Do Chinese people have souls?

Do Chinese people have souls?

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The have the pale skin of a dead corpse, or a ghost or a demon, what does this tell you?

Of course they do, they make yours too no? Go check the label



Other way around dude... China makes the cheap shit to sell but their country is a skin deep copy of the West

Ugh, you making me into a fedora. There is no objective evidence of a soul. The concept exists, but whether or not humans possess it is inconclusive.

They have a large communal soul to which they are all linked and which is stored in 中南海

No. Chinese are soulless robots, who can only replicate, never create. They are glorified androids.

Umm, people weigh less when they die. It is their sould leaving their body (vessel) and going to the after life.

why singapoorian have same maid as mainland chink?

Yeah, I am sure that some metaphysical spirit controlling our bodies is the perfect explanation for people weighing less after death in an extremely small and selectively reported sample.

You are your soul, your consciousness. Also stop being so cynical. It is an unattractive quality.

You've been watching too many movies.

My consciousness is the way my brain perceives its own chain of chemical reactions and will cease to exist when my brain stops functioning.

So what

And then your soul goes to heaven

It's robbed you of the ability to think critically and has made you accept a meme as truthful.


The soul weighs much much less, almost negligible in weight. It transcends human concepts which is why it's so hard for us to understand. 21 grams is laughable.

Your a shame of asia

Like I said, there is no objective evidence to support your claim, you posit that it weighs much much less then 21 grams. You made the claim, the onus of on you to prove it.

So this is my last response unless you can provide me with scientifically valid evidence that the concept of a soul exists in reality.

Unfortunately no evidence exists, or probably will exist until scientific instruments are more accurate. Just sharing my opinions the same as you are. :-/

I don't like USA but the country is 100 better than China.because CCP member's value is only money and power.then chinese are slave of them.
on the other hand,Americans have some moral
standards based on Christianity.

At what point in hominoid evolution did people acquire souls?

Yes, I have souls.

wh*Te people are like semi-schizophrenic nice guys with fake personalities who lost their culture and have to make up for it by faking empathy for others. yet they are the most entitled, conceited, exclusive and selfish fucks out there

Chinese have something called social harmony and wanting to maximize each others quality of life for the benefit of everyone. Total opposite of fake-acting wh*Tes

souls are a social construct

They're actually the darkest people in East Asia
>inb4 muh south - north chinese

Souls do not exist. Consciousness is a consequence of the brains chemical reactions.


>island chink squeals autistically

Your opinion based on a feeling where as mine is based on a fact.


Chinky chinky China man, fry some szechuan bean sauce as fast as you can waheyyyyyy

Y'all need to visit the Christian generals on Sup Forums

they eat dogs, so the answer is no