What do the people here think of communism

Do they miss it? Is ot taboo to be openly communist?

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Communism was the biggest shit that could've happened to the mankind.

Serbs mostly benefited from it, though.

clean the semen out of your eyes, Sven
this isn't Sup Forums

Fuck of. I'm not posting on Sup Forums

It seems to be growing with young people in my country, but they support faggot meme "communism"
Also most people dislike it as we almost blew up the entire world over if communism was good or bad

>mention communism
>wild buttblasted Stanislav appears

Old people, yes. Newer generations know only how it was (supposedly) great. People weren't filthy rich or anything but everyone was living decently and had a job with little to no disparity in wealth. Crime was low and the youth disciplined. In comparison to the USSR people could freely travel and work in the West if they wanted to as well. There was even a private sector mostly in the services category.

It's the best thing that happened to any Yugoslavian country in the 20th century.

Unfortunately, with its collapse in the rest of the world, the need to be the buffer zone disappeared, and the great powers dismantled us (and fucked up most of the non-aligned countries one by one).

The new "communists" have no idea what Tito was like or what kind of system is actually humane, they're just helping capitalists to bring on Kojeve's historical fusion of capitalism and communism, in which everyone will be enslaved and brainwashed forever.

Some old people who remember the days when they could still get an erection. There's also some idiotic stocial studies leeches.

what's so surprising in a fact that the most destroyed by communism country usually appears to criticize communism?

It surprises me, how you are answering on the behalf of ex-Yugo posters.
Strong words.

We were the most destroyed by communism...

I think this place is paradise because I get american dollars

I would kill myself if I had to live on local wages in any of these countries

The only thing that sucks is you can't straight- up move to Zagreb or Belgrade and fuck their women like you could earlier. But the EU will fix that now. No, one is communist. If you unironically want to be communist they'll look at you like they would a Nazi - no one will hate you for it but they give you the "wtf" face.

I wish we could get the standards up to v4 or baltics at least, so the minimum wage is 800 euros. Then it would be close to the best place on earth

It's shit.
Propaganda still lives strong here among the lower paid scum, leeches and publicly employed

The only reason Yugoslavia was well off for a time is because it was heavily propped up by international loans.

>live in a system that actually funds art, literature, culture, etc.
It's so much better now when all that's funded is Soros propaganda and Catholic Turkey propaganda, isn't it.

Wow, just like every other well off country in the world, including America? Amazing insight.

To elaborate on working west part, my grandfather could've worked in New York city if he wanted to. And he came from a relatively insignificant part of Yugoslavia in comparison to other places.

I as a nostalgia and diaspora fag will never know what it was like living in Yugoslavia. It was probably better than it is now, but not without its problems. I bet old people miss it and there are probably groups of young people who hear all the stories. But there are also people who don't really give a shit either way like some of my cousins and uncles.


How can they miss something that never happened? They may miss the social order and opportunities that were avalible during the rule of Communist regimes, but they can't miss the communist economical formation, since it wasn't achieved to begin with.

It's not taboo in most social circles, some Yugonostalgia exists, but if you seriously called yourself a communist then people would just think that you're a silly man. The commies here are usually pensioneers who miss their youth and edgy teens. Some right-wingers would be triggered, though.

>le evil foreign powers broke us up apart meme

I don't know why anyone would have liked a dictator supressing their people and culture.
Kosovo has so many albanian muslims because of him.

>>le evil foreign powers broke us up apart meme
Do you have no understanding of geopolitics whatsoever, or are you twelve, or both?

>I don't know why anyone would have liked a dictator supressing their people and culture.
Tell me one significant cultural work in any of the ex-YU republics that was produced in glorious post-2001 capitalism.

that's because of rromani-ans, though


>Ceausescu repays all foreign debt of Romania through severe austerity measures to much butthurt from IMF/WB
>you brilliant people don't understand that Romania is now the only free country in the world
>proceed to literally kill the fuck out of him, and install his former party rivals who promptly take more IMF/WB loans that will never be repaid in full ever again dooming your country to eternal economic slavery and most of its people to a life worse than during the austerity decade

>puts on his second red star fedora

Do you think that there is a single piece of art from Yugoslavia that a Canadian would know about?

I don't mean just cultural works though.
Think about how there are just different ways of doing and being for people who live in different countries amongst different peoples.

>Do you think that there is a single piece of art from Yugoslavia that a Canadian would know about?
A ti mislis da bi srao o kosovskim Albancima da nije kanadski Srbin?

Alright, do you want to talk about all the dictators suppressing white European people and Western culture then, including yours?

What? You mean contemporary world leaders?
We're very federal, but that doesn't mean we have a dictatorship.

I have no idea what you're talking about. In communism, every single little village here had it's own community cultural center, where people could see theater shows, cinema projections, engage in local cultural activities (traditional dancing, singing, arts and crafts, everything that you would associate with traditional culture).

Practically all of them have either been shut down since and the few that are left are funded by the EU so now they turned into LGBTEU+ propaganda centers.

I mean people being arrested for telling jokes on the internet.
