Murder and Rape on Live TV

>It's being called the real-life "Hunger Games" - a dangerous, interactive, live streamed fight-for-your-life reality competition in Russia.

>A Russian millionaire is funding a show called "Game2: Winter".

>Thirty participants will compete against each other in the Siberian wild for survival. They will face bears, freezing temperatures, and other obstacles - all for a $1.7 million dollar prize.

>But here's where this really has people talking. The producers say: "Everything is allowed - fighting, alcohol, murder, rape, smoking...anything."

>The show will be watched in real-time with a paid-subscription by viewers who can vote and even fund a contestant.

>The production team will not intervene, no matter what happens.

Are you ready for Russia Hunger Games?

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Jesus, smoking on television? Russia needs to be nuked.

>murder someone on livestream with thousands of people watching and recording
>think that there won't be any consequences just because the production team won't stop you


>“Each contestant gives consent that they could be maimed, even killed,” reads an advert. “2000 cameras, 900 hectares and 30 lives. Everything is allowed. Fighting, alcohol, murder, rape, smoking, anything.”

Contestants will each sign a waiver acknowledging that they might be raped or killed but the rules also state that police are free to arrest anyone who commits a crime on the show. “You must understand that the police will come and take you away,” the rules state. “We are on the territory of Russia, and obey the laws of the Russian Federation.”


I'd tune in

Why not just a buy a huge fucking ship and have the competition out at sea where no authority has juristiction?

Crazy and filthy rich might as well do it right..

The media went wild with that clickbait title.

Reality is completely different of course. Still, interested to see how the show goes.

And what would stop authorities from intervening?

Jurisdiction stays with the boat. You aren't going to be able to kill someone and get away with it.

nuh uh
this is where i draw the line

>If you want to sail a ship without nationality, your first hurdle will be to make your state relinquish its claim on the ship

I doubt a man with billions would be able find a way to have the ship completely unlinked to any country

What about a place that's not claimed by any nation? Or is there still some global law?



Russians have strange priorities.

They shows "in the wild" are impossible to film without heavy scripting and supervision.

t. producer

Build a boat in the sea so there is no country representing it.

Why don't they just find a ship without nationality and bring them there to fight?

Just fly a Somalia flag. The juridiction apply to the flag.

Still illegal.
Everyone involved will go to jail.

International law is really messy and tied to international relations. You can work out some kind of bizarre setting where a ship registered to one country goes out, somebody dives in the water and starts swimming, coming across somebody from another country swimming, and kills him. Who has jurisdiction?

Answer is "who knows?" But the real answer is that somebody's going to claim it, because you aren't going to be able to trick your way out of getting away with murder. You can make your way to a country that won't extradite to any country trying to claim jurisdiction, but you're just on the run, not getting away with anything.

If you think that somebody is going to be able to get a giant boat registered in some country like Somalia so that they can run murders broadcasted online and get away with it to the point that they'll be able to travel and live in regular countries, you're wrong. Somebody with arguable jurisdiction is going to claim it, and nobody's going to stop them. Mossad sneaks into countries that won't extradite to grab Nazis and throw them in jail, and no one stops them because no one cares to.

> (You)
>Why don't they just find a ship without nationality and bring them there to fight?

I'm digging this..

Let's say he does build an insanely huge ship with no nationality.. how will he be able to broadcast it? Can you actually broadcast live murder and rape on national TV? And you can't broadcast it on any public streaming websites because that would violate their own terms and conditions,

Even if builds his own streaming services he has to register the IP/server rooms in an actual physical country.... Unless.. unless he puts it all on the ship? And create his own domain..

Jesus this theoritcal ship is also a country


Navy Seals or Russian Special Forces would shut it down the same way they do Somalian pirates. Bang bang. After all, it's international waters, what's Murder Corp going to do, sue them?

Are there parts of Antarctica that aren't claimed by any nation?

SAS also

Which is why the location of the ship is always kept a secret. were talking unlimited money here let's go all out and say dome camouflage, cutting edge anti-detection technology and the contestants are shipped out in decoy convoys from all around the world

Our Russian friend could also bribe the shit out of the G8 countries to turn a blind eye, condemn the actions and promise to find it one day

This... This could be a movie user

He could start his own country.

I call bullshit.

I think large parts of Antarctica aren't allowed be claimed by any country.

But this place might work.

Yes and no. A number of countries have claim to share Antarctica and such. Nobody really owns it, but also a lot of people do.

What you guys fail to realize is that jurisdiction and claims don't matter too much, because any big criminal operation isn't going to be accepted. It's like thinking that ISIS is going to be okay because everything they're doing is totally fine under ISIS law, and nobody else has jurisdiction over them.

The best they could hope for would be to live out the rest of their days in Somalia or something and hope that no one bothers to get them, because they won't be allowed in any first world country.

Ships need fuel and supplies. Even watching the livestream and documenting the weather would reveal the location of the ship. The only way you'd "get away with it" is if no one bothered to put an end to it. You might be able to scratch out an existence as a James Bond supervillain for a while, but if you had that kind of resources, why would you devote them to making Murder TV instead of living like the Sultan of Brunei?

Because when you have that kind of money you get bored of living like a sultan and start raping children or funding wars or saving the world or something

If you're a 70 year old billionaire you probably have like 10 years to live so why not go all out and literally build your own murder country.

Raping children, funding wars, saving the world, those things are all 1000x easier than funding the Hunger Games. You can rape 15 kids a day, torturing and killing them all, and that'll be profoundly easier than trying to get people to commit crimes for money broadcasted live on the internet. It'd be easier to get away with nuking Paris.

It's like, okay, imagine being Osama bin Laden. People are trying to find you, but you can hide away for a while. Now imagine that you're Osama bin Laden and you're trying to hide while you're running a reality show and bringing in people from all over the world to participate, broadcasting the whole thing to people from all over.

You can get away with all kinds of evil shit if you keep it under wraps. Nobody's going to storm a fortified compound just because kids keep going there and then they aren't really seen in public so much. If Kim Jong Un started torturing and killing people in his basement, who would stop him? How would we even know?

>You are now aware there are rotting bodies and bruised vaginas/assholes right courtesy of Game1

Jesus christ some russians wouldn't be able to prevent a 350lbs ex-Spetznas Cossack from fingering their butts whenever he wants

>the show "allows" murder and rape
>"we can't speak for the actual lawmen tho"
Yeah that's great

so what, imagine terminally-ill hobos who can't live on the steets anymore and wants the state to take care of them, what depravity they can get to.

im just riding the hype for fun, of course it's marketing, nothing worse than a 4 month misdemeanor will happen and only that on the season ender.

>Op leaves out the part where they say with in the law.