The reviews are in: “Amy Schumer: The Leather Special” is a dud


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How is that ironic?

It's ironicly unironic back to the point of double irony.

she should go into bodybuilding. look at those traps

You lost me tb h but it sounds pretty smart


There will be news stories (damage control) claiming that racist,sexist white men are giving her 1 star reviews because she's a woman.

It happens over and over, any criticism is dismissed as racism/sexism.

Oh pls God I want to see the reviews from all the leftist sites doing damage control on this.

Autopsies and beheadings are funny, though.

If you seriously didn't laugh at that special you are retarded or hate her too much to realize comedy.

I hate her, but seeing her in skin-tight leather is making me hard.

Might crank out a hatewank just to get it over with.

hahahaha the alt-right did it again! holy shit these people are insane


holy shit that was fast

Stealing Dave Attell's joke is as low as you can get

This cannot be real. Link?

how do they know it was Reddidors?

>Putting aside the argument over whether Schumer’s special is good or bad

Jesus fucking Christ these people are insane!!!! Yeah let's put aside the most basic most obvious reason for why got so many fucking 1 star reviews.. no, she has a deathsquad of infatuated right wingers bent on destroying her career!!

Fucking redditors ruins everything.

No-one ever wants to acknowledge Sup Forums's existence. They even claim Pepe is a Reddit/Tumblr mascot.

the point of the article is that the video got brigaded by /r/thedonald

Anybody else not watch it but rate it 1 star?

how do we stop those facist right wing madmen?

It was us at /r/opieandanthony that started the ball rolling.

Fucking finally. Hopefully this untalented bitch can go off and die somewhere

But I thought Alt-Right pulled out of Netflix after the Dear White People trailer? They really resubbed and made "faux" accounts to one star this?

No it's not. The point is to dismiss criticism and paint a false narrative

>Sadly, a chunk of these negative reviews can be attributed to misogyny – female comics are frequently criticized for making certain jokes that men make all the time – but a large percentage of these terrible reviews are being written by self-proclaimed Schumer supporters. Guess what? They are not happy.

The reviews are terrible according to them, because they are rating 1 star. They even admit her supports are a large percentage of the 1 star reviews.

It's complete bullshit. The reddit threads they list that encourage people to 1 star her have less than 20 comments each and barely any upvotes. She got over 700 1 star reviews, which they admit is due to her supporters.

Fuck Amy Schumer on every level. I gave her 1 star reviews on all 5 of my netflix accounts,and I hope she goes to hell so I can giver her comedy routines one star ratings in the after life too.

If Schumer wouldn't be so low energy and wouldn't take herself so seriously, this would be a nice opportunity for her to start a funny twitter flame war with alt rights and shit....which is what a funny person would do.....
But she will unironically whine along with stuck up feminists about being mean to her jokey joke show

This. Its 2017. If you're black, a woman, or gay. Any criticism is an attack and you're racist a homophobe or misogynistic. She's not unfunny you're just a white male who hates women.

This isn't far from wrong. A recent BBC article about the marines nude photos contained screenshots clearly from Sup Forums but attributed everything to facebook

>tfw not enough smart for Sup Forums

I'm not surprised that it was a terrible special. She was forced to use her own material and not other peoples'.

Literally just posted this

>‘She Pauses to Accommodate for the Applause After the Jokes. . . But There Are No Jokes So There is No Applause’

Ha ha! This is what happens when surround yourself with feminist women and hangers-on who blow smoke up your ass.

Because if they did, Sup Forums and Sup Forums would fuck them up.

>Study journalism for 4 years at uni
>Read about ethics, professionalism and pursuit of truth above all else
>get job writing Saudi Arabia tier propaganda pieces for shitty female comedians instead of doing something worthwhile
>because that's where Shlomo is dumping the money and where society has placed all the brownie points?



No but I will tonight

Will she ever recover?

