I would give her my Oscar, if you catch my drift

I would give her my Oscar, if you catch my drift.

and standing ovation all over her face


My Oscar scares you but a gun doesn't?


Me on the right.

Is it true that her bottoms are even shorter and this is the end result of them adding CGI to make them longer?

I'd like to violently rape her asshole, if you catch my drift. ;)

In the trailers that scene was CG'd to make them longer yes, the pic there is what it looked like in the finished product.

>that acne on her forehead

I don't.

best slut costume

I would like to have violent consensual sex with her. She would be the first person to want to have sex with me it would be nice.

Why the fuck didn't he say "this goose is cooked"

Who bakes a bird

lmao what a faaaag

>Who bakes a bird

How do you prepare turkey at your house?

Not by opening with a declaration of "let's bake this bird!" as I shove it in the oven

I'd stick my Oscar Meyer in her Wonder Bread, if you catch my drift

but you admit that birds ARE baked in an oven right?

Why the fuck are you retards arguing about a line like "this bird is baked" you sound crazier than the Joker

"This bird is baked!"
Thought he meant the girl was high on drugs.

Did you really? Truly and honestly? Think hard now!

Who the fuck even bake a bird? Reminder that chickens arent birds.

Pretty sure they just shopped it to give her the illusion of an ass


they could have done a better job of it on the right if that was their intent. Again I say, they covered it up for broadcast