his illness and them preparing to face it together.

Christ this board is an embarrassment.

The camera stays with Shannon's character throughout the ENTIRETY of the film except for the end when it goes into the kitchen with his wife and then takes her point of view directly. It was intended to be real.

It was real you dunderfucks.

I don't know, but my love for my mommy is.

It stays with him because he is dealing with the illness on his own, it takes her POV because he's finally sharing with her and now they're in it together.

This movie isn't even intended to be subjective.

What movie?

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

>The wolves in The Grey are not literal wolves.

I love ambiguous endings

Find a Bunker

It was real.

I'm Not Crazy: The Curtis LaForche Story, only on The Hallmark Channel

>implying his daughter has not inherited his mental disorder
>implying his wife standing with them isn't her showing her solidarity for now having to take care of both her husband AND daughter

the storm was reflecting off the window at the end. it was also the biggest storm ever - that mean he's about to get worse?

>The wolves in The Grey are not literal wolves.

It's not real life. They died in the crash, they're in some spiritual purgatory space.

Okay and that's why she literally had oil on her skin and rubbed it in curiosity right

Literal autism right there

It was real. Shannon doesn't know sign language. it could not have been a dream

Because she was taking the first step to udnerstanding

The storm was real. His wife was not.

nothing on TV is real you dumbass
its all fantasy with actors
actors are people whos job it is to pretend to be someone they arent
jobs is the thing people do to get paid money to pay for the things they need and to pay taxes
taxes is what people have to spend their money on so that you can have a paycheck from a government agency that looks after neets like you
and finally money is the root of all evil :^)

IT'S ALL IN HIS HEAD is the most plebeian interpretation of any film.

It was real you idiots. The hallucinations he was having were latent schizophrenia that runs in his family. It didn't grant him special psychic powers of prediction. It was just a coincidental natural occurrence.
Unfortunately it will lend legitimacy to his psychotic visions.