Those traps are sexy

Men are some of the most butthurt people on earth

Criminally underrated post

Wasn't planning on it, but just did

no, her fifteen minutes are finally running out. her jew overlords can only push her so hard while simultaneously playing tennis with every critic saying she's shit. At some point she either needed to prove her worth on her own or they will move on. Her and mcarthy are just about done

onto the next flavor of the month

Nice b8
But seriously it was some real lazy standup. Literally dude pussy lmao

A former friend of mine turned full femblrtard and saw Amy in concert in Brisbane. I miss you, the old Lara.

>reviewing and rating something you didn't even see
>Sup Forums in a nutshell

Lel, should use the Stankonia album cover instead of a Hey Ya screen cap.

>we're the Jew scapegoats for the Jews

This is a weird timeline

She looks like she's from the Midwest.

Girls from the Midwest just have an inferior, super basic look to them and she has it.

You obviously are b8ing or didn't watch the same special

>all dem chubby cheeks

what the crap are they feeding them?

Iliza Shlesinger is top comedy, cant believe she isnt getting more attention.


also, just went on netflix and gave it 1 star without watching it.

>She looks like she's from the Midwest.
Dude. That's a top self, 10/10, basic bitch from Manhattan.

>signed up to netflix again just so i could give it a 1 star review
>cancelled account again right after

I love you, Metacritic.

Altright altright altright


>alt-right, alt-right, alt-right

How deluded can you possibly be. It boggles the mind. I wonder if these people ever actually enjoy anything or if they keep the facade up even in their private life. They avoid good things because they're problematic and praise utter shit because it fits their narrative. At what point do they snap?

My niggas

Ha ha! So close......yet so far

Man that song is great.

We're all alt-right!

We're all alt-right!

t. Butthurt roastie

>having to watch something to know it's shit

Your plebbit is showing

She basically sucks in every way possible. Literally, figuratively, and symbolically.

She could save others from death... But not herself.

those fuckers hate Schumer more than anyone

>"You know, I wanted to call it "The Leather Special" because leather is tough and also sexy, so I decided to wear that outfit for the special. I didn't wear it every night or I'd be a sweaty puddle of crap by the end of the tour so obviously I wasn't going to do that. I'm not a sadist!
>It was liberating for me to stand in front of hundreds and hundreds of people in this sexy, strong attire and finally be able to say, "You know what? I'm okay with this. You should be too."
>If you can't deal with it, you can't deal with it. It's that simple."
What a cunt

It's the only good place on Reddit. It's better than this shithole by far. *sniff*

Hi, Carl!

This is the superior, actually Sup Forums related, post.

I read that in Joe Rogan's voice and it was pretty entertaining

i gave her a 1 star, maybe 2. i watched about 15 minutes of it before i realized there were better things to do and watch

Could I learn this power?

Schumer's special bombs and Dave's comes out next week Fuck yes!!!

Does anyone think Dave's still game for it at this point? He always sounds so burned out when I hear his post Chappelle's Show self.

it's funny how unfunny it is?

>That sub par SNL showing

He really should just quit on a good note

Judge for yourself

Forgot link

Kek why is this so funny

Not from a comedienne.

Buff Dave is weird

more like *get* fucked up

Sup Forums on the news means more people come by and post stupid shit

the fewer people profane that know, the better

This. He seems like Vietnam vet who saw all his friends die. I don't know if he has it anymore.

damn that looks funny as fuck, considering stand up market is so over saturated

>Any criticism we receive is from [current boogeyman]

Left needs to be eradicated.

I keep getting tempted to watch it just because I know it will be bad. Like a car crash. Should I do it? I don't know how many years it will take off my life.


>Daily reminder that she not only joined the New live action Barbie movie project to star as the iconic Barbie doll, but shes also being allowed to re-write the script to put a progressive SJW twist on Beauty, Feminism, and Identity.

Can't wait to see what her fucking doll will look like.

normies ruin everything. journalism, movies, games.

i hate normies and i hate that they have access to influence other normies.

>To reflect modern women
>To reflect Lena Dunham
>Modern women like Dunham

i don't have a problem with this, it's obviously going to be about schumer looking frumpy and non-glamorous and being made fun of by the perfect 10 barbie denizens with a redemption arc. that's a great message to send kids